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Teaching Digital Citizenship In Elementary School

Teaching Digital Citizenship In Elementary School

What is a digital tattoo? | Burnaby Public Library In short, it is your digital identity. Just like a tattoo, your digital reputation is an expression of yourself. It is formed and added to by you and others over time. Your digital tattoo includes things like websites or blogs you’ve created, tweets, blog comments, your account or screen names and everything else you’ve left on the Internet from your online activities. Just like a real tattoo, a digital tattoo is easy to create but extremely difficult to remove. There is nothing wrong with having a digital tattoo – digital tattoos are not bad or dangerous, and positive posts can actually work to enhance your reputation. Want to learn more about yours? Search yourself. Why does it matter? Being on the Internet is like being in public – anyone and everyone are watching you, and you don’t know who they are. People also judge you by how you behave online, which can affect you later in life with things like employment (finding a job), college acceptance and your real life relationships.

Cyber Safety - InformED It's always good to be cautious while on the internet. There are people in the cyber world who want to do harm to you or your computer. These are some good tips to keep in mind while you are surfing: Be careful about what you put on the web. It's on there forever and can be used to trace back to you at any time. Keep track of who you interact with on the internet. Some people may not be who they seem to be. Know that privacy is just an illusion. Even personal information on social networks can be easily recovered by anyone. Don't open any links in emails or chat rooms that look suspicious or unfamiliar. Also, never open any strange files that your computer may have downloaded from an email or a website. The best way on the internet to keep in touch with friends, sharing pictures and memories, and meet new people is by using a social network. Some of the most popular social networks as of today are: It may be unnerving to hear this but you virtually have no privacy on a social network. You should:

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum – Know your web – Good to Know – Google At Google we believe in the power of education and the promise of technology to improve the lives of students and educators -- leading the way for a new generation of learning in the classroom and beyond. But no matter what subject you teach, it is important for your students to know how to think critically and evaluate online sources, understand how to protect themselves from online threats from bullies to scammers, and to think before they share and be good digital citizens. Google has partnered with child safety experts at iKeepSafe, and also worked with educators themselves to develop lessons that will work in the classroom, are appropriate for kids, and incorporate some of the best advice and tips that Google's security team has to offer. Class 1: Become an Online Sleuth In this class, students will identify guidelines for evaluating the credibility of content online. We are always looking to improve these classes.

Online Safety for Kids | Grades K - 5 Cyberbullying - - Sometimes referred to as online social cruelty or electronic bullying, can involve: Sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images or pretending to be someone else.Cyberbullying Prevention - Online bullying, called cyberbullying, happens when kids use the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.FBI Cyber Surf Islands - Travel to an island and learn how to stay safe online, including protecting your information, cell phone safety and more. (Flash required)FCC Kids Zone - Have fun with quizzes and games as you learn about the agency.

Classrooms Without Walls: Using Digital Media to Connect Inside and Outside of the Classroom EdSurge Newsletters Receive weekly emails on edtech products, companies, and events that matter. Start by taking a moment to reflect. Think about last year. But at the end of the day, there are always questions to ask yourself: What tool did I use to connect with my parents and students? To answer these questions, I often turn to the people who can help me evaluate how effectively I’ve been integrating edtech tools into the classroom: students, parents and fellow educators. Leveraging relationships with educators One of the most simple ways to begin to break down your classroom walls is to build a strong PLN, or Personal Learning Network. Twitter is one of the easiest and most common ways to develop a strong PLN. And don’t forget to contribute yourself--other educators want to learn your awesome practices, too! Leveraging relationships with students Our students need an authentic audiences, and the ability to connect with others too. Leveraging relationships with parents

Keeping Kids Safe Online If your child is surfing the web, you need to be paddling right alongside him — or at least observing carefully from the shore. While the internet offers goodies galore (educational materials, fun games, and connections with people all over the world), it can also pose risks to your child's physical safety and emotional well-being. Here's what is appealing — and what's dangerous — about several popular ways kids use the internet, along with suggested rules for keeping kids safe online. The bottom line: communicate with your child. Discuss what she's doing online and why. Safety Standards These basic rules apply to keeping kids safe online; visit for age-by-age tips. Limit usage. Kids' Favorites Use this overview to understand what kids love to do online — and what risks go along with the rewards. Communicating and social networking: Online communication consists primarily of email, instant messaging (IMs), chat rooms, and journals or web logs (blogs). What to do:

fishtreeblog.tumblr Welcome, Parents — You can help your child become a responsible, ethical digital citizen with healthy online relationships. To do that, you’ll use the same successful parenting skills that you’re already using at home. Resilient digital citizens recognize and seek out the 3Cs—appropriate contact, content, and conduct—in all digital settings (e.g., iPods,instant messaging, chat, computer games, game consoles, cell phones, text messaging, webcams) To help you teach your children to safely and ethically use their digital devices,iKeepSafe has created the following programs: Wise Tech Choices Be informed and guide young people to use technology in a way that enhances our relationships and improves our health, wellbeing, and productivity. Cyberbalance in a Digital Culture iKeepSafe’s most recent research,”Cyberbalance in a Digital Culture,” explores how cyberbalance impacts day-to-day life. Copyright and Creativity for Ethical Digital Citizens iKeepSafe BEaPRO™ Parent App: Faux Paw the Techno Cat Project PRO

Color Blind or Color Conscious? Feature How schools acknowledge racial and ethnic identities will affect all students’ educational experiences by BEVERLY DANIEL TATUM I've had many teachers say to me, "I’m not prejudiced. Many teachers aspire to be "color-blind" when interacting with their students. As the father quoted above observed, "If you’re going to teach them all the same, does that mean that you don’t recognize that they are black … that they have an experience that is rich and that you can use to enrich this classroom?" A color-blind approach often means that the educator has not considered the meaning of racial/ethnic identity to the child. However, when dealing especially with adolescents, identity questions are very important to keep in mind. Why are young people of color thinking about themselves in terms of race or ethnicity? Shaping of Self-Perception The concept of identity is a complex one, shaped by individual characteristics, family dynamics, historical factors and social and political contexts.

At Waldorf School in Silicon Valley, Technology Can Wait Of course, that figure may not be surprising, given that these are students from families that value education highly enough to seek out a selective private school, and usually have the means to pay for it. And it is difficult to separate the effects of the low-tech instructional methods from other factors. For example, parents of students at the Los Altos school say it attracts great teachers who go through extensive training in the Waldorf approach, creating a strong sense of mission that can be lacking in other schools. Absent clear evidence, the debate comes down to subjectivity, parental choice and a difference of opinion over a single world: engagement. Advocates for equipping schools with technology say computers can hold students’ attention and, in fact, that young people who have been weaned on electronic devices will not tune in without them. “Teaching is a human experience,” he said. “It’s supereasy. “You can look back and see how sloppy your handwriting was in first grade.

Facts About Cyber Bullying Frequency of Cyberbullying 81% of young peoplethink bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.53% of kids admit having said something mean or hurtful to another person online. More than 1 in 3 have done it more than once Over 95% of teenagers use social networking sites to communicate with peers. Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once. 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online. “Hyper-networking” teens (those who spend more than three hours per school day on online social networks) are 110% more likely to be a victim of cyberbullying, compared to those who don’t spend as much time on social networks. 1 in 10 adolescents or teens have had embarrassing or damaging pictures taken of themselves without their permission, often using cell phones. Cyber Bullying Facts: Cyberbullying Platform Cyber Bullying Facts : Demographics Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying.

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