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Augmented Reality Demo

Augmented Reality Demo

Augmented Reality - What is it? - Virtual Reality Although this site is dedicated to virtual reality, you cannot discuss it without mentioning its very close cousin augmented reality, but what is it? Whereas virtual reality immerses your senses completely in a world that only exists in the digital realm, augmented reality takes the real world of the present and projects digital imagery and sound into it. Augmented and Virtual Reality both fall on the continuum of mediated reality. Which is where a computer system modifies our perception of reality versus the “real” world. As you can probably deduce this means many things qualify as augmented reality. The heads up displays we see in some aircraft and cars that may show you things like “distance to a target”, GPS position or your current speed are a form of augmented reality. However, when we hear about augmented reality these days it usually refers to a much more sophisticated, interactive and spatially aware implementation of the concept. How Does Augmented Reality Work? Conclusion

The 20 Best Augmented-Reality Apps Augmented reality has long sounded like a wild futuristic concept, but the technology has actually been around for years. It becomes more robust and seamless with each passing decade, providing an astonishing means of superimposing computer-generated images atop a user’s view of reality, thus creating a composite view rooted in both real and virtual worlds. Although AR apps run the gamut, from interactive map overlays and virtual showrooms to massive multiplayer skirmishes, each piece of software hones in on smartphone GPS and camera functionality to create a more immersive experience. The available selection of augmented reality apps is diverse, encompassing both premium and freemium offerings from a variety of big and no-name developers, but sometimes choosing which apps are worth your smartphone or tablet’s precious memory is tougher than using the apps themselves. Pokémon GO (free) Download now for: Android iOS Ink Hunter (free) Android iOS WallaMe (free) Android iOS Star Chart (free) iOS

Realidad Aumentada Infinitum | Telmex Blog Escrito el día 22 noviembre, 2013 Comentarios: Un comentario Etiquetas: aplicaciones, apps, contenido exclusivo, desarrollo de aplicaciones, fotografías 3D, Grupo Carso, Infinitum, México, proyectos, realidad aumentada, realidad aumentada infinitum, Tecnología, teléfonos inteligentes, tendencias Te invitamos a descubrir RA Infinitum, una aplicación que hemos desarrollado pensando en brindarte lo último en tecnología y la mejor calidad de contenido. Realidad Aumentada Infinitum, es una aplicación pionera en México, desarrollada para brindarte el mejor contenido en tu teléfono inteligente. RA Infinitum es muy fácil de usar, solamente debes escanear cualquiera de estas revistas y podrás visualizar contenido exclusivo, como fotografías en 3D, entrevistas, noticias, animaciones, videos y fotogalerías. Descarga RA Infinitum, una aplicación que cambiará la manera en la que lees revistas, además, es totalmente gratuita y está disponible para sistemas operativos iOS y Android.

Innovae Augmented Reality - Realidad Aumentada The next big thing in tech: Augmented reality - CNET SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Reality isn't what is used to be. With increasingly powerful technologies, the human universe is being reimagined way beyond Google Glass' photo-tapping and info cards floating in space above your eye. The future is fashionable eyewear, contact lenses or even bionic eyes with immersive 3D displays, conjuring up a digital layer to "augment" reality, enabling entire new classes of applications and user experiences. Like most technologies that eventually reach a mass market, augmented reality, or AR, has been gestating in university labs, as well as small companies focused on gaming and vertical applications, for nearly half a century. The wearable revolution can be traced back to Ivan Sutherland, a ground-breaking computer scientist at the University of Utah who in 1965 first described a head-mounted display with half-silvered mirrors that let the wearer see a virtual world superimposed on the real world. Atheer, a Mountain View, Calif.

Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect... Augmenting Our World - How Augmented Reality Works | HowStuffWorks The basic idea of augmented reality is to superimpose graphics, audio and other sensory enhancements over a real-world environment in real time. Sounds pretty simple. Besides, haven't television networks been doing that with graphics for decades? However, augmented reality is more advanced than any technology you've seen in television broadcasts, although some new TV effects come close, such as RACEf/x and the super-imposed first down line on televised U.S. football games, both created by Sportvision. Some of the most exciting augmented-reality work is taking place in research labs at universities around the world. These components are strung together in a lanyardlike apparatus that the user wears around his neck. SixthSense is remarkable because it uses these simple, off-the-shelf components that cost around $350.

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