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Ergophile - Jacinthe Busson Varmus - Biology Journal A Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal Current Issue PLOS Biology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal featuring research articles of exceptional significance in all areas of biological science, from molecules to ecosystems. Quick Online Tips A few more details on the upcoming New York Times API (Yahoo! De hack_india_h_hackers The energy at the 6th edition of Yahoo! Hack in India was electrifying as we counted down to the close of hacking at Yahoo! Hack Hyderabad, 2013. The hackers downed over 1500 cups of coffee and tea, and 350 cans of Red Bull! Congratulations to all the hackers, especially the ones who took home the prizes. planman PlanMan! By Varunkumar Nagarajan, Arunkumar Nagarajan, Raghu Ram, Amit Bharti PlanMan is a mobile app that lets you do workflow management through SMS and missed calls. Read More »from Hack India: Hyderabad — It’s a Wrap!

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Evolve Your User Interface To Educate Your Users | How-To | Smas Advertisement The Web has changed. This isn’t your neighbor’s nerdy kid’s internet anymore. Now the Web is home to your mom, your grandma and your technophobe sister. With computers as common a household appliance as televisions now, who might be using your web-application has expanded beyond the realm of just the power user. Complicated menu systems, alert dialog messages that lock you out of the browser and flashy but confusing layouts aren’t necessarily going to help you make conversions. User Interfaces Should Teach User interfaces need to teach your user how to use your application without resorting to a help screen. The help section of most applications, Web-based or otherwise, end up being used by the power users who are already trying to figure out every nook and cranny of the application. In-line tips and interface descriptions work as an excellent introduction to the interface and how it operates. Nourish’s interface is documented in-line with descriptive help blocks. Conclusion

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anuhi lou / Intelligence visuelle + Ergonomie visuelle Oui, avec deux zèdes, car c’est son petit nom. C’est un lièvre qui pèse 378 683 112 secondes exactement, pas plus, pas moins, qui jamais ne grossit d’une minute, ni ne maigrit d’une heure. Bref, c’est un lièvre intemporel. Mais il lui arrive de tisser avec ses secondes les différentes vies qu’il a pu rêver. Car 378 683 112, c’est aussi 144 choix possibles de son destin, si un choix de vie devait peser 1 mois. Tiraillé dans 144 directions, le Lièvre Schizzophrénique (oui, avec deux zèdes) risque une syncope d’une seconde à l’autre et décide qu’il vaut mieux être sens que temps et heures. Alors, même intemporel il faut ræssembler à quelque chose, sinon, on n’existe pas, on est qu’un gros tas de secondes un peu poseur qui ne fait que trotter tout au bord de l’heure. Alors le Lièvre Schizzophrénique (oui, avec deux zèdes) accepte de se faire tortue en lui. Les secondes vivent alors et prennent leur temps... Et vous, que ferez vous des 31 556 926 secondes que vous offre le passage du Lièvre ?

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