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50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level

50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level
Blogging is as varied in its applications as using the telephone or taking a picture. The tool doesn’t predict the output. You might be using your blog to post recipes, or to inform the local community about information you find elsewhere on the web. Maybe you’re just trying your hand at writing, and the web is as good a place as any. If you’re looking to go beyond that, however, you’ll need to take steps to improve your blog from at least five different perspectives. 50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level Make Your Goal and Target Audience Crystal Clear My point with this entire post, but most especially this section is to ask you to admit what your real goals are with your blog. If your goal is to be an entertainment or news blog, be very clear that it’s that and not a “fun” blog. Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep Consider the design elements of your blog. Get your own unique URL. Make Your Content Top Notch Growing quality blog posts isn’t magic. Put your blog posts on a diet.

If I Started Today Okay, so you’ve heard from someone that this social media and social networking stuff is great and you should get involved, and it’s really going to help you out. Maybe it will help you in the economic downturn. Maybe you have heard how you can use Twitter for business. But there’s a lot to it all. Where would you start? If I Started Today Here’s what I’m going to do. This post is brought to you by the Genesis Premium WordPress Theme: Before it All: Listening (Note: this was updated after Lucretia pointed out that I probably inadvertently forgot to mention it.) Listening is my first move in starting to understand social media. And then, start here. First Platform: A Blog No matter what, the very first piece of social media real estate I’d start with is a blog. Don’t worry as much about the features, although certain companies make blogging platforms that go above and beyond simple content publishing. Now, let’s break that into three potential scenarios. Second Step: Outposts Experiment.

link rel=canonical pour réduire les contenus dupliqués Le problème des contenus dupliqués (duplicate content) est un des sujets les plus récurrents dans le domaine du référencement : il y a d'ailleurs beaucoup d'incompréhensions sur ce sujet mais ceci fera l'objet d'un autre article. Aujourd'hui, nous allons analyser la nouvelle proposition commune de Google, Yahoo et Bing pour essayer de résoudre les problèmes de contenus dupliqués (à l'intérieur d'un site) : la balise spéciale link rel=canonical qui décrit l'URL canonique d'une page (c'est-à-dire son URL officielle). Article mis à jour le 09/01/2015, publié initialement le 16/02/2009 Le problème du contenu dupliqué Il y a de nombreuses situations qui font qu'une page est accessible à plusieurs URL, en général à cause d'une mauvaise conception du site (j'ai d'ailleurs donné des conseils pour corriger les problèmes de contenus dupliqués). La solution de l'URL canonique En quelque sorte, le webmaster indique l'URL à laquelle la page est censée être trouvée. Le format de la balise rel=canonical

The greatest story ever sold is a fantasy covered in blood. Wise Bread Picks Want an easy way to save 3+ months' salary? Don't buy a diamond engagement ring. If your fiancée, friends and family scream hellfire, calmly explain: (See also: The Ethics of Free: Is it Wrong to Get Free Stuff?) It's just marketing. Diamonds aren't rare. Diamonds have no resale value. Synthetic diamonds will flood the market. Moissanite looks just like a diamond. Who is the ring for, anyway? Are these reasons still not enough? What are conflict/blood diamonds? The Kimberley Process is just PR. Percentage in the market. Asking for conflict-free certificates is not enough. Children in India are cutting and polishing the diamonds. Children in conflict zones are being used as soldiers. Jennifer Connelly says in the movie Blood Diamond, "People back home would not buy a diamond if they knew it cost someone their hand." Additional Reources:

Stupid WordPress Tricks One of the most popular articles here at Perishable Press is my January 2005 post, Stupid htaccess Tricks. In that article, I bring together an extensive collection of awesome copy-&-paste HTAccess code snippets. Four years later, people continue to tell me how much they enjoy and use the content as a bookmarked reference for many of their HTAccess needs. This is very inspiring to me, so I have decided to create a similar post for all of the useful WordPress code snippets, tips and tricks that I have collected while working on Digging into WordPress, the new book by co-author Chris Coyier and myself that really “digs in” to all of the awesome ways to get the most out of WordPress. If you are one of the millions of people who use WordPress, this article will help you improve the appearance, functionality, and performance of your WordPress-powered websites. So now, without further ado, here is my personal collection of easy-to-use, copy-&-paste WordPress tricks. Table of Contents <! <? <? <?

How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog) Since posting my 2005 traffic figures recently, I’ve received many questions about how I was able to start this web site from scratch and build its traffic to over 700,000 visitors per month (Jan 2006 projection) in about 15 months – without spending any money on marketing or promotion. Building a high-traffic web site was my intention from the very beginning, so I don’t think this result was accidental. My traffic-building strategy isn’t based on tricks or techniques that will go out of style. It’s mainly about providing genuine value and letting word of mouth do the rest. Sadly, this makes me something of a contrarian today, since I happen to disagree with much of what I’ve seen written about traffic-building elsewhere. Here are 10 of my best suggestions for building a high traffic web site: 1. Is your content worthy of being read by millions of people? When I sit down to write, I sometimes imagine myself standing on an outdoor concert stage before an audience of a million people. 2.

annuaire-info, + de 4000 annuaires pour le référencement manuel The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups October 2006 In the Q & A period after a recent talk, someone asked what made startups fail. After standing there gaping for a few seconds I realized this was kind of a trick question. It's equivalent to asking how to make a startup succeed—if you avoid every cause of failure, you succeed—and that's too big a question to answer on the fly. Afterwards I realized it could be helpful to look at the problem from this direction. If you have a list of all the things you shouldn't do, you can turn that into a recipe for succeeding just by negating. In a sense there's just one mistake that kills startups: not making something users want. 1. Have you ever noticed how few successful startups were founded by just one person? What's wrong with having one founder? But even if the founder's friends were all wrong and the company is a good bet, he's still at a disadvantage. The last one might be the most important. 2. Startups prosper in some places and not others. Why is the falloff so sharp? 3. 4.

How to Make Money From Your Blog was launched on Oct 1st, 2004. By April 2005 it was averaging $4.12/day in income. Now it brings in over $200/day $1000/day (updated as of 10/29/06). This article is seriously long (over 7300 words), but you’re sure to get your money’s worth (hehehe). Do you actually want to monetize your blog? Some people have strong personal feelings with respect to making money from their blogs. If you have mixed feelings about monetizing your blog, then sort out those feelings first. If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. You can reasonably expect that when you begin commercializing a free site, some people will complain, depending on how you do it. Can you make a decent income online? Yes, absolutely. Can most people do it? No, they can’t. If that last paragraph doesn’t flood my inbox with flames, I don’t know what will. This kind of 99-1 ratio isn’t unique to blogging though. Web savvy What do I mean by web savvy? Thriving on change Expenses

Devenez un crack des intitulés web ! - Plume Interactive Titres web : des idées pour vous inspirer ! Comment concevoir des intitulés efficaces ? Sur Internet, les places sont chères en haut de l'écran. Y aurait-il un secret ? Mais si nous ne sommes pas tous égaux devant l'art de l'intitulé, il existe tout de même quelques lignes directrices à garder en tête et utiliser selon ses besoins pour améliorer les titres et guider les internautes efficacement vers les informations qu'ils recherchent. 1- Mettez l'internaute au coeur de vos intitulés. Les rédacteurs des emails, qui ont très peu de temps pour convaincre et beaucoup de concurrence dans la boite l'ont très bien compris : La Redoute :"Le cadeau que vous cherchez est ici""Soyez naturelle, Madame Eve Demange""Concernant vos projets, Madame Eve Demange" Le Journal du Net : "Votre journal du net :vos témoignages sur le pouvoir d'achat, la concurrence de la SNCF..." Fondation Nicolas Hulot :"Devenez EcoActeur avant le 31/12 !" Facebook"Myrtille Unetelle vous a envoyé un message" 8- Faites COURT !

Are you making these mistakes on your LinkedIn profile? – Copylicious. Persuasion for business. Now with 30% more Kelly Parkinson. If you’re feeling lost in LinkedIn, you’re not alone. The web application keeps getting better—or more complicated—depending on your perspective. Maybe you’re afraid to make the leap because you’re not sure where to start. Having used LinkedIn to get 6 new clients over the past year, I’m definitely a fan. But why hire a copywriter when you can do it yourself? But first, about you. Thinking about LinkedIn but not quite sure how it works and don’t want to sign up for something that won’t generate business results.Signed up for LinkedIn a while ago but haven’t used it much or gotten results.Just posted your profile 5 minutes ago using copy pasted from your resume or website. If any of these sounds like you, here’s a quick summary on how you can make the most of LinkedIn: Follow up with people you meet networking—and stay in touch. Here’s a list of do’s and don’t’s. Recognize LinkedIn is its own medium.

SEO Campus : Identifier ce qui peut gêner ou bloquer votre référencement | Relevant Traffic » The “I don’t have time for social networking” thing. — The Fluent Self Okay, at least four times in the past week or so someone has actually said to me that they don’t have time for “Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and all that stuff.” Right. All that stuff. They don’t have time for it. I have a few things to say about that. Huh. I am convinced that these people who “don’t have time” are mostly the same people who come to me wanting to know how to get people to read their blog. Well, let’s just say that there’s a pretty large overlap in the Venn diagram. Here’s what they want me to teach them: How to get traffic. Uh …. I can’t help you. Because normally a big chunk of my answer to all of those things would be: Twitter*. *If you haven’t read my post about how Twitter actually works, you might want to do that. But you don’t have time for that. That’s cool. So I would normally recommend that you spend 5-10 minutes a day on Twitter, but you don’t want to do that. Let’s see then. Spend half an hour a day leaving smart, insightful comments on other people’s blogs. Alright.

URL canonique, nouveau tag de Google Yahoo! et Microsoft - Moteurs News Les trois moteurs : Google , Yahoo! et Live viennent d'annoncer la création d'un nouveau tag : <link rel="canonical" href=" /> pour spécifier l'URL canonique d'une page et ainsi lutter contre la duplication de contenu. Une même page peut souvent être atteinte par plusieurs URL, la page d'une boutique permettant un tri par date, ou une adresse comprenant un marqueur pour analytics par exemple du type : ?utm_source= ou &utm_campaign . Et il existe autant de liens potentiels vers cette page qu'il y a de variantes d'URL. Le but est donc de définir une URL canonique en indiquant la page qui devra être considérée comme la plus légitime, à crawler et à indexer, et de consolider tous ces liens différents vers elle. En utilisant ce tag : <link rel="canonical" href=" /> dans la balise HEAD d'une page, l'effet sera identique à une redirection 301. Quelques détails techniques et considérations : C'est bon à prendre.
