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Folyo - Helping startups find great designers

Folyo - Helping startups find great designers

Mobile UI Design Patterns: 10+ Sites for Inspiration By Jacob Gube User interface design patterns are solutions to common design challenges, such as navigating around an app, listing data or providing feedback to users. Mobile apps and sites have unique UI design requirements because, compared to their desktop counterparts, they’re used in smaller screens and, at least with today’s modern mobile devices, rely on fingers instead of a keyboard and mouse as input mechanisms. Whether you’re designing a mobile app UI for the first time or in need of specific design solutions, these mobile UI design pattern resources will surely help! 1. Mobile UI Patterns is a great site to visit to see common mobile UI design patterns such as activity feeds and notifications. 2. Inspired UI is an excellent mobile UI design pattern gallery with over 1,000 screenshots of real mobile apps. 3. lovely ui 4. This design pattern gallery is a supplement to UX designer Theresa Neil’s mobile design pattern book published by O’Reilly Media. 5. pttrns 6. 8. 9. android pttrns

RoloTrip: Travel through your Friends Onswipe Picfull - Free One Click Photo Editing 9 Essential Resources for User Interface Designers The Web Design Usability Series is supported by, an easy way to instantly share your screen with anyone. lets you collaborate on-the-fly, put your heads together super-fast and even just show off. Designing a great user interface can be a challenge, even for the most seasoned designer. Countless factors need to be taken into consideration and the difference between a good UI and a great one often boils down to paying close attention to the smallest details. SEE ALSO: 7 Best Practices for Improving Your Website’s Usability When undertaking such an important and often complex task, it’s helpful to have some handy resources for both education and inspiration. Design Inspiration Let’s start off by taking a look at three great galleries for UI design inspiration. 1. MephoBox is a design showcase that catalogs sites with beautiful interfaces and also collections of common site elements, such as login forms, headers, pagination, and so on. 2. 3. Reading up on UI Design 4. 5. 6. 7.

Paris en Silicon Valley??? Mais, Paris est en France... 1ere partie du billet, courtesy: Techcrunch France "Nous connaissons la Silicon Valley qui est reconnue comme un endroit unique qui réunit la créativité, le talent et un environnement propice à la création de valeur et d’entreprises ! Oubliez la Silicon Valley et voici Paris 2014 ! Oui, vous avez bien entendu, la mairie de Paris a décidé de suivre la trace de sa grande soeur en créant de nouveaux incubateurs et pépinières pour accueillir de jeunes entreprises innovantes. D’ici 2014, 100 000m2 d’incubateurs et de pépinières supplémentaires seront dédiés à l’accueil de Jeunes Entreprises Innovantes Dans un entretien avec une journaliste de Challenges, Jean-Louis Missika, adjoint au Maire de Paris chargé de l’innovation, de la recherche et des universités dit :”Paris s’investit à fond pour les entrepreneurs ! courtesy: Techcrunch France" Mes remarques: Par contre, à quand le changement du droit social et un statut "light" pour l'emploi dans les startups françaises. L'immobilier c'est bien.

This is Pacifica The OFFF has transcended its own kind of festival to become synonymous of modernity, aesthetics and technology. The mission of OFFF is spreading the work of a generation of avant-garde designers who dictate new boundaries. Artists that mixes the arena of commercial art and design, from music to illustration, ink or chalk to the pixel. Artists that have grown with the web and receive inspiration from digital tools, even when their work is not exclusively that. The Project OFFF invited us to create, develop and implement the OFFF Daily News. The challenge would be create, browse and embed a content about the each day preceding, in a genre almost real time, where the pressure and the timing would have to be friends of the moment. The Concept For the Daily News we create a singular and unique project. Printing We established a collaboration with typographer Hugo d'Alte (Underware, Xbold) for the use of three printers with different characteristics: Kaas, Kiosk, Rolland.

30 Beautiful Landing Pages Optimized for Converting Visitors into Users Landing pages are web pages that primarily serve to convince site visitors to take an action (such as signing up for an account, buying a product, etc.) For inspiration, have a look at these 30 beautiful and well-designed landing pages. The landing pages featured in this showcase provide potential users with compelling information and calls-to-action about the featured product or service. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Resources on Optimizing Landing Pages If you’re looking to improve the performance of your landing pages in terms of converting your site visitors into users, check out the articles listed below:

Startup Café - Outils 42 goals 42goals est un outil simple pour suivre des objectifs quotidiens et registre des activités quotidiennes. Il vous aide à définir vos objectifs, enregistrer vos progrès quotidiens et visualiser vos réalisations. L' utilisation de 42goals vous aide à arrêter de fumer, compter le nombre de tasses de café que vous consommez, enregistrer les dépenses quotidiennes. Plus Adobe BrowserLab Adobe BrowserLab est un service en ligne qui permet de vosu assurer que votre contenu Web s'affiche comme prévu. Plus Appbooster AppBooster SDK pour iOS et Android est suite d'outils dédiée aux applications iOS et Android pour booster la retention et l'engagement des utilisateurs au sein d'une application mobile. Plus ApéroEntrepreneurs Les ApéroEntrepreneurs, c'est tous les premiers jeudis du mois l'occasion de se retrouver entre entrepreneurs, dans un cadre informel, sympa et plutôt central, dans tout un tas de villes de France et d'ailleurs. Plus Asana Plus Avdice Plus Aviary Plus Backbone.js Plus Blueprint Plus Plus

21 Beautiful Examples of Big Images in Web Design Big images can certainly create a big impact in a design, and I believe this is why more and more websites are starting to use big images to deliver nice and beautiful visuals to their viewers. Something that is good about this trend is that designers are using images combined with clean and minimal designs, layouts where images take the center stage and everything else complements it. It’s also important that when using huge images, designers optimize them the best they can to deliver a good user experience, which is great. Today we gathered some beautiful examples of websites using big images and you will see that from full screen photos to header images and more, there are several ways to incorporate images in your website. Theme Trust Seed Spot Karma Geckoboard Kyle Thacker Tiny Factory Do Kin Data Driven London Sawyer Maker Lab evoluted Cedric Marteau Escape Flight Pi’s Epic Journey Rosebud 84.Paris Soft Facade Eva Black Design Jardan kvadrat The Prince Ink About the Author Related Posts 370 shares

