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Kindling - Idea Management and Collaboration

Kindling - Idea Management and Collaboration

Abaque de Régnier Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En management et gestion de groupe, un abaque de Régnier est un outil visuel d'aide à la prise de décision facilitant la négociation collective. Inventé en 1973 par François Régnier, docteur en médecine, les premières versions étaient en dur, constituées d'une grille et de cubes dont les six faces étaient colorées. Son informatisation permet un traitement plus rapide des informations. Principe de l'abaque[modifier | modifier le code] À un groupe de personnes, pouvant aller de moins de dix (pour le groupe restreint) à plusieurs centaines (s'il s'agit d'une forme de sondage), on propose une série d'affirmations. Chaque personne réagit à chaque affirmation à l'aide d'un code couleur Vert foncé s'il est tout à fait d'accordVert clair s'il est d'accordOrange, s'il est mitigéRouge clair s'il n'est pas d'accordRouge foncé s'il n'est pas du tout d'accordBlanc s'il ne sait pas quoi répondre Ici l'avis de chacun est représenté de manière synthétique.

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The Delphi Method: Techniques and Applications--Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff (Eds.)--1975 The mind is but a barren soil; a soil which is soon exhausted, and will produce no crop, or only one, unless it be continually fertilized and enriched with foreign matter. -Sir Joshua Reynolds Reality is a name we give our collections of tacit assumptions about what is. Realities can be described as presumed agreements which give meaning to our thoughts and make reasonable our actions in each setting. I believe with others that there is nothing more practical than good theory. Another problem with examples is that they represent only a small fraction of the myriad of potential applications for this approach to Delphi inquiry. This paper might have been called: What to think about when considering, designing, and managing (even interpreting) a Delphi. The particular graphic style adopted in this paper is a personal one. Some of the points may seem trivial-like, "use bright colors" or "state ideas in emotive language"-but their impact is significant. Concepts of Reality

Olive: Conquer Stress. Be Stellar. Your personal guide to conquering stress in a simple bracelet. Stress can be conquered Stress can keep us from being our best. That's why Olive is putting science and technology to work for you. Olive sits comfortably and discreetly on your wrist and monitors stress-related data in the background. Tracks physical indicators of stress based on changes in heart rate, reactions in your skin, and trends in skin temperatureAnalyzes habits that contribute to stress like your physical activity, sleep, and exposure to lightTalks with your smartphone to understand your lifestyle through your calendar, your location, and other available data All of this information is meticulously stitched together with powerful algorithms to paint a more complete picture of your stress than has been possible, until now. Olive is your personal guide to stress. Research in fields such as biofeedback, mindfulness, positive psychology, and behavioral therapy all have valuable insights on stress and how to manage it.

whyteboard - A simple whiteboard and PDF annotator Features Draw on top of PDF and PostScript documents using ImageMagick Draw with common tools such as a pen, rectangle, ellipse, text, polygon, circle Draw shapes that can be moved, resized and recoloured Your drawing history is stored, allowing you to replay it Tabbed painting, with each sheet having its own unlimited undo and redo operations Embed as many audio and video files into the canvas as you wish Live-updating thumbnails for each sheet Sheets that are closed can also be undone, restoring its data Note controls, similar to virtual, editable Post-It Notes A live-updating, resizable canvas that stretches to whatever size you want Paste and drag-and-drop text/images Available in mutliple languages (Italian, Spanish, Russian, Galician, German, French, Dutch, Welsh, and more) Installation Windows - download the .exes to either install Whyteboard or run it "stand-alone" Linux: Requires Python and wxPython. can use the .rpm file if you have a package manager that supports it Videos

Real-time Delphi Real-time Delphi (RTD) is an advanced form of the Delphi method. The advanced method “is a consultative process that uses computer technology” [1] to increase efficiency of the Delphi process. Definition and idea[edit] Gordon and Pease [2] define the advanced approach as an innovative way to conduct Delphi studies that do not involve sequential “rounds” and consequently lead to a higher degree of efficiency with regard to the time frame needed to perform such studies. History[edit] Differences between Conventional and Real-time Delphi Method[edit] The question arises how a Real-Time Delphi study differs from a Conventional Delphi study. The typical Real-Time Delphi process can be described in the way that participants get access to an online questionnaire portal for a certain time frame, within which they are allowed to login and logout as often as they want. Methodological Advancements[edit] Examples of Real-time Delphi Applications[edit] 1) Future of Logistics – Global Scenarios 2025

Anaconda — Continuum documentation Installation Instructions Linux Install These instructions explain how to install Anaconda on a Linux system. After downloading the Anaconda installer, run the following command from a terminal: $ bash Anaconda-2.x.x-Linux-x86[_64].sh After accepting the license terms, you will be asked to specify the install location (which defaults to ~/anaconda). Note: You do NOT need root privileges to install Anaconda, if you select a user writable install location, such as ~/anaconda.* After the self extraction is finished, you should add the anaconda binary directory to your PATH environment variable. As all of Anaconda is contained in a single directory, uninstalling Anaconda is easy (you simply remove the entire install location directory). Mac Install These instructions, explain how to install Anaconda on a 64-bit Mac OS X (10.5 and higher) system. After downloading the Anaconda installer, run the following command from a terminal, replacing 2.x.x with your version number: Windows Install Support

Delphi method The Delphi method (/ˈdɛlfaɪ/ DEL-fy) is a structured communication technique, originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts.[1][2][3][4] The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of their panel. Delphi is based on the principle that forecasts (or decisions) from a structured group of individuals are more accurate than those from unstructured groups.[6] The technique can also be adapted for use in face-to-face meetings, and is then called mini-Delphi or Estimate-Talk-Estimate (ETE). History[edit] The name "Delphi" derives from the Oracle of Delphi. Key characteristics[edit] The Delphi Method communication structure Anonymity of the participants[edit]

Hubble Arbre de connaissances Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Un arbre de connaissances est une représentation des connaissances ; c'est par exemple une représentation imagée et structurée de la somme des richesses que chaque membre apporte à une communauté, selon diverses réalités (connaissances, compétences, opinions, événements, projets, besoins etc.) vécues par un groupe de personnes. Origines[modifier | modifier le code] La société Trivium a été fondée dès 1992 dans la foulée de cette mission. Exemple d'intégration des arbres de connaissances dans un outil décisionnel spécifique aux ressources humaines Trois postulats fondamentaux énoncés par Michel Serres sous-tendent le dispositif. Postulat 1 : « chacun sait » : du fait qu'il a vécu, tout être humain sait quelque chose ; le savoir est une dimension de l'être, indissociable de l'expérience sensible et, de ce fait, singulière à chaque individu. Principes des arbres de connaissances[modifier | modifier le code] Bibliographie[modifier | modifier le code]
