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Sleep Remedies - Natural Sleep Aids

Sleep Remedies - Natural Sleep Aids
Think the solution to your fatigue is an earlier bedtime? Getting enough sleep is important, but it’s also the quality that counts—and there’s more to it than just a comfy bed. Also complicating things: As you get older, your sleep patterns change, making it harder to fall (and stay) asleep. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to be sleep-deprived. You can improve your slumber without tacking on hours in bed—and it’s not hard to do. Every little habit—from what you eat and drink to when you exercise and watch TV—can impact your sleep. 6:30 A.M. - Skip the snooze button. 7:30 A.M. - Exercise. 11:00 A.M. - Take a breathing break. 1-2 P.M. - Cut out caffeine. Caffeine Count You know that coffee’s got a lot (95 mg in 1 cup), but the amount in other items may surprise you. Coffee ice cream, 1 cup = 48 mg Diet Coke, 1 can = 47 mgTea, 1 cup = 40 mgDark chocolate bar, 1.45 oz = 25 mg 3 P.M. - Go outside. 7 P.M. - Eat dinner. 10 P.M. - An hour before bedtime, have a proteincarb combo snack.

5 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Food And Exercise By Cynthia Sass Whether you earn your living working up a sweat, or squeeze in workouts when you can, it's easy to fall prey to eating errors that unintentionally hold you back from getting the most out of your workouts. Here are five common missteps I see, and how to correct them to reap the rewards of your hard work. Eating Too Little Fat Despite my recommendations to include good fats at every meal, like avocado, nuts, seeds and coconut oil, some of my clients remain fat phobic, and will scale back, fearing that fat is "fattening." More from Best Superfoods For Weight Loss 16 Ways To Lose Weight Fast Surprising Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight Using A Sports Drink When You Really Don't Need One If you sweat heavily, work out for more than 90 minutes, or exercise in hot, humid conditions, reaching for a sports drink rather than plain water is a smart way to keep hydrated, stay fueled and replace the electrolytes lost in sweat. Also on HuffPost:

What are your 4 pounds made of? People generally eat between 3 and 5 pounds of food each day. If we prioritize natural, whole foods, the 4 pounds we choose will fill us up while boosting health and lowering body fat. If we choose “junk food”… I don’t know what you had for lunch today, but I had 18 apples. What do you think of that? But check this – a typical fast food value meal has the same amount of calories as 18 apples. 18! Not pretty. Yet I’ve had buddies knock back 2 value meals while watching Monday Night Football. What does this tell me? Remember: Real food regulates appetite – so you don’t overeatReal food controls blood sugar/insulin – so you can avoid energy swings and diabetesReal food provides the best nutrition – so you can remain healthy for lifeReal food has a sane amount of energy – so that you can’t accidentally overeatReal food has a longstanding relationship with our body – so that our bodies know what to do with it Energy density This leads me to the world of energy density. Seeing a trend?

28 Simple & Natural Ways to Detox your Body Make sure you like Bembu on Facebook to be updated everytime we post new tips on ways to detox & live clean. We hear so much about cleansing and may wonder just how beneficial it can be. A proper cleansing or good habits for naturally detoxifying the body can really help you to achieve amazing health benefits. The notion of a simple detox program should be integrated into a healthy lifestyle to give you the best results. Just as you focus on the foods that you eat and proper exercise, there are many other elements to living your best and healthiest lifestyle. 1. Though you never want to go to extreme measures where your diet is concerned, there are some ideas that can work wonders. It’s important not to jump on the bandwagon for the more extreme measures and to opt for a smoothie that uses natural ingredients at the core. Turning to a smoothie for one of your meals is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism and to kick your digestive system into overdrive. Green Smoothie 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Rules of the Rebellion These are the rules that explain who we are, why we’re here, and what we’re doing. If you’re wondering if Nerd Fitness is right for you, look no further than this list. Hopefully the ideals that we stand for resonate with you – we’d be glad to have you. #1. We don’t care where you came from, only where you’re going. 400 pounds overweight? Welcome aboard. 50 pounds underweight? Glad to have you. We don’t care where you came from or how you got here, as we all have different backgrounds, genetics, social statuses, and commitments. Don’t make excuses, offer solutions. Everybody has baggage they’re dealing with (sh** happens, remember?) #2. None of this “dieting for three weeks” crap and then going back to the way things were. The rebellion is where the light is. #3. Bench press machines, squat machines, ab machines, inner thigh machines – forget them. These are tools created by the empire to lull the uninformed public into a false sense of security. Here are some changes you can make: #4. #5.

How Can I Fall Asleep Faster? 7 Indoor Plants That Purify the Air Around You Naturally Bringing potted plants into a living space to liven it up is a trick that's been used by interior designers for years, but did you know that our leafy friends are also powerful filters that purify the air around us? In fact, several studies have been conducted showing that certain plants can rid a room of up to 89% of harmful VOCs like formaldehyde and xylene. If you think about the prices of some of those fancy air filtration systems out there, it's a bit surprising that more of us don't just purchase some plants instead. If you or anyone in your family has allergies, smokes or just wants to breathe fresher, cleaner air in their homes, read on for 7 indoor plants that purify the air around you as well as which specific pollutant each one targets and removes. Dendrobium and Phaeleonopsis Orchids Orchids have a bad reputation as being finicky and difficult to grow, but really, the opposite is true. Palms Peace Lilies

My Only Weight Loss Regret Chuck Gross has lost and kept off 210lbs. He’s passionate about helping others enjoy the journey of effective fat loss. Want to train with Chuck? Check out his latest Fitocracy Team, Massive Fat Loss. I’ve often said that I have no regrets, and that is true for my journey as a whole, BUT WHAT IF I could go back to the beginning –almost 7 years ago– and change one thing, what would it be? If I were to read an article title or opening like that, I’d probably assume it was something like “lift weights the entire time” or “lose weight slower” or “be less strict and enjoy life more.” There seems to be a single constant, a single piece of information that is the same across all other conflicting articles, expert opinions, nutritionists, blogs, and old wive’s tales. That constant is the idea that drinking more water is the solution to all of your problems. Some common questions that are answered with water are: Are you hungry? I’ll stop there but you get the idea. So I drank. Drink LESS Water??
