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Philip Glass: Metamorphosis (full album: 2006), piano Branka Parlic

Philip Glass: Metamorphosis (full album: 2006), piano Branka Parlic

Pour qui, pour quoi travaillons-nous ?: Jacques Ellul, Michel Hourcade, Jean-Pierre Jézéquel, Gérard Paul Howard Nemerov Born on February 29, 1920 in New York, New York, Howard Nemerov displayed an early interest in the arts, as did his younger sister, the photographer Diane Arbus. He graduated from the Society for Ethical Culture’s Fieldstone School in 1937 and went on to study at Harvard, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in 1941. Throughout World War II, he served as a pilot in the Royal Canadian unit of the U. S. Army Air Force. He married in 1944, and after the war, having earned the rank of first lieutenant, returned to New York with his wife to complete his first book. Nemerov was first hired to teach literature to World War II veterans at Hamilton College in New York. Nemerov was also an accomplished prose writer. Nemerov was the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including fellowships from the Academy of American Poets and The Guggenheim Foundation, a National Endowment for the Arts grant, and the National Medal of the Arts. Selected Bibliography Poetry Prose Multimedia

Les forces imaginantes du droit - broché - Mireille Delmas-Marty • Ce volume, le dernier des Forces imaginantes du droit (cours professé au Collège de France durant quatre années), s’attache à l’examen d’une question : comment oser parler de communauté de droit à l’échelle d’une planète livrée aux affrontements, à la violence et à l’intolérance ? Et comment concevoir les contours d’une communauté de valeurs par delà la diversité des cultures et l’opposition des intérêts. Explorant d’une part les interdits fondateurs, d’autre part les droits fondamentaux, Mireille Delmas-Marty n’entend pas éradiquer les différences mais relativiser le relativisme. À la recherche d’une unité de sens, dans la perspective d’un humanisme nouveau, pluriel et ouvert, elle montre que le droit peut contribuer à nourrir l’idée de bien commun. • Mireille Delmas-Marty, qui a enseigné le droit à l’Université (Lille II, Paris XI et Paris I), est titulaire de la chaire « Études juridiques comparatives et internationalisation du droit » au Collège de France.

How To Make a Charpoy Diplomado Virtual Internacional Pedadogía Transdisciplinaria - Bienvenido Innovative Secondary Education for Skills Enhancement (ISESE): Phase II Research The Innovative Secondary Education for Skills Enhancement (ISESE) project, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, identified the skills required for work in the 21st century economies of Africa and Africa, and to explore innovative models of delivering these skills to youth of secondary school age. The core of the project was a series of 12 background studies, now publically available at our website at Produced in partnership with regional partners, these explore a range of issues related to skills, education, and economic development in 12 focus countries across Africa and Asia. Our synthesis of these studies revealed that, while technical and basic cognitive skills are still important in the workplace, transferable and non-cognitive skills such as communication, problem-solving, punctuality, and flexibility are increasingly important. Publication & Resource Type: Publications

La connaissance de la connaissance d'Edgar Morin Introduction générale I. L'abîme La demande - L'inconnu de la connaissance - Le multidimensionnel et l'inséparable - La brisure - La pathologie du savoir - La crise des fondements II. Du méta-point de vue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. III. Le tabou et la résignation - Le mot« méthode » - L'inachèvement Avant-propos 1. I. Il. III. L'auto-computation - L'auto-exo-référence - Le computo polycellulaire - IV. V. Connaître, c'est primairement computer - Les deux logiques de la computation -A la source de la connaissance - A la source de la source : l'impliqué de la connaissance - Conclusion 2. 1. L'organisation de l'action et de la connaissance II La connaissance cérébrale 1. 2. Conclusions : L'animalité de la connaissance humaine La connaissance cérébrale L'hominisation de la connaissance 3. Qu'est-ce qu'un esprit capable de concevoir un cerveau capable de produire un esprit? L'extraordinaire problème Le grand schisme L'unidualité cerveau <—.> esprit .4 La machine hyper-complexe I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. III. 5.

Time for a New Focus on What Works for Education Quality | Center for Education Innovations Nicholas Burnett, the Managing Director for Education at Results for Development Institute, leads the Center for Education Innovations. This post was originally published on the ODI blog as a part of its national progress in education series. We know how to expand enrollments, and politicians have been quick to do so in response to massively increased demand from parents. But we still don’t know enough about how to improve learning, relevance and equity in education. Yet these topics are at the heart of the likely post-2015 education targets as recorded in the Muscat agreement. Not only do we not know enough about them, we also don’t know enough about how to sequence educational reforms, adopt innovations and improve accountability. That’s what I take away from my review of ODI Development Progress’s four excellent case studies of country efforts to improve educational quality and expand post-primary education. Unless things improve, a political backlash is likely.

En 2013, il faudra plus encore se méfier de la docte ignorance des experts LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Edgar Morin, sociologue et philosophe Hélas, nos dirigeants semblent totalement dépassés : ils sont incapables aujourd'hui de proposer un diagnostic juste de la situation et incapables, du coup, d'apporter des solutions concrètes, à la hauteur des enjeux. Tout se passe comme si une petite oligarchie intéressée seulement par son avenir à court terme avait pris les commandes." (Manifeste Roosevelt, 2012.) "Un diagnostic juste" suppose une pensée capable de réunir et d'organiser les informations et connaissances dont nous disposons, mais qui sont compartimentées et dispersées. Une telle pensée doit être consciente de l'erreur de sous-estimer l'erreur dont le propre, comme a dit Descartes, est d'ignorer qu'elle est erreur. L'erreur n'est pas seulement aveuglement sur les faits. Hélas. Notre machine à fournir des connaissances, incapable de nous fournir la capacité de relier les connaissances, produit dans les esprits myopies, cécités. Ce mal est généralisé.

The New ‘Hire’ Education The New ‘Hire’ Education Alternative educational pathways are a response to the lack of clear connection between higher education and the workforce; a market shift to which liberal arts programs must respond. “In a personalized world where students have agency, we have to let go of our mental model of a linear, conveyor belt model. We need to think about adaptive systems. If you need a picture to hold in your mind, think highways with lots of on and off ramps.” ~ Chris Sturgis, “Does Competency Education Mean the Same Thing for K-12 and Higher Education?” The on- and off-ramps that connect higher education to the workforce are few and far between. This closed highway illuminates one of the core components of a disruptive innovation — something we call non-consumption. Who are the non-consumers of higher education? Students, graduates and working adults are witnesses to a new reality in today’s economy and are therefore looking for a different job to be done in our parlance.

sweden_school_choice_the_country_s_disastrous_experiment_with_milton_friedman.single Photo by Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images Every three years, Americans wring their hands over the state of our schools compared with those in other countries. The occasion is the triennial release of global scholastic achievement rankings based on exams administered by the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, which tests students in 65 countries in math, science, and languages. The angst over U.S. student performance—and its implications for the American workforce of the near future—is inevitably accompanied by calls for education reform: greater accountability, more innovation. Advocates for choice-based solutions should take a look at what’s happened to schools in Sweden, where parents and educators would be thrilled to trade their country’s steep drop in PISA scores over the past 10 years for America’s middling but consistent results. But Swedish school reforms did incorporate the essential features of the voucher system advocated by Friedman.
