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Victoria's Secret Model's Full-Body Workout

Victoria's Secret Model's Full-Body Workout

Fashion Blog Hey ladies, We’ve been noticing a lot of outlined manicures lately and despite not initially digging the look, we decided to try it out anyway! Turns out, I kinda liked how it really made every nail “pop” and it actually got a ton of compliments too! Here’s the look we’re going for: What you’ll need: - taupe nail polish - black nail art pen - fast dry top coat - gold microbeads - a toothpick Start with a few coats of your base color. Then simply take your nail art pen and outline your entire nail bed. For the accent nail, we did a simple studding technique with microbeads. Top coat and you’re done!

40 sposobów na gorsze życie | Nowy Rok to okazja, aby przypomnieć sobie, co jest w życiu najważniejsze i stwierdzić, że wciąż nam tego brakuje. Stąd postanowienia noworoczne, o których zapominamy po 3 dniach, wpędzając się w jeszcze głębszą depresję. Przerwijmy ten zaklęty krąg! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Dobra, już wystarczy. Maciej Kaczyński, Patryk Bryliński

Fashion Blog Hey ladies, This week we’re hitting a couple of major fashion trends that we’ve been seeing this fall– the military trend and the abundance of crosses! We were inspired by these cute Lulu*s finds below that combined the two: So today we’re going to show you how to do your own army green cross nails! Here’s the look we’re going for: What you’ll need: - army green colour nail polish - fast dry top coat - gold microbeads - a toothpick Start with a few coats of your base colour. Now take your toothpick and dip the tip into your clear nail polish. Then simply touch the toothpick to the spot you want to stick it to on your nail. Continue picking up and touching each bead to your nail to form a cross pattern. Add a top coat to seal in the beads and wait for your nails to dry completely so that the beads don’t move around, and you’re all done!

55 Brilliant Louis C.K. Quotes That Will Make You Laugh And Think Louis C.K. is often compared to Woody Allen (whose new movie he’s even starring in), but to me, C.K. is this generation’s George Carlin, a savagely funny comedian who isn’t afraid to touch on real issues. Carlin was something of a people’s philosopher, who just happened to swear a lot, and C.K. has touched on issues ranging from politics, environmentalism, consumption, race, class, education and masturbation, one of his personal favorite subjects. He’s also just about the only male comedian I know who deals with sexual assault well. Here’s 55 of his greatest quotes, presented in no particular order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Your turn, internet. Want $15 credit toward your first ride with Uber?

Fashion Blog Hey ladies, We were on a quick trip to New York City last week for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week writing some articles for Chictopia and inspiration was all around us! We were able to attend over a dozen fashion shows and even though it’s not even Fall yet, we’re excited for the Spring trends that we see rolling out. One of my favourite prints ever is the elegant French classic, Toile de Jouy, and it was used generously in the Ruffian Spring/Summer 2013 collection! Here’s our inspiration: runway photos from What you’ll need: - white base coat - konad nail stamping kit: an image plate (m71), stamper and scraper - blue konad special polish - nail polish remover - quick dry top coat Start with a few coats of your base colour and don’t worry if the coverage isn’t the greatest, it mostly gets covered anyway. As quickly as you can, grab the rubber stamper tool and stamp down onto the design on the plate. Top coat and you’re done!

Apple’s Latest Ad Is Probably Going to Give You Chills Apple debuted a new 90-second ad for the iPad Air on Sunday. Much like previous iPad advertisements, the spot positions the tablet as a do-anything device that goes far beyond simply checking email and browsing the Internet. The new commercial, with its sweeping vistas, makes the case for the many ways in which iPads might help people create, from making movies to (presumably) calibrating wind turbines. Apple has a website detailing some of the feats shown in the spot. More surprising is actor Robin Williams’ narration, which seems to come entirely from a scene in the film Dead Poets Society. The narration is: We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.

Fashion Blog Hey ladies, This week we wanted to continue along with the theme of summer inspired nail looks. We’re loving the tropical trends we’re seeing in the LuLu*s shop, especially the fruit prints! The Prada and Stella McCartney runways were full of these Carmen Miranda inspired prints last year & we’re still seeing the impact now! Here’s the inspiration: The gorgeous reflected citrus prints from Stella McCartney’s Spring 2011 collection… & here’s what we’re going for: What you’ll need: - white for your base colour - some “citrus colours”, we used an orange, lemon and lime - a leaf green colour - a striper brush Start with a few coats of your base colour. Then take your orange colour and paint half circle shapes at the base of your nail. Do the same with some lemon yellow & some lime green. Layer the circles so that you have a bunch of fruits on each nail! Once you have a few fruits, add some leaves by using your striper brush dipped into your green polish.

KTR | Young Creatives Young Creatives to pomysł na największy w Polsce projekt dedykowanych inicjatyw dla młodych pracowników zajmujących się marketingiem i komunikacją oraz studentów. Jego głównym celem jest nagradzanie i promowanie najlepszych spośród najlepszych. To wyjątkowa idea stawiająca na rozwój i edukację, szeroką wymianę doświadczeń oraz prezentację młodych talentów w Polsce i na świecie. Co roku we wszystkich wydarzeniach organizowanych w ramach Young Creatives bierze udział ponad 1000 osób. Całoroczny program Young Creatives zawiera

Fashion Blog Hello! It’s Syl and Sam here again & we’re back with another #manicuremonday post for you to follow along with. We’re so excited to be participating in the LuLu*s Blog Stud Week & we’re kicking things off with this cute and edgy manicure. This look is easy to achieve but takes a bit of patience! Here’s the look we’re going for: What you’ll need: - A base colour - A top coat - “microbeads” (they can be purchased from eBay or Michaels Craft Store) - a toothpick Start with a couple coats of your base colour. Now you’re going to work on one nail at a time. Working very quickly, dip your toothpick in a tiny amount of nail polish and then touch the tip of your toothpick to a single microbead. The microbead should easily stick right to the end of your toothpick Take your microbead and stick it right down onto your wet topcoat. Continue placing beads one at a time in an alternating pattern onto your wet top coat! Then repeat all of the above steps, doing one nail at a time. And there you go!

5 Ways For You To Attract Great People In Your Life | By Paul Sanders 1. You have healthy boundaries. When you like yourself, you no longer have to say “yes” when you mean “no,” and don’t have to make false promises, either. This character makes people see you as trustworthy. When you preserve your self-respect and stand up for yourself, you keep more of your energy and value. 2. When you like yourself, you believe you have value to offer, so you naturally start to see abundance instead of scarcity. People can tell that you’re not one of those people who think they have to take value from others to have more. This instantly puts you out of the selfish category. Liking yourself indicates that you don’t have any neediness, and therefore, you only hang out with people because you genuinely appreciate them. 3. When you like yourself, you appreciate your uniqueness and have no problem with some people seeing things differently than you. When you appreciate your uniqueness, you tend to cultivate and grow it. 4. 5. Read The Full Content Here
