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A Collection of Social Network Stats for 2009 « Web Strategy by

A Collection of Social Network Stats for 2009 « Web Strategy by

Manage your Message: Top 40 ways to get noticed online (apart fr This is a great compilation of resources for increasing the profile of a person or organization online. I found this at the Taylor Herring PR blog . If your company is looking to raise awareness and grow its online audience, you'll find at least a few ideas to help you tell your stories. And having them all in one place will save you a lot of time and research. : Upload stories and articles on reddit to drive traffic to your site or blog. Submit items often so that you’ll gain a more loyal following and increase your presence on the site. : Digg has a huge following online because of its optimum usability. : Social bookmark your way to better business with sites like, which invite users to organize and publicize interesting items through tagging and networking. : You’ll open your online presence up to a whole new audience just by adding the StumbleUpon toolbar to your browser and “channel surf[ing] the Web. : According to Squidoo, “everyone’s an expert on something.

Technology | The drawbacks of new technology New technology has been a real boon to many third world nations How can we be sure new technologies won't have a negative impact, asks Bill Thompson Coming up with ideas for new digital products and services is hardly difficult in this world of rapid technological development and increasing access to computers and the network. Anyone with a vague grasp of the capabilities of internet-connected devices should be able to think of two or three innovations over an overpriced latte, in their nearest 'third space' coffee shop. Having ideas may be easy, but deciding which to pursue and turning them into reality is difficult work with a low likelihood of success. There's a lot of support for entrepreneurs in business, and the recent announcement that 35 UK companies will be going to the South by South-West interactive conference in Austin, Texas as part of government-sponsored 'Digital Mission' is a good demonstration of how to help growing companies. Digital divide Project update Unexpected results

Social Networks Site Usage: Visitors, Members, Page Views, and E Seeking stats for 2009? They are being compiled on this updated post. Stats on social networks are important, but I’m going to need your help in creating a community archive, can you submit stats as you find them? I’m often asked, “What are the usage numbers for X social network” and I’ve received considerable traffic on my very old post (way back in Jan) of MySpace and Facebook stats, even months later. Decision makers, press, media, and users are hungry for numbers, so I’ll start to aggregate them as I see them An industry analysts’ perspective on web measurement: To be clear, my employer Forrester doesn’t provide specific numbers about social networks like Compete, Comscore, Nielsen or others, we conduct our own surveys on user/brand behavior, opinions, and technographics, so I’m often asked for these numbers by press. Social Networks Site Usage: Visitors, Members, Page Views, and Engagement by the Numbers in 2008 All Social Networks AdultFriendFinder Bebo BlogHer Digg Facebook Gather Hi5

Google Enters the Twitter Game : Google + Twitter = Twoogling? Google is now on Twitter. As insane as it may seem, it has taken Google years to start using their Google account, which is located at Google + Twitter = Twoogling? Their first post, a Twoogle if you will, was a binary message (way to geek it up Google) : “I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010” Roughly translated to : I’m F E E L I N G L U C K Y Ladies and gentlemen, this is a sign. “So why did Google really buy YouTube? Battelle argues that Twitters main asset may not be its userbase or its buzz, but its “Real time. So, does Google opening up it’s Twitter account with binary riddles spell the ultimate acquisition of Twitter by Google. Now, Google has a blog for everything. One problem with blogging however. GMail Outage Uproar More Popular Than Obama It took Google 13 hours to address the largest global outage of their flagship business service on their blog.

Marketers’ Top Social Media: Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook The study, which set out to understand how and why marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses, found that Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn and Facebook – in that order – are the top four social media tools used by marketers. The research also included an analysis of nearly 700 open-ended responses, which revealed the top-three questions marketers are asking about social media: What are the best tactics to use? How to do I measure the effectiveness of social media? Results of the study are summarized below. Growing Use of and Interest in Social Media The survey began by gauging the depth and breadth of respondents’ use of social media to market their businesses. When asked to rate their experience level with using social media marketing for their businesses, 72% of marketers say they have either just started or have been using social media for only a few months. Significant Time Commitment to Social Media Marketing Specific findings regarding time commitment:

The 7 Ways to Approach Twitter Lon S. Cohen is a writer and Director of Communications at @ALSofGNY. He is @obilon on Twitter. There are plenty of strategies for approaching Twitter. It’s getting more complex each day, but in the end it can be boiled down to a few simple approaches. From Twittering on behalf of yourself to Twittering for a company, playing the part of a classic character to being a robot, here are seven ways users approach Twitter. Introduce yourself and tell us about your Twitter approach in the comments. 1. You are on Twitter for the community, the knowledge you get and give, and the sharing of resources - whether it’s for professional or purely personal reasons. I can go on all day providing examples of people who Twitter for their own enjoyment or just business networking but not specifically to promote anything or anyone in particular. @john_hunter - He’s a writer from England who frequently just tweets what’s on his mind. @amykchulik - The best friendships on Twitter came from out of the blue. 2.

Politics | Warning over new US travel rules The Foreign Office is warning that thousands of tourists could be turned away at US airports and ports, as a new online entry system comes into effect. From 12 January, visitors from countries which do not need visas will need to fill in an electronic form at least 72 hours before they travel. Those who have not registered risk being detained and sent back home. The Foreign Office fears some people do not know about it and critics say it might put people off visiting the US. The new online registration scheme replaces the green I-94 forms that people on short term visits to the US had to fill in on the flight and hand to customs on arrival. Security approval America welcomes nearly 60 million tourists a year and about 50 million of those travel without the formality of a visa. Britain is one of the countries that signed up to the visa waiver programme, but from Monday, new rules apply. Once an application is approved, it will be valid for all visits to the US for a two-year period. No charge

Consumo de mídia está mais disperso Pesquisa da consultoria Deloitte indica que comerciais de TV ainda são os mais impactantes, mas o computador ganha espaço no dia-a-dia dos brasileiros A TV ainda é o principal veículo de comunicação publicitária no Brasil, mas o nível de dispersão do consumidor é alto. Esta é uma das conclusões a que se pode chegar ao analisar a pesquisa O Futuro da Mídia, realizada pela primeira vez no País pela consultoria Deloitte. Foram entrevistadas 1.022 pessoas, entre 14 e 75 anos, divididas segundo a seguinte classificação: Geração Y (de 14 a 25 anos); Geração X (26 a 42); Geração Boomers (43 a 61); e Geração Matures (62 a 75). "A tendência, inclusive da TV, é ir cada vez mais para a internet", afirma Marco Brandão, sócio da Deloitte na área de tecnologia, mídia e telecom. De acordo com o levantamento, os consumidores gastam, atualmente, 82 horas por semana utilizando diversos tipos de mídia e entretenimento tecnológico, como videogame.

More Adults Than Ever on Social Networks - ReadWriteWeb The share of adult internet users who are involved in social networking online has more than quadrupled in the past four years in the U.S. In 2005, only 8% of adults had a social network profile. As of December 2008, that number was 35%. What motivates those in older generations to go online? More Adults Than Ever A majority of teens, percentage wise, join social networks, but it's the adults that still make up the bulk of these web sites. It's Not About Professional Networking After All You may think that many adults have joined the online trend mainly to network professionally with others in their field. Surprisingly, those on social networks for professional purposes are not as common as you may have thought. More Tidbits: Demographics Some other findings confirm what we've heard before about social networks: MySpace users are more likely to be women, Hispanic, black, and have a high school education or some college experience. What It All Means

Marketers Moving to Social Media It took a while. Even though tens of millions of users were flocking to social media sites every day, most marketers stayed away. They either didn’t understand how to join the conversations—without sounding like shills—or they were frightened away by the prospect of associating their brands with questionable content. But things are changing. Companies are learning how to leverage social media and tap into the rising tide of consumers participating in social network sites, blogs, wikis and Twitter. According to the “The ROI on Social Media Marketing” report from the Aberdeen Group, sponsored by Visible Technologies, marketers have developed the tools and methodologies to drive marketing ROI by listening to and learning from customers and prospects. The money is following the methods. Aberdeen found that 63% of the companies in their survey (defined as best-in-class) planned to increase their social media marketing budgets this year.

Artylizer. Share art . | Art, design, architecture, fashion, tec Peter Mandelson exerts party discipline in cyberspace • The Regi The Labour Party has let loose a virtual Peter Mandelson at the same time as the real Mandelson has kicked off the party's new online talking shop. The Daily Mail has warned its readers that the digiMandy will be stalking Second Life, campaigning against the Tories and dripping poison into the ears of virtual hacks writing for virtual middle England. Or perhaps, they're simply confusing Second Life and, the much-trailed site that is being captained by longtime Labour spinner-slash-psychotherapist-slash-media-darling Derek Draper. Mandelson, in the flagship blog entry on the site, reassures readers that he is doing all he can to mitigate the effects of the economic downturn, with some help from two blokes called Gordon and Alistair. “I am glad to be a part of that,” he purrs, “even if it is with my tongue in my virtual cheek.” Tongue still in cheek, he points out that “I have blogged before... and I enjoyed it.”

Micro Persuasion: Social Networking Demographics: Boomers Jump I The Clip Report: An eBook on the Future of Media In the early 1990s when I began my career in PR there were clip reports. These were physical books that contained press clips. It seems downright archaic now but that’s how I learned about the press - by cutting, pasting up and photocopying clippings. Today my role is to form insights into how the entire overlapped media landscape - the pros, social channels, and corporate content - is rapidly evolving and to help Edelman clients turn these learnings into actionable strategies. Today I am re-launching my Tumblr site with a new name, a new focus and a new format. It all kicks off today with a 15-page installment of The Clip Report.
