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10 Best Augmented Reality Apps

Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. Augmented reality has many applications, and many areas can benefit from the usage of AR technology. It was initially used for military, industrial, and medical applications, but was soon applied to commercial and entertainment areas as well. The mobile Augmented Reality (AR) world consists largely of two different types of experiences: Geolocation and Vision based augmented reality. Geolocation based augmented reality uses GPS, compass and other sensors in your mobile phone to provide a display of various geolocated point of interest. Junaio Junaio is one of the best mobile augmented reality browser. It is the first mobile Augmented Reality platform, which can avoid accuracy limitations of GPS and allows usage indoors by integrating LLA-markers. Android | iPhone | iPad Google Goggles Related:  Augmented reality

How to use Augmented Reality in the classroom When I first drafted this article I was keen to talk about the various different apps available to support teachers using augmented reality (AR). I remember, a very long time ago, watching "Click" on BBC1. The chap presenting the show was demonstrating a dragon coming alive by hovering his phone over an image of it. I distinctly remember the excitement I felt when I thought about the prospect of using this technology in teaching. I actually thought it would be a long time until these devices could be used on the front line. AR has been around for a very long time but is slowly creeping into the tool kit of the confident technology teacher. Before we dive into specifics here, it's important for me to state the simple teacher criteria that I personally use to assess if technology will be of benefit in the classroom: 1. 2. Very basic, I know, but these key principles ensure that the process can be embedded into my teaching practice for future need. Please do share your thoughts.

Top 10 Augmented Reality Entertainment Apps for Android / iOS platforms Entertainment section in android and iOS app stores gains more existence with augmented reality entertainment apps. It’s known that the entertainment apps come up to entertain smartphone users from boredom, and now by having virtual reality into devices, it can entertain you much more. 1. By Hunter Research and Technology, LLC Image Source: jason.odonnell Theodolite is a multifunction viewfinder with compass, GPS, rangefinder, two-axis inclinometer, tracker, geo-tag photo/movie camera, used by many engineers, sportsmen, geologists and others. Available on iOS platform. 2. By JoyPalette Co., LTD. Bring back dinosaurs in front of your eyes wherever you want. Available on iOS platform. 3. By Pixel Punch You become a paparazzi and need to take pictures of the celebrities trapped in the augmented reality world in your phone. Available on both Android and iOS platforms. 4. c.AR Midnight Status LLC Want to see an exotic luxury car in your garage, this app makes it happen. These 10 cars are 5. 6. 7. 8.

Free Online Game Creator By kylemawer This free downloadable game creator let’s you make your very own flash games. If you’ve ever fancied turning your hand to making a simple flash game or perhaps you’re looking for a summer course project to run with learners then Stencyl could be just the program for you. It’s free, online, simple to download and use and it’s available for either a PC or a Mac. The program comes with a few examples to try out and customize. They are pictured here on the left. After a quick look I settled on the RPG (role playing game) option. the vocabulary looked a bit richer and there’s potential to exploit a narrative within the game.It also looked quite easy to understand and explain just by looking at the opening shot (see below)Learners could be away from computers and draw, design and discuss the game. Your question may be ‘how do I take this and use it on a summer course?’ Video Game Design and Creation Summer Camp

6 Platforms to Create Augmented Reality When most people first try augmented reality(AR) in education, they start with applications that have the AR content already built into the app. Apps like AR Flashcards, PBS Kids CyberChase Shape Quest, and Crayola Color Alive have this, and are a great way to get your feet wet. As educators, we know the power of creation. Hopefully one of the following 6 platforms will help you and your students dive in to creating your own augmented reality! The first creation platform is from our friends at DAQRI! * DAQRI 4D Studio is currently being updated and is* unavailable to new users. tuned for more exciting information later this year! Screenshots from 4D Studio Next is the augmented reality platform from Aurasma. *Metaio was acquired by Apple and is no longer available* Junaio Developer powered byMetaio Creatoris an online platform thatallows you to create AR content to view using the Junaio mobile application. I. II. Layar Creator is an easy to use free online platform.

32 Augmented Reality Apps for the Classroom by edshelf: Reviews & recommendations of tools for education Augmented Reality (AR) is a growing field of technology where real life is modified and enhanced by computer-generated sights and sounds. The most common use of AR can be seen through mobile apps. Want to see how it works? App developers are building AR apps for fun, educational, and commercial uses. Which augmented reality apps do you use? 32 Augmented Reality Apps for the Classroom From edshelf Image attribution flickr user turkletom Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning Editor's Note: Drew Minock, who co-wrote this piece, is an elementary teacher, co-founder of the popular education blog Two Guys and Some IPads, and is one of the voices on "The Two Guys Show" podcast. Imagine living in the magical world of Harry Potter, where the school hallways are lined with paintings that are alive and interactive. Now imagine creating an atmosphere like that for your students. Augmented Reality (AR) allows educators and students to do just that: unlock or create layers of digital information on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device. Most people who interact with AR for the first time have a mind-blowing experience but fail to consider classroom applications. Educators know that learning deepens, not just through reading and listening, but also through creating and interacting. Classroom Applications Another app, Aurasma, allows users to engage in and create Augmented Reality experiences of their own. Not Just Another Fad

AR Resources | Adjusting Course Click on the picture above to download the complete PDF for the Phases of AR in Education. If you’re seeking meaningful ways to enhance the student learning experience using Augmented Reality (AR) you’ve come to the right place! Please share your ideas in the comments section below. To see the actual Augmented Reality content on this page you may need to double-click on the trigger images below to enlarge them. Download the free app called Aurasma on a mobile device.Follow the Greenwood Elementary channel by visiting using your mobile device. How might AR be used to enhance student learning and communications? Bring School Pictures to Life This year our staff photo contains a special welcome greeting thanks to the magic of Augmented Reality! The Coolest Current Events…Ever! Click the TV to see how the screen comes alive. Students created custom television stations using basic construction paper and Augmented Reality. Yearbooks and Yearbook ScavengAR Hunts @HCooper815

3 Steps to Creating an Awesome Virtual Museum in Class You're spending an afternoon browsing the exhibits at an art museum. If you're anything like me, you'd probably appreciate the art a lot more if you could bring someone along that could explain the history and nuances of the pieces on display. Now imagine pointing a device at the painting and seeing it morph into a dynamic video giving you all the information you wanted about the art. Welcome to augmented reality. Virtual reality replaces the real world with an artificial, digital environment. The Virtual Museum I've worked with teachers at several schools to created virtual museums - student created exhibits that use augmented reality to display student videos when a device is pointed at an exhibit. We used a popular augmented reality app called Aurasma. Visitors were sent an email asking them to download the free Aurasma app and bring their device. We talk about the importance of "depth" in education. I'm sure you'll come up with lots of ideas of your own. A. Media: Create video. B.

Integration of AR Meaningful Integration of Augmented Reality in Education Below you will find a list of ideas and apps to help meaningfully integrate augmented reality into education. This list will continue to grow as we collaborate with amazing educators on game changing ideas! Homework Mini-Lessons: Grade Level: All grades We use Explain Everything for many activities in our classrooms. Grade Level: PK-2, ELL This app uses augmented reality to engage the students in learning their letters. Grade Level: K-3 This fun app uses augmented reality to engage students in solving addition and subtraction problems. Student created book reviews: Grade Level: All grades Students can create short video book reviews of the book they have read from the classroom library or school library. Faculty Photo Wall Personalize your school's entryway by hanging a photograph of each staff member. PTA Support/Recruiting Rubrics Grade: All Learning Targets: Exit Slips/Tickets Words of Encouragement Mystery Reader or Staff Members Yearbook!

Augmented Reality in Education - Teaching and Learning nuts and boltsTeaching and Learning nuts and bolts I have been using augmented reality for a while now. It is a great tool to engage learners, especially with literacy. My tool of choice for this is Layar, I find the ability to create the AR and change it regularly makes it a great tool for the classroom. I wrote an eBook about how to use it and you can download it by clicking the button above. The book looks at how to use Layar in a step by step guide and gives examples of its use from my own teaching. the last page of the book contains ideas on how you can utilise this technology in your own school. Like this: Like Loading...

How Augmented Reality (AR) Can Be Great for Math Class: Learning Goals Photo by turkletom / CC BY As you may be aware from some of my recent Tweets, I had the pleasure of presenting at the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit – Boston over the past few days. Overall, it was one of the best professional development experiences I have had the pleasure of taking part in. There were so many great sessions that I hope to blog about soon, but I think I’ll start with the session that gave me inspiration to implement the idea in my own classroom immediately upon returning home. Spectral Learning – Augmented Reality from A to Z – Why AR is the Next Big Game Changer in Ed Tech Facilitator: Courtney Pepe Session Descriptor: This presentation will explore the role that Augmented Reality apps play in making the 21st century digital classroom a wicked awesome place to teach and learn. Although I had heard about the Augmented Reality/AR-Buzz going on in education right now, I really didn’t have any interest in attending such a session before arriving at the conference. Like this:
