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TEDxMaastricht 2011 The Future of Health - Event - Simon Sinek

TEDxMaastricht 2011 The Future of Health - Event - Simon Sinek

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VARA The essentials of creating a social-media friendly event site Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Start Time: 11:00 AM CST/6:00 PM CET Presenters: Ruud Jannsen Member Price: FREE Non-Member Price: $50 USD While we are racing to jump on the social media bandwagon, we forget to check if our websites are ready for Social Media. Learning Objectives: Learn 5 common website mistakes that events sites make Identify strategies that you can implement tomorrow to fix those mistakes Garner additional exposure and potentially increase revenue Sponsored by: NOTE: Upon registering for a webinar, you will receive a confirmation for your order.

De schuld van de bank Door toedoen van de banken zit Nederland in de diepste crisis sinds de jaren dertig. Miljarden euro’s belastinggeld waren nodig om het financieel systeem op de been te houden en het einde van de reddingsoperaties is nog lang niet in zicht. De banken lijken dan wel gered, maar overheid en burger zuchten onder ongekende bezuinigingen. Hadden we, achteraf gezien, de banken niet beter failliet kunnen laten gaan? Hebben de banken echt geleerd van de kredietcrisis? En, waar blijven de alternatieven? Deze vragen legt Tegenlicht voor aan onder andere oud-president van De Nederlandsche Bank, Nout Wellink, en aan het ‘Sustainable Finance Lab’ van Herman Wijffels. Tegenlicht maakt aan de vooravond van Prinsjesdag de balans op en schetst het bankenlandschap van de toekomst. Uitzending: 17 september 2012 Regie: Martijn Kieft Research: Gerko Wessel Productie: Helen Goossens Eindredactie: Henneke Hagen, Jos de Putter en Frank Wiering

MAX Professional Development On Demand You have to have JavaScript enabled to use this portal. Your browser appears to be running in compatibility mode. You may experience issues using this portal. Webinar: Five Lessons Learned from the MPI Hybrid Meeting Research ProjectMedia: WebinarLevel: Novice, Intermediate80% / 4 ratings Webinar: Insights from MPI's Hybrid Meetings ResearchMedia: Level: All80% / 1 rating Techniques for Creating a Remarkable Hybrid EventMedia: VideoLevel: All80% / 3 ratings The Live Chat is Where the People GoMedia: WebinarLevel: All80% / 3 ratings Connectivity Live with Nicholas ChristakisMedia: WebinarLevel: All40% / 3 ratings The What, Why and How of Mobile Event AppsMedia: WebinarLevel: Novice, Intermediate20% / 6 ratings Podcast: BVOM: Defining Your ObjectivesMedia: AudioLevel: All80% / 4 ratings Webinar: Financial Literacy for Meeting ProfessionalsMedia: WebinarLevel: All40% / 11 ratings No professional development sessions were found

KRO Product Detail Building A Team to Execute Effective, Impactful Hybrid Events Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011Start Time: 11:00 AM CST/6:00 PM CETPresenters: Sam Smith Member Price: FREEMPI Connect Price: $25 USDNon-Member Price: $50 USD Technology Series: Part 3 of 5 Defining roles and building a great team is as important as selecting a good technology platform. Learning Objectives: Talk about the team that you need for your hybrid event Identify the roles that you should consider having on your hybrid event team Discuss the skills and experiences that you want to look at for each role Sponsored by: NOTE: Upon registering for a webinar, you will receive a confirmation for your order. MPI’s quality education would not be possible without the generous support of our partners.

NTR Two of the things that make a book, a book Subscribe to our free email newsletter. We'll update you once or twice a week, and we'll never rent or sell your email address to anyone. Thanks. 1. The web isn’t/can’t be a book because it has no edges, no start, no finish. 2. The magical combination of [a big slice of a single author's time] with [this can be the vision of an individual] establishes the book as unique. Article by seth godin Seth Godin is the founder of The Domino Project and has written twelve books that have been translated into more than thirty languages. Subscribe to our free email newsletter.
