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Content Marketing Tools: The Ultimate List - Content Marketing Forum

Content Marketing Tools: The Ultimate List - Content Marketing Forum
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How Much Should You Budget for Content Marketing in 2016? If you’re like most Chief Marketing Officers around the country, you’re likely boosting your overall marketing budget over the next couple years. An IBM and CMO Club study reports that nearly 60% of CMOs are increasing their budget next year across almost every area. But the real question for many is, how much should you put toward traditional advertising, PPC, SEO, social media, email, inbound, budget for content marketing, PR, mobile, etc.? There’s a simple solution to help make that decision: Understand your customer journey. “CMOs are really focused on investing across the customer journey,” said Jay Henderson, director of Strategy at IBM Commerce in an AdAge article. Once you truly understand the customer journey, you’ll have a better idea on where to invest money along the buying cycle. The IMB study reports that marketers will spend 20% on awareness or the “discover” phase when customers beginning to search for products or services. They are spending: Conclusion Your turn

20 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros Would you like to improve your social media marketing? Are you up to date with the best social media tips and tools? We asked 20 social media experts to share how they’re getting results with social media marketing today. Here’s what they had to say. Get 20 social media tips from the pros. #1: Mine Twitter to Grow Your Audience Mark Schaefer While “if you build it they will come” is a great line from a movie, it’s a terrible marketing plan. Here are three easy but overlooked tactics you can use to build an audience on Twitter, which is arguably the best platform for this. Once you’ve been on Twitter for a while, you’ll notice people will place you on public Twitter lists. Use Twellow to find and follow targeted users in any category. There are many apps to help you find new followers, but one of my favorite places to find targeted followers is Twellow. Use specialized Twitter search prompts. #2: Analyze Past Content to Improve Posts Neal Schaffer #3: Optimize Visual Content with Links Donna Moritz

Enrico Marchetto, Autore a Noiza Partiamo da una premessa: senza remarketing online non si vende, senza remarketing non si fanno leads, senza remarketing qualsiasi nostra azione di advertising viene penalizzata sul nascere. Perché? Non è certo la sede per disquisire sulle potenzialità del remarketing, perché se state leggendo questo articolo probabilmente ve ne siete già accorti. Inquadrando il remarketing su Facebook, tendiamo sempre a considerare una tassonomia ormai consolidata: 1) Remarketing sui Fan di una Pagina, quando andiamo a scegliere come target delle nostre campagne la fan base della nostra pagina 2) Remarketing su Website Custom Audience, quando andiamo a risollecitare utenti che hanno visitato pagine specifiche del nostro sito web. 3) Remarketing su List Custom Audience, quando andiamo a spingere la nostra campagna su un target proveniente dalla nostra lista contatti. Su twitter sintetizzavo il concetto così: AWARENESS Qui il lavoro è molto semplice, previa ovviamente disporre degli ingredienti giusti.

10 Successful Social Media Campaign Tips Starting a successful social media campaign requires planning and putting together a sound strategy. Here are 10 tips that will get your campaign off the ground with a bang! Start with a clear goal. Before launching a social media campaign you have a lot of planning to do. You must first decide what your primary (and secondary goals) for the campaign are. What tips do you have for starting a social media campaign? April 9, 2012 - Pricing I’d like a ball park figure of how much my biography might cost. The approximate cost for a privately researched and written life or family history is dependent upon a host of variables, among them... The length of the manuscript and amount of research required The number of photos and other materials to be scanned The amount of retouching and Photoshop manipulation required to prepare old photos for reproduction The dimensions of the book The number of pages in the book How many books are printed If photos are in black and white, or in color signatures If the book is hardbound, Smythe sewn, or a paperback If the book has a 4-color dust-jacket

10 Smart Ways to Increase Sales through Social Media It’s the holiday season, and smart retailers aren’t just advertising their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales on television. They are also coming up with social media strategies to increase online sales throughout the remainder of the year. Social is bigger than ever, and you’re guaranteed to reach thousands, if not millions, of people with a few well-placed posts. It’s also a lot cheaper to run a social media promotion than it is to invest in offline media. Even a Google Adwords campaign can add up, and social media posts cost only a little bit of your time to pull off. Here are nine smart ideas for using social media to boost your online sales this season. 1. If you’re doing a big holiday sale, don’t be afraid to hashtag! 2. Flash sales are a great way to drive sales because they create a sense of urgency. 3. Coupon use has soared during the recession as people seek out cheaper prices and bargains, especially during the holidays. 4. You can also use your page to run a promotion. 5.

Quanto farsi pagare per un articolo? | Il Copysta [..]Il compenso potrà variare da 4 a 7 euro ad articolo, a seconda della lunghezza.[…] Questa frase qui sopra mi è stata inviata via mail, come risposta ad una mia candidatura come web writer. L’annuncio prevedeva la redazione di un numero non precisato di articoli di stampo giuridico, che dovevano: 1. Il tutto, secondo il committente, per 4 o 7 €. Tu avresti accettato? Argomento dell’articolo Questi articoli dovevano essere ad argomento giuridico. Stesura articolo Tralasciamo il fatto che l’articolo dovrà essere originale, perché è ovvio che non verrà copiato e incollato da altre parti. 1 ora di documentazione + 1 ora di stesura = 2 ore. Il committente richiede che il testo venga ottimizzato per i motori di ricerca. [Curioso sulle tecniche per ottimizzare le immagini? Ricerca immagini Abbiamo parlato della loro ottimizzazione, ma prima di ciò, queste immagini vanno trovate, cosa che richiede altri minuti del tuo tempo. Conclusioni Si ma… qualche numero? Correlati 7 aprile 2016 In "Copywriting"

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