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: Your Guide to Connectivism Learning Theory Skip to content Search Close Connectivism: Your Guide to Connectivism Learning Theory November 1, 2022 Learning Theory Technology has changed everything. Compared to theories like constructivism, behaviorism and humanism, connectivism learning theory is a relatively new theory on the scene. It’s also one of the few theories that takes our digital age into account. In this article, we’ll walk through the theory’s history, principles and how it links to online learning. What is Connectivism Learning Theory? Who would have thought that your car would be able to have a search engine in it? We’ve come a long way and we’re still going. This grand interconnected tapestry of information has helped to fuel connectivism learning theory. ‘The thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections, and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks.’ In other words, learners absorb new knowledge through the connections that they make. The Library

HANDSON Radio broadcast from Scotland – Handson ICT John’s Edutalk Radio Studio – Image Credit: John Johnston, CC BY Every week, Scottish educators; John Johnston and David Noble, broadcast an online radio show; Edutalk in which they talk to people doing interesting things in the world of education, ICT and digital technology. Last Wednesday John interviewed Ania Rolinska, an English and Technology officer and tutor from University of Glasgow, who helped facilitate the HANDSON MOOC together with Ian Guest, Head of e-learning at an all girls school in Sheffield, England. Ian was a participant in the 3rd Pilot of the MOOC. After providing some background on the history and variety of of MOOCs, Ian shared his personal experience of the HANDSON MOOC. Ania described the HANDSON MOOC and explained its real value for project-based learning in combining a range of structured activities that are underpinned by theory, linked to personal projects selected by the participating teachers. Click on the link below to listen, and/or download the podcast.

5 passive-aggressive phrases that 'make people respect you less': Public speaking expert Passive-aggressive behavior isn't always intentional. As a speech and communications expert, I've found that people who have these tendencies often just struggle with being honest about their emotions. But when you send mixed messages by failing to be straightforward, problems and tensions can go unresolved and people make assumptions about how you feel. It may even make people respect you less. The most successful communicators get to the point and avoid these phrases that only serve to irritate the listener: 1. I call this one a "throat clearer" — an indirect attempt to demand attention or a faster response. These phrases only camouflage your request and make the other person think you're trying to nag, blame or be bossy. What to say instead: Be direct. 2. This phrase almost always prefaces something annoying or offensive. The lazy, self-serving logic behind it is that if you tell people in advance that you're going to be rude, it's okay to go ahead and do so. 3. 4. 5. Don't miss: 1. 2.

Evaluation iTEC classrooom pilots: final evaluation results September 2014 Evaluating the impact of iTEC Learning Activities in schools Over the four years, the evaluators gathered the views of teachers and students (some 1,488 were surveyed), national coordinators and policy-makers through surveys, interviews, focus groups, case studies and observations. The results were collated under three headings in the final evaluation report. How did the iTEC approach impact on learners and learning Key finding 1: Teachers perceived that the iTEC approach developed students’ 21st century skills, notably independent learning; critical thinking, real world problem solving and reflection; communication and collaboration; creativity; and digital literacy. How did the iTEC approach impact on teachers and teaching? What is the potential of the iTEC approach for system-wide adoption in schools? Download the FULL EVALUATION REPORT here (in English, PDF). Related deliverables Evaluation findings so far January 2013 - Cycle 2

· Äntligen Krogguidens stora Semmelprovning 2022! Vilken semla tar fettisdagen till nästa nivå? Äntligen! Restriktionerna lättar lagom till fettisdagen och ingen är förstås gladare än Krogguiden, eftersom vi nu kan röra oss fritt bland stadens hantverksbagerier. Bara tanken på semlans fluffiga grädde och generösa fyllning är som ett balsam för själen. I år var det oerhört jämnt i toppstriden och små detaljer som avgjorde tävlingen. Och som vi har längtat! Häng med när vår expertjury smakar sig fram till Stockholms bästa semla 2022. I likhet med tidigare år tar vi även hjälp av den semmeltokige börsjournalisten Gabriel Mellqvist, mannen med näsa för både aktiekurser och fastlagsbullar. Som den konservativa och principfasta jury vi är har vi enbart testat traditionella semlor. Ett stycke förväntansfull jury redo att gå loss! Så här gick testet till: Vår mästerliga expertpanel under ledning av Anna Björlin testade totalt 20 stycken semlor. Under testets gång betygsätter vi alltid smak och textur på grädde, mandelmassa och bulle och fastställer därefter ett helhetsbetyg mellan 1-5. Animo

Rutherford Learning Group — Developing the Artisan Teacher Using the Kirkpatrick Model for Training Evaluation For program managers, measuring the results of training is often overlooked, despite being a crucial component of the training process. If you’ve looked into evaluating training or improving the way you’re currently evaluating training, you’ve undoubtedly stumbled across the Kirkpatrick Model during your research. In case you haven’t, here’s a quick overview: There are four levels of evaluation in the Kirkpatrick Model, and each level progressively informs program managers how successful a training event or initiative has been. Reaction – Level 1 In the reaction level, it’s your job to evaluate the response from learners – specifically, how they felt about training. Learning – Level 2 At this level, you’ll need to measure how effectively the information was absorbed by your learners. Behavior – Level 3 In this level, you’re measuring the degree to which your training has influenced the behavior of the participants, and how they are applying their new knowledge to their jobs. Results – Level 4

Formative assessment in the classroom and school | Unesco IIEP Learning Portal Teachers and schools need to check for learning throughout the school year, not just wait for final examinations. Formative assessment can improve student outcomes if part of a fair, valid, and reliable process of gathering, interpreting, and using infor­mation generated from methods used throughout the student learning process. Formative assessment methods include a combination of the following: student observations, class assignments, projects and presentations, performances, peer reviews, conversations and interviews with students, learning logs, and quizzes and tests. The formative assessment process is effective when part of a school-wide assessment system that ensures teachers are using multiple assessment paths, assessment plans, and high quality assessment standards. Teachers’ assessment practices should also be supported by an evidenced-based school-wide assessment policy. Issues and Discussion Inclusiveness and Equity Policy Examples

A Professional Resume Writer explains why LinkedIn isn’t “Facebook for work” | HerCanberra Think LinkedIn is just ‘Facebook for work’? Think again. In fact, it could help land your dream role. While many of us have half-heartedly signed up for the networking platform and dutifully filled in our employment history, it turns out that presenting a lacklustre profile could see us missing out on key opportunities, according to professional resume writer and former recruiter, Adriana Modersitzki. “LinkedIn can be a very valuable part of your career development, however, it’s often underestimated as just another social media platform or ‘thing to do’,” explains Adriana. She would know. At a basic level, LinkedIn is a free opportunity to showcase yourself and your value proposition on a respected public platform, which Adriana says helps build brand recognition. “Think about Coca-Cola, Nike, or Mercedes. To make things as easy as possible for you to level up your LinkedIn—we asked Adriana for her top tips. Why do we need a LinkedIn profile? The key difference? In short, no. Lost?

Getting started with Assessment for Learning Assessment for learning in practice AFL emphasises the creation of a learner-centred classroom with a supportive atmosphere, where students are not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. We are going to look at five approaches or strategies that you can use in a lesson or programme of study. 1. There are two main types of question: closed and open. A closed question requires a short answer, such as remembering a fact. On average, teachers only wait 0.9 seconds after asking a question before taking an answer from a learner. One way to help increase ‘wait time’, and to ensure the whole class is actively engaged, is to ask your learners to write down the answer to a closed question on a piece of paper, mini whiteboard or tablet, and hold it up. A good strategy to use if a learner gets the answer wrong is to make this into a positive event. Open questions need longer answers, and often require the learner to provide an opinion. Transcript Want to know more? 2. Want to know more? 4. 5.

The 5-hour rule: How to turn a wasted day into a successful one I like to make chit-chat now and then. One of my go-to conversation topics — most people’s go-to conversation topic — is TV. I might open with, “are you watching anything good at the moment?” This often opens a half-decent, mostly entertaining discussion. It’s an answer that bothers me. “I’ve not got time to watch TV” means “TV doesn’t interest me as much as this or that.” The fact is that we all have the same number of hours in the day, and it’s up to us to decide how we spend them. The anatomy of a day There are 24 hours in a day (or 1,440 minutes, if you really like to count your life away). Much of those nine hours are taken up by life administration: shopping, housework, unpaid labor (e.g. care work), and eating and drinking. Unsurprisingly, there’s a huge disparity in how care work or unpaid labor is divided across genders. The 5-hour rule Most people have at least a few hours to do with what they want. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. How to spend your hour Reflect.
