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Android Studio

Android Studio
Before installing the Android SDK, you must agree to the following terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement 1. Introduction 1.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referred to in this License Agreement as the "SDK" and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. 2.1 In order to use the SDK, you must first agree to this License Agreement. 3. 3.1 Subject to the terms of this License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the SDK solely to develop applications to run on the Android platform. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to the SDK, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in the SDK. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14. This download includes: Android Studio vs. Revisions

Android Studio face à Eclipse : le comparatif Google nous a annoncé, lors du Google IO 2013, le premier IDE (Integrated Developement Environment – Environnement de développement intégré) dédié au développement Android nommé, sans rappeler d’autres suites de développement, Android Studio. J’ai donc décidé de faire un article de prise en main de cet outil, après 6 ans de développement Android sous Eclipse et avoir donné nombre de formation sur cet environnement. Petit comparatif et prise en main pas à pas ! Jusqu’à maintenant l’outil officiel était “Eclipse pour développeur Java”, couplé à un plugin dénommé Android Developer Tool (ADT). D’autres outils de développement Java ont par la suite été supportés par ADT comme Netbeans ou encore IntelliJ. C’est dans l’ombre que les équipes de Google travaillaient sur le produit IntelliJ pour le faire évoluer et en sortir leur Android Studio. L’installation Le site contient désormais une nouvelle section dénommée Android Studio. DDMS s’ouvre dans une fenêtre séparée.

TodoMVC Studio 0.2.4 Released We've just released Android 0.2.4, with the following changes: Merged with the latest IntelliJ 13 development snapshot. This included a lot of Android editor work, including:Support for XML attribute documentation. Until now, only XML tags had documentation, but as of this release you can invoke F1 (View | Quick Documentation) on an XML attribute to view its SDK documentation. Updated the bundled Gradle version in Android Studio to 1.7.Layout EditingThe chosen rendering locale is now project wide (except for layouts located in locale-specific layout folders). Installation If you are already running Android Studio, just restart it, or manually check for updates via Help > Check for Update... Linux and Open source How Configure an Android Development Environment on Linux Original article (in spanish) posted on In this post I want to show the steps you must follow to have a Development Environment for Android in your Linux distro. What do you need? Java Development Kit JDK - version 6 is suggestedAndroid SDK Software Development KitEclipse for Java Developers - version 3.7.2 is suggestedAndroid Development Tools (ADT) Let’s go ! As first thing install Java JDK 6, from the Oracle website it’s possible to download a .rpm.bin package or a .bin file, if you use an rpm based distribution such as Centos, Red hat, Fedora or Suse go for the first package, and if you have any problem check this article Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 6u45 on Fedora 19/18, CentOS/RHEL 6.4/5.9 All the others users will have to use the .bin file, to verify that you have installed it you can use the command java -version from a terminal, you should see something similar at this: With this setup we have a basic framework to build applications for Android.

Eclipse Before installing Android Studio or the standalone SDK tools, you must agree to the following terms and conditions. This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement 1. Introduction 1.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referred to in this License Agreement as the "SDK" and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. 2.1 In order to use the SDK, you must first agree to this License Agreement. 3. 3.1 Subject to the terms of this License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use the SDK solely to develop applications for compatible implementations of Android. 3.2 You may not use this SDK to develop applications for other platforms (including non-compatible implementations of Android) or to develop another SDK. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14.

Gamestorming Android Push Technology Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) is a free service that helps developers send data from servers to their Android applications on Android devices, and upstream messages from the user's device back to the cloud. This could be a lightweight message telling the Android application that there is new data to be fetched from the server (for instance, a "new email" notification informing the application that it is out of sync with the back end), or it could be a message containing up to 4kb of payload data (so apps like instant messaging can consume the message directly). The GCM service handles all aspects of queueing of messages and delivery to the target Android application running on the target device. To jump right into using GCM with your Android applications, see Getting Started. Here are the primary characteristics of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM): It allows 3rd-party application servers to send messages to their Android applications. Key Concepts Table 1. Architectural Overview

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