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Study Tools

Location map How to Grow with God - Online Bible Study Tools Editor's Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Tri Robinson's new book, Rooted in Good Soil: Cultivating and Sustaining Authentic Discipleship, (Baker Books, 2010). Jesus told a parable about a farmer who sowed plant seeds in the ground, and the story represented how people can grow spiritually. Some seed was picked away (like people picked off by evil lies), some seed didn't take root because it was planted in poor quality soil (like people who allow life's cares and troubles to distract them from making it their top priority to pursue God), and some seed couldn't grow because it got choked out by weeds (like people who allow the world's values to choke out biblical values in their lives). Only the seed that fell on good soil grew to maturity - capable of bearing a harvest that could reproduce itself, like spiritually mature Christians who can lead others to relationships with Jesus. Let yourself be cultivated and broken. Don't avoid the compost of your life.

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