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13 Medicinal Plants Worth Planting

13 Medicinal Plants Worth Planting
Aloe Vera The aloe vera grows only under the sun with well drained dry or moist soil. Although the plant tastes like turd, it’s still edible. The sap from aloe vera is extremely useful to speed up the healing and reducing the risk of infections for : woundscutsburnseczemareducing inflammation Apart from its external use on the skin, aloe vera is also taken internally in the treatment of : ulcerative colitis (drinking aloe vera juice)chronic constipationpoor appetitedigestive problemsMarsh Mallow The plant of which marshmallows are made of. inflammations and irritations of the urinary and respiratory mucus membranescounter excess stomach acidpeptic ulcerationgastritis Externally, the root is applied to : bruisessprainsaching musclesinsect bitesskin inflammationssplinters The leaves are very edible, unlike the aloe vera. Great Burdock It requires moist soil and can grow shadeless. boilsrashesburnsbruisesherpeseczemaacneimpetigoringwormbites Pot Marigold Gotu Kola Globe Artichoke ulcersboilsabscesses Related:  Edible Garden - Flowers and Herbs

Les pieds dans l’eau utre plante qui vit les pieds dans l’eau, mais plus discrète : l’ache-faux-cresson (apium nodiflorum). Elle doit son nom à deux points communs qu’elle a avec le cresson (nasturtium officinale). Le premier, c’est la forme de ses feuilles. Sans être 100% identiques, il y a tout de même une forte similitude. Le second, c’est le milieu dans lequel elle pousse : les eaux peu profondes. Pourtant, cette proche cousine du céleri (apium graveolens) n’a rien à voir avec le cresson. Ache faux cresson (apium nodiflorum) avec une ombelle très caractéristique.Photo prise en juin dernier Car l’ache-faux-cresson est une ombellifère (apiacée). Comme avec le cresson, il vaut mieux éviter de la consommer crue afin d’éviter une contamination à la douve du foie, pouvant provoquer des troubles très graves. Soupe des bords du ruisseau Ingrédients (pour 4) : Préparation :

How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day You Begin (INFOGRAPHIC) The Eastern practice of yoga has become a modern-day symbol of peace, serenity and well-being in the West. More than 20 million Americans practice yoga, according to the 2012 Yoga in America study, with practitioners spending more than $10 billion a year on yoga-related products and classes. The mind-body practice is frequently touted for its ability to reduce stress and boost well-being, but it also offers wide-ranging physical health benefits that rival other forms of exercise. While the scientific research on yoga's health benefits is still young, here's what we know so far about its potential effects on the body. View the infographic below and scroll down for more detailed information. Infographic by Jan Diehm for The Huffington Post Copy the code below to embed this infographic on your site: After Class. Improved Brain Function. Lower Stress Levels. Alter Gene Expression. Increased Flexibility. After A Few Months. Lower Blood Pressure. Improved Lung Capacity. Anxiety Relief.

Granny Woman Ozark Herbs 18 Powerful Spices Scientifically Proven To Prevent and Treat Cancer 1. ALLSPICE The term “allspice” was coined in the 1600s by the English, who thought the herb combined the flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Allspice is also referred to as “Jamaica pepper,” “kurundu,” “myrtle pepper,” “pimenta,” and “newspice.” Ground allspice is not a mixture of spices as some still believe, but arises from the dried unripe berries of the tree Pimenta dioica. Allspice possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, anticancer, and antitumorigenic properties (Rompelberg et al. 1996; Al-Rehaily et al. 2002; Kluth et al. 2007). The anticancer properties of allspice may be in part due to its ability to influence cytochrome P450 (CYP) activity and thereby influence carcinogen bioactivation. 2. There is evidence that basil can decrease induced carcinogenesis. The anticancer properties of basil may also relate to its ability to influence viral infections. 3. 4. 5. The report appears in the March 15 2006 issue of Cancer Research. 6. 7.

Edible Flowers Chart Edible Flowers This chart is a collaborative research project by Amy Barclay de Tolly and Home Cooking Guide Peggy Trowbridge. The links will take you to full color photos of the specific flowers to help with identification, but please don't depend solely on these photos. Be sure you know exactly what you choose to consume. • Poisonous Plants and Flowers Chart • Edible Flowers Information and Recipes • Herb Information • Spice Information • A to Z Recipes and Food Disclaimer: The author and Home Cooking Guide have thoroughly researched all the aforementioned edible flowers. • Edible Flowers Chart • Edible Flowers Information and Recipes • Herb Information • Spice Information • A to Z Recipes and Food More Herb RecipesReturn to Recipe Index A to Z Recipes and Food | Articles by Topic

Pineapple Sheet Cake The wonderful folks at Gooseberry Patch once again asked me to review their newest cookbook called Rush-Hour Recipes and it is great! There are more than 230 recipes that can be made in very little time. I know so many people are busy these days so this is the perfect cookbook to help you out! I decided to make the Pineapple Sheet Cake and it turned out delicious! Ingredients are as follows: 2 C flour 2 C sugar 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. vanilla 2 eggs, beaten 20 ounce can crushed pineapple (do not drain) Optional: chopped pecans Cream Cheese Frosting: 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1/2 C margarine (I used butter), softened 1 C powdered sugar Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread batter into prepared pan. Bake 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Spread on the cake (I then put mine in the fridge to get it nice and cold). Slice, serve, and enjoy! To go along with this wonderful cookbook I've included a 3 quart mixing bowl, a spatula, a whisk, and a set of cute hot pads!

Edible Flowers, How to choose Edible Flowers, Eatable Flowers, Edible Flower Chart, List of Edible Flowers, Incredible Edible Flowers Edible flowers are the new rage in haute cuisine Photo of edible flowers picked in Linda's garden in July (lavender, thyme, dill, cilantro, day lily, squash blossom, Nasturtiums, chives, and basil). After falling out of favor for many years, cooking and garnishing with flowers is back in vogue once again. Flower cookery has been traced back to Roman times, and to the Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Indian cultures. Today, many restaurant chefs and innovative home cooks garnish their entrees with flower blossoms for a touch of elegance. One very important thing that you need to remember is that not every flower is edible. In fact, sampling some flowers can make you very, very sick. You also should NEVER use pesticides or other chemicals on any part of any plant that produces blossoms you plan to eat. Never harvest flowers growing by the roadside. Identify the flower exactly and eat only edible flowers and edible parts of those flowers. How To Choose Edible Flowers - Edible Flower Chart:

Polvorones de Canele - Happy Cinco de Mayo! Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! I had plans to make a unique dessert to celebrate, however after having four sick kids at home this week, my plans had to change. I needed to make something that didn't require a lot of time and this recipe definitely doesn't. These cookies taste like shortbread and snicker doodles rolled into one! They melt in your mouth and taste delicious. I look forward to making these a lot more! Ingredients are as follows: 1/2 C powdered sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 C butter (no substitutes), softened 1 tsp. vanilla 3/4 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. salt 1 1/2 C flour 1 Tbsp. granulated sugar Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together the powdered sugar and cinnamon; set aside. Cream together the butter, powdered sugar and vanilla. Add the cinnamon, salt and flour. Take a spoonful of dough and roll it into a ball. Roll into the powdered sugar/cinnamon mixture. Place onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 16-18 minutes; until golden brown around the edges. Take a bite and enjoy!

Harvesting and Drying Calendula Mrs. Homegrown here: Okay, so in a previous post I talked about growing Calendula. This post I’m going to talk about harvesting and drying it. When to harvest: Start harvesting your Calendula as soon as the first flush of flowers is in full bloom. The ideal time to harvest is in the morning, before it gets warm, but after the dew dries. A side note regarding seeds: If you don’t harvest the heads, they die back on their own, and then they’ll go to seed fast. What parts to harvest: I harvest the flower heads only, though I understand that the foliage has much the same properties as the flowers. To harvest, I either pinch off the heads or cut off the heads with scissors. How to dry: Bring the flower heads indoors, into an area out of direct sunlight. Spread the heads out face down on a dishtowel or a sheet or newspaper or for fancy, an old window screen stretched between two chairs. Of course, if you have a dehydrator you could use one of those. When are they dry enough? Yes. Storage:

No-Yeast Vanilla Cinnamon Sticky Rolls (in about an hour!) Our family loves cinnamon rolls and sticky buns, but sometimes I don't have the time to wait for the dough to rise. That's where this recipe comes to the rescue! I combined my cinnamon roll recipe and sticky bun recipe together to make these delicious rolls. They require no yeast so you don't have to wait about an hour, you can have delicious, gooey, sticky cinnamon rolls. Ingredients are as follows: dough: 2 1/4 C flour 1 (3.5 oz.) pkg. instant vanilla pudding 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 C milk 1 tsp. vinegar (or lemon juice) 3 Tbsp. butter, melted filling: butter, softened sugar cinnamon topping: 5 Tbsp. butter, melted 1 (3.5 oz.) pkg. cook-n-serve butterscotch pudding frosting: 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1/4 C butter, softened 2 tsp. vanilla 2 C powdered sugar Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees; spray an 8 x 8" pan with non-stick cooking spray. Mix together the milk and vinegar; set aside to curdle. Roll the dough out to about 13" x 15". Pour 5 Tbsp.

How to make a Calendula oil infusion So finally I get around to finishing off this mini series on Calendula (pot marigold). This post will be on infusing oil, and next week we’ll have the one on salves. We’ve already covered the growing and drying Calendula: Oil infusion is as simple as can be. The resulting oil is medicinal. But lets step backwards a bit and talk about materials. Materials Your herb–Calendula or anything else– should be dry when you start this. Now, to be sure, I know folks who infuse fresh herbs in oil, and they’re not all dropping dead. Regarding Calendula specifically, you can soak either the petals alone, or the whole flower heads. Your oil doesn’t have to be super high grade. It doesn’t have to be olive oil, either, but it should be something good for the skin, like jojoba oil or grapeseed oil. The Soaking All you have to do is fill a very clean jar with a good lid about half way full of dried herb, then top it off with oil. This not an exact science, so don’t get worked up about exact quantities. Harvest

Caramel Apple Bread Pudding The other day a friend asked if I had any recipes for bread pudding; I didn't and I was surprised that I hadn't made this before. I'm not fond of soggy desserts so I'm sure this was part of the reason. I decided I would give it a try, but I wanted to make one that uses simple ingredients that we all have on hand and it couldn't turn out soggy! Ingredients are as follows: 10 slices of bread (I used sandwich bread) 1 1/2 C half-n-half 1/2 C brown sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 2 small apples, peeled and diced cinnamon sugar caramel: 1/4 C butter 1 Tbsp. syrup (I used pancake syrup) 1/8 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. baking soda Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees; grease a 9 x 9 inch baking dish. Whisk together half-n-half, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla and nutmeg; set aside. Break up 10 slices of bread into small pieces. Pour liquid over the bread and mix until combined; set aside. Mix the diced apples with a little bit of cinnamon and sugar.
