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Storytelling : rendez vos prestations inoubliables !

Storytelling : rendez vos prestations inoubliables !
La dernière fois que vous avez appris quelque chose lors d’une présentation, vous vous en rappelez ? Qu’avait fait votre interlocuteur ? Dans la plupart des cas, il vous a semblé naturel, passionné, voire drôle. Je parie que vous vous souvenez des anecdotes tirées de son discours. Vous ne vous souvenez que de cela d’ailleurs… C’est parce que le succès d’un dis(cours) tient en grande partie de l’émotion partagée entre l’orateur et l’auditoire. Si vous avez cliqué pour lire cet article, c’est que vous avez besoin de concevoir une présentation / un cours, que voulez comprendre comment raconter des histoires partageables et mémorables. Cette méthode se fonde sur une structure narrative et s’apparente à celle des contes. J’ai filé une métaphore tout au long de cet article pour vous permettre de bien visualiser chaque étape de cette méthode. Une présentation réussie comporte obligatoirement un angle (= intrigue = problématique), dans le jargon des storytellers : le « pitch ». - « Quoi ?

Steve Jobs: 10 Lessons in Leadership Erik Qualman | October 6, 2011 | 10 Comments inShare210 What would Steve Jobs have done? This column was first published in late September, less than two weeks before Jobs died Oct. 5 at the age of 56. Just like there will never be another Socrates, Wayne Gretzky, Winston Churchill, or Gandhi, there will never be another Steve Jobs. Simplify Jobs demanded that the iPod not have any buttons on it; including an on/off switch. The Power of "No" Jobs is just as proud of the many products he killed over the years as the ones that were monumental successes. Money Is Overvalued "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me…Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…that's what matters to me." - Steve Jobs Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. It's not What You Say; It's How You Say It Jobs' keynotes and product launches spellbound audiences. That is the critical point - perception becomes reality. Recognize Good Ideas Shun the Majority

12 Most Surefire Ways to Increase Your Networking Success | Are you actively networking? You should be. But then you already know that. You know that to find a job, advance your career or build your business you need to network. This means heading out after work even when it’s been one of those days. But take heart, it will be easier once you get there. 1. Nothing will make you seem more inviting than your smile. 2. It can be scary to walk into an event. 3. You must have business cards. 4. Okay, you’ve had your business cards printed. 5. Ever been talking to someone who’s looking around the room, down at their watch or at the door? 6. One way to be sure that you’ll have something to say to this room full of strangers is to prepare in advance. 7. After “hello” and “what do you do?” 8. Ever feel like you’re “stuck” with someone? 9. Knowing which small conversation group to join can be tricky. 10. It’s essential to have the right attitude. 11. If you want to meet people at events… go it alone. 12. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself. Annette Richmond
