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Mobile: Discover the web on the go

Mobile: Discover the web on the go

Stolen Camera Finder - find your photos, find your camera How to Know What F-Stop to Use" Photography deals with capturing light in a way that appeals to your artistic sensibilities, whether you prefer perfectly-lit, tack-sharp portraits worthy of presidential candidates or blurrier, artistic renderings of NASCAR competitors roaring by at 180 mph (290 kph). To consistently create the kinds of pictures that will make your creative spirit soar, you need a firm grasp of common camera settings such as shutter speed, ISO setting and f-stop (or focal stop). F-stops in particular have a tremendous effect on image characteristics, some of which may not be obvious to amateur shooters. For the bulk of this article, we'll discuss and improve your grasp of the mysterious f-stop. Shutter speed and ISO settings are also important concepts that will help you flesh out your understanding of how cameras work. When you take pictures, you're using the interplay between shutter speed, ISO and f-stop settings to control exposure. The f-stop number is determined by the focal length

Top 6 Sites that Inspire and Educate If you’re a professional who likes to be intellectually stimulated and you enjoy keeping up with the latest news and breaking trends, the internet provides you with an endless choice of carefully curated sites to visit. Today, we bring you six of them that we believe are leaps and bounds above the rest. These sites will not only educate you on topics ranging from business and technology to art and design, they’ll motivate you to find your own, original ideas and see them through. They’re culturally relevant, they’re idea driven and most of all, they’re deeply inspirational. TED is short for three incredibly important subjects in our modern world; technology, entertainment and design. Tip: Download TED’s free iPad app to browse through 800 videos by date, popularity or keyword. 2. Brain Pickings started from very humble beginnings. Tip: With over 63K Twitter followers, Brainpicker has a strong audience…and for good reason. 4. 5.
