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The Designers Accord

The Designers Accord

Appels à projets Une action de sensibilisation et d’accompagnement au design a été mise en place par le Lieu du Design, le Ministère du Redressement Productif et la DGCIS. Journée Design à destination des entreprises du secteur santé - médical 7 Novembre 2013 de 9h à 17h au Lieu du Design 74, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine – 75012 Paris Action Design et Santé Votre entreprise exerce une activité dans le domaine de la santé ou e-santé, du médical, de l’allongement de la vie ou maintien à domicile, du handicap, de l’instrumentation ou des dispositifs médicaux. Vous avez des projets relevant du design ? Vous souhaitez simplement vous informer et découvrir ce que le design peut vous apporter ? Cette action de sensibilisation et d’accompagnement au design se déclinera en deux phases : Phase 1: atelier de sensibilisation au design – 7 novembre 2013 Les sujets abordés lors de cette journée seront les suivants : quels sont les enjeux du design dans le secteur santé – médical ? Programme détaillé en bas de page.

latest activity | designbymany Create Berlin - Home In einer fünfwöchigen Ausstellung im Volkswagen Automobil Forum Berlin zeigte CREATE BERLIN mit 26 teilnehmenden Studios zeitgenössisches Berliner Design in all seinen Facetten. Mehr als 18.000 Besucher kamen, um die Ausstellungsstücke zu bestaunen! Seit vielen Jahren zieht es Kreative nach Berlin. Die Lebensbedingungen sind im Vergleich immer noch moderat und die offene und entspannte Atmosphäre der Stadt wirkt anziehend. Diesen Sommer gab CREATE BERLIN mit der Designshow WE CREATE BERLIN einen Einblick in die lebendige und vielgestaltige Berliner Designszene – darunter zeigten wir Produkte und Projekte aus den Bereichen Produkt- und Industriedesign, Illustration, Typografie, Grafikdesign, Street-Art, Fotografie, Architektur, Kommunikation- und Multimedia-Design, Objektdesign, Textildesign und Fashion/ Accessoires. Neben der Präsentation aktueller Produkte und Projekte gibt es nach der Vernissage am 8. 15.9.2013 – BUY! 28.8.2013 – WE CREATE INPUT - Der Design-Vortragsabend Dauer: 09.

Edible Geography Sharing design knowledge Urban Lab Global Cities (ULGC) § musings on technology, politics and the digitalization of society (brendyn alexander) Of Declarations and the Immigrant Imaginary Real quick, here's some bits and pieces on a few exhibitions I have already missed, or that I might still miss, or that are just in places between missed and missing; and, that if I could I would catch up to, or go back and visit. And it goes without saying, that I am sure I even missed a few others, too. A Declaration of Immigration at the National Museum of Mexico Art in Chicago. Declaration of Immigration Human progress having been comprised by the lack of humanity and respect towards immigrant children, women, & men by anti-immigrant legislature & rhetoric, is reason for the National Museum of Mexico Art to re-affirm the following: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator, certain unalienable Right, that among them are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The Declaration of Immigration to all whom have marched and petitioned against anti-immigrant legislature & rhetoric. National Museum of Mexico Art

Rengstorfistan Last night we had a large party at my house in the village to celebrate my sister and host parents. My host sister got into teaching institute to become an English teacher or translator and my host parents were celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary. I am so happy for all of them and we had an amazing time. It was the same as a lot of other toy’s (parties), much vodka was drank, soup eaten, and dances danced. But this was certainly a special night and I was very happy to be a part of it. Filed under 58 Well its pretty quiet in the desert. It began with a 6-hour taxi ride to the corner of Turkmenistan, near Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. The next day we saw the sights of Koyten Dag. Anyway, it was a pretty great weekend. Filed under 57 Following Pamukkale we had the amazing fortune to board a sailboat for a few days and sail the Mediterranean. Sadly the boat trip had to end and we got back in our rental car and drove back up the coast. Filed under 56 Filed under 55 Food and Drink
