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Alastair Parvin: Architecture for the people by the people

Alastair Parvin: Architecture for the people by the people

nodopfc Formation 2013 | Robins des Villes Formation 2013 | 8ème édition | du 18 au 21 mars 2013 à Lyon L’association Robins des Villes vous propose une nouvelle édition de la formation "dispositifs de concertation et projets urbains". Objectifs de la formation Du fait de son aspect interdisciplinaire, cette formation permet à chacun de découvrir le regard que portent d’autres catégories d’acteurs sur les projets urbains et les démarches de concertation. Comprendre les grands principes, règles et notions de la concertation. Découvrir des pratiques et échanger sur des expérimentations menées tant par les intervenants que par les autres participants Analyser un projet dans sa dimension politique et technique. Définir la démarche appropriée et les moyens de sa mise en oeuvre. Se confronter aux acteurs techniques et politiques dans le cadre d’un cas réel. Publics visés Responsables de projets urbains et d’espaces publics. Architectes et urbanistes, responsables DSU, MOUS… Informations pratiques Inscription Inscriptions closes.

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Open Source Ecology Enric Ruiz Geli Turncoats MakingSociety | Resources for Open Source Hardware Entrepreneurs Spain Lab | Spain Lab Photo by Roland Halbe© Photo by Luis Asín© SPAINLAB MANIFEST, by Anton García-Abril and Débora Mesa Molina. We work on a common ground but defending our own personal world is something we cannot avoid doing. We are individual, not individualistic; but know how to insert ourselves in a bigger collectivity. We innovate from tradition; our history and our culture is an always-fertile land, we do not ignore this. We are adventurers; we have solid roots but are ready to conquer unknown territories. We are not mere designers, we are builders; we like theory but express better through practice. We design the process to guarantee a successful result. We are proud of our work, we actually love it, and we feel responsible for every phase of it. We are prepared to confront big challenges; we understand Architecture is many times a risky business. We must innovate; our compromise as architects is to make things better. Welcome to SPAINLAB .

Apprenticeships frequently asked questions Would you like to know more about apprenticeships or do you have a specific apprenticeship question? We have put together 25 of the most frequently asked questions about apprenticeships, ranging from 'what is an apprenticeship' to 'what is the aprenticeship levy'? What is the ‘apprenticeship levy’? The Government has changed the way apprenticeships are funded in England, which includes the introduction of an employer levy. The levy is being paid by employers with an annual pay bill of £3million or more from April 2017. The levy is calculated at 0.5% of an employer’s annual wage bill over the £3million and will be taken monthly via PAYE. These levy payments are then translated in apprenticeship vouchers for employers to spend on apprenticeship training and include a 10% contribution from Government. Employers spend their vouchers through a digital apprenticeship service account. Why is the Levy being brought in? The Government has an ambition to see 3 million new apprenticeship starts by 2020.
