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Emaze - Online Presentation Software – Create Amazing Presentations

Emaze - Online Presentation Software – Create Amazing Presentations
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PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative The 10 best classroom tools for gathering feedback Getting feedback from your students can serve multiple purposes: it can help you understand your students’ comprehension of the material, it can give you insight into what teaching methods work or don’t work, and it can help engage students in their learning process by knowing they have a voice that is heard. Not only can feedback offer insight for both teachers and students, it can be an integral part of group work and classroom time, given the plethora of connected devices in the hands of our students these days. That said, there are a lot of classroom tools available for gathering feedback. Twitter Sometimes, a particular tool ends up being awesome for a slightly different purpose than it was originally designed for. Socrative Socrative is one of the most well known (and widely used) student response systems, and for good reason. Verso Plickers Plickers is a great option if you don’t have a classroom full of devices. Doodle Polldaddy Poll Everywhere Google Forms Infuse Learning Kahoot

11 outils pour vos diaporamas multimédias Du simple portfolio d’images à la super-curation multimédia, les besoins en diaporamas des journalistes ne cessent d’augmenter. En cause : la nécessité de faire tenir en peu d’espace le maximum d’information et de donner au lecteur la possibilité d’accéder aux contenus qu’il désire en laissant de côté ceux qui ne l’intéressent pas. ↑1 » Pour insérer de multiples contenus du web : Projeqt : Cet outil ressemble fortement à Storify (voir ci-dessous), à la différence près qu’il a été originellement pensé pour les diaporamas. Le principe est simple : on crée un certain nombre de slides, qui vont de positionner les unes après les autres (avec possibilité de changer l’ordre a posteriori). On peut y intégrer des titres, du texte, des images, mais surtout un grand nombre de services en ligne, de la vidéo Youtube à la Google Map, en passant par le document PDF : Il est également possible de choisir sa palette de couleurs, ses polices, son logo et son arrière-plan. Storify : : Prezi : Storywheel :

Create Killer Presentations with Explain Everything Explain Everything is a whiteboard and screencasting app that makes creating interactive lessons a simple proposition. Its full-featured editing options and its import/export functions allow it to stand apart from the other competitors I tested. Read on to find out why the Explain Everything app’s educational focus, adaptability, and user engagement make it the best its kind. Explain Everything Review Background: According to MorrisCooke, the force behind Explain Everything, the app is a “unique interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool used by over 1.5 million students and educators.” The app is recommended for grades 7-12, but teachers of lower grades may still benefit from the app by using it to liven up lessons. Methodology: I began the evaluation process by downloading several popular interactive whiteboard tools for tablets, including Explain Everything V. 2.55. Pros: Integrate content from myriad sources and incorporate social media for easy sharing. Scores How Do You Use It?

6422 Free PowerPoint templates - High Quality b 58,086 Free PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds Over time we have built up a collection of 58,086 free PowerPoint templates, themes and PowerPoint Backgrounds. You can download these professional designs for free. You can browse all of our PowerPoint templates or select them by category or colour or by tag. We also have a range of PowerPoint Backgrounds. Coloured Card Cartoon Pop Art Template Subtle waves business template Pencils Business Card Our best templates Free PowerPoint Backgrounds Corporate Powerpoint template Editable Newspapers Rainbow PowerPoint Template Film Strip with Countdown Latest Templates Paw prints template Football pitch template Cupcake PowerPoint Template Cow PowerPoint Template Sea View PowerPoint Template Click to view all of our latest templates >> Free PowerPoint Theme collections Presentation TemplatesBusiness Templates Design templates Keynote themes PowerPoint Presentation Even More Themestransport themes Seasonal templates Templates by Tag Clip art and sound clips

Storehouse - Visual Storytelling The "Attention Method" for Effective PowerPoint Presentations - Ted This is a method of constructing effective PowerPoint presentations in a way that helps your audience pay attention to you and understand your ideas more fully. With Attention Method, the slides are designed to add power, emphasis, and deeper understanding to your well-scripted speech. You flip slides often so that, at any given time, your slides always support only what you’re saying and contain no distracting information. Instead of one slide with several bullets, each slide should contain one idea expressed in vibrant images and minimalistic text. I developed this method while working at City Arts and Technology high school in San Francisco in 2008 and have continued to develop it over the years since. You can see an example of an Attention Method presentation here: Assessing with Outcomes from Samuel Merritt U Academic Tech on Vimeo. Before we talk about how to do it, let’s talk about the characteristics of a bad presentation. Too Many Words, Not Enough (Mental) Images Write a Script

9 Digital Learning Tools Every 21st Century Teacher Should Be Able To Use The 21st century is a time of rapid change, and while the brain may not be changing (much), the tools we use to feed it are. This puts the 21st century teacher in a critical spot–of mastering constantly evolving technology and digital learning tools–the same tools their students use every day. So below, we’ve started with 9 such tools, but this is obviously just scratching the surface. This list is not meant to be exhaustive (obviously), or even authoritative (but rather, subjective). This is the 21st century, after all. And incidentally, it pairs nicely with a related post, 36 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Be Able To Do. Let us know what we missed on twitter or facebook. 1. While Google Reader is going the way of the dodo, social readers like Pulse and Flipboard continue to surge in popularity because they’re attractive, accessible across devices, and make it easy to skim large amounts of information at once. Why Every 21st Century Teacher Should Be Able To Use It 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.

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