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Tweet Nest

Tweet Nest
Ever thought to yourself that you wish there was some way you could take a look back and see what you tweeted around this time last year? Or perhaps you remember that time you tweeted about that hilarious viral video, and now you can’t find it? By installing Tweet Nest on your own web server, now you can! Features include: Archive Use Tweet Nest to easily store, browse and search amongst your tweets to find exactly what you're looking for, and let others do the same. Backup Additionally, Tweet Nest serves as a backup of your precious tweets on your own server. Media Tweet Nest offers an easier way of viewing your tweets at a glance, as they include thumbnails of media like photos hosted on common providers, such as TwitPic. Customize! Looking for a demo? Installation Tweet Nest is programmed in PHP and requires a MySQL database to work. PHP 5.2 or higher with cURL enabled (or 5.1 with the PECL JSON module installed in addition) MySQL 5.0 or higher Download Tweet Nest Version 1.1 BETA Great!

Mature Vs. Immature Social Media Efforts I’ve been drafting vs. posts for quite some time on a variety of subjects. Today, I thought it would be fun to talk about brands who are mature in social vs. those who are immature. Brands mature in their social efforts are customer-centric and don’t feel a need to constantly hype their own products or services. They understand users will organically make that connection and have a more subtle and useful approach to accomplish it. Brands immature to social prattle on about their own product and are self-centered / brand centric. They don’t realize that by becoming a publisher and adding value to their category, their products and services will gain far more visibility than always (un-artfully) pushing them directly.

Useful Twitter Applications Twitter is everywhere. It's impossible to escape the ubiquitous 140 character microblog. Sure, some people have tried to move to Jaiku or Pownce, begging me to do the same, but until those two applications get as much functionality off their own site as Twitter has, I'm sticking with my Tweets. 3 Cool Twitter Visualization Tools The Twitter-verse is a complicated web of friends, followers, re-tweets and hashtags. It can be a headache to follow what’s really happening with your own tweets, let alone the whole Twitter eco-system. We took a look around the web for some interesting ways to visualize Twitter – in graphs, charts, or more abstract images. Here are three of the coolest Twitter visualization tools to give you a break from all that 140-character-sized text. Visualization number one is called the Twitter Friends Network Browser. It is a simple app, but it’s interactivity makes it ultra-fun to play with.

10 case studies that prove the ROI of social media The question of whether or not social media drives ROI still plagues many marketers and brands. The issue is not always as straightforward as it seems, as there are multiple ways to measure the benefits of social media and it isn't as simple as looking for a direct sales return at one end, with the social media imput at the other. Smart tracking and measuring is needed to fully capture the benefit of a social media campaign and while looking for direct ROI is one way to do it, there are other values to be measure from social media marketing. I've put together a list of case studies that prove the ROI of social media, both through direct monetary return, customer loyalty, repeat traffic and more. Viewing social media holistically to gain a better understanding of how it can work for you is more beneficial to any brand than looking for one single return.

The Definitive List of Twitter Tools Welcome to the Definitive List of Twitter Tools. I compiled this list while I wrote my Twitter Tools Book, and I continue to add to it as new tools are created. This is a living list, so if you are aware of any new Twitter Tools that are not yet on the list, or if you notice that some of the tools on this list are no longer live, leave a comment below and let me know!

News Headlines US News Page 1 of 11 | Next PageShow Entire Article The 100 Twitter Rules To Live By | July 14, 2011 | 03:58 PM EDT Late last night, I hit 100,000 followers on Twitter. In honor of the milestone, I'm taking a shot and imparting all I've learned in my 853 days using the platform. Twitter Series-What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Twitter This is the second in a series I am doing all about Twitter. You can read the first post here, where I discuss the need to change the way we teach about Twitter. Today, lets go back to the beginning and look at what we wish we had known... If you have read any of my leadership pieces before, you know I am big on reflection. As educators, looking back on our practice is one of the most important things we can do.

Google+: One Hell Of A Trojan Horse There’s no shortage of Google+ in the air these days. Overeager pundits and soothsayers are hoping to be among the most visible voices on the net saying which service or company it’s going to topple, why it’s going to fail or succeed, and why it should or shouldn’t be more like this or that. It all seems awfully premature, considering Google+ is just getting started, and I don’t mean in user numbers.

How To Turn Your Twitter Feed Into An Infographic Your Twitter stream is an endless flow of information, insight, and ideas. But you’ve gotta sleep sometime. If only there was some way to quickly understand what your Twitter friends are talking about, what you’re missing, and what’s happening in the world. 30 Useful Social Media Monitoring Tools If you work in online marketing or social media, you know how difficult it can be to try and be everywhere at once. Social media monitoring tools can be extremely useful to help brands, companies and individuals keep up with all relevant social media activity. Social Media Monitoring Tools not only helps you to check what people have to say about you or your company brand but they also help you analyze the ROI (return on investment), and the steps you need to take to improve your reputation and make your customers happy. In this article, I have compiled a large list of social media monitoring tools to help you reach your social media goals. Enjoy!

How to Build a Raspberry Pi Twitter Bot Advertisement Twitter is the world biggest repository of short messages from people with nothing to say – and now you too can contribute to that epic project with an automated Twitter bot, powered by your Raspberry Pi. I’m kidding, of course – some people actually tweet interesting things. I’m not one of them though – I use my mine for shameless product promotion in exchange for free stuff, competition entries, and auto-posting new episodes of our very own Technophilia Podcast. Whatever – my followers love me! Google+: The Complete Guide Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news.

To Monetize Social Media, Humanize It - Amy Jo Martin This post is part of the HBR Insight Center Marketing That Works. Hi, I’m Amy. A quick introduction is in order here because, while you don’t know me, you may know my work. I’ve spent the past three years building an online brand you may know called Shaquille O’Neal. It’s been an amazing voyage navigating the uncharted waters of social media with this Columbus-like pioneer of the medium.
