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10 Awesome New Web Tools for Teachers

10 Awesome New Web Tools for Teachers
As is usual here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, every two weeks, I share with you here a list of the most recently released web tools that might probably have some educational potential for your teaching and learning contexts. It's been 7 months ago since I added this section featuring lists of educational web tools to my blog. You can check it to view the lists I shared there so far.These lists are particularly created to help those of you who are busy and have no time left to go online and hunt for the new releases in the world of educational technology. What you see in these lists are web tools other edubloggers have reviewed in their websites and blogs. Check out what I have curated for you during the last couple of weeks and let me know what you think of them. Enjoy 1- Widbook An easy online platform to write books, share stories and add photos and video. Search by topic or exam. Silk is a place to publish your collections. 4- Tagboard 5- Shareor 6- Memofon 7- Wonderville Related:  robindi

How Teachers Feel About The 10 Biggest EdTech Trends Figuring out the biggest edtech trends is a great first step. We’ve taken it many times . Figuring out how teachers actually feel or care about those particular trends is a whole other story. The EdTech Trends In the interest of explaining the infographic a bit more (some of the words are basically written upside down!) Web-Based Tools for Educational Purposes Online Educational Resources Digital Literacy Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) Blended Learning Social Media Education E-Moderation Mobile Learning Digital Games In Education Interactive Whiteboards How It Works So how do teachers (at least the 100 or so teachers polled) feel about these various trends? How do you fall in with these feelings? Click the infographic below to enlarge

How can we use Connected Learning principles to promote 21st century learning? : KQED Education | KQED Public Media for Northern CA You can respond to this Do Now using Twitter, G+, Instagram, or Vine. Be sure to include #TeachDoNow in your response. Follow us on Twitter at @KQEDedspace and join our Google+ Community. For more info on how to use Twitter, click here. Click here to go back to the #TeachDoNow course Do Now How can we use Connected Learning principles to promote 21st century learning? Introduction Kids are learning everywhere. Clarissa is a 17-year-old aspiring screenwriter, growing up in a working-class household in the San Francisco Bay Area. This week we will examine the role of school in this larger context by working together as a community to explore physical learning spaces, course design and scheduling, assessment, learning activities, connections with the school community and the world, and other issues surrounding the design and implementation of 21st Century, Connected Learning Environments. Our driving design questions: Who are the students in our classrooms today? Resources More Resources

50 Free Collaboration Tools That Are Awesome for Education April 7th, 2010 Whether you are looking for tools that can bring a distance education class together or tools to help students and teachers in traditional classrooms working on group projects, the following collaboration tools will help with any need. From group papers to file sharing to group communication, the following tools will help bring any educational group together seamlessly to produce awesome results. Group Projects and Papers When working on group projects or research papers, these tools make collaboration a breeze. Nicenet. Discussion Groups and Communication Don’t let a little thing like distance stop your group or class from communicating. MemberHub. Research, Note Taking, and File Sharing Share your research, notetaking, and files with these great tools. CiteULike. Social Networking Social networking provides an opportunity for students and teachers to connect beyond the classroom walls in new and innovative ways. ePals. Wikis and Blogs Wikispaces. Task Management

The 8 Characteristics Of A 21st Century Teacher Some call them ‘connected educators’ while other use the phrase ‘digital teacher’ and many prefer the term ’21st century teacher.’ Whatever terms you use to describe modern teachers, it’s important to know what the terms actually mean. There’s a fabulous wiki devoted to just this topic here which houses some incredible bits of information. It’s by Andrew Churches who has curated quite a treasure trove of useful information for any teacher looking to outline what he or she actually does as a modern educator. See Also: The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have So what are the 8 characteristics of a 21st century teacher? So does this mean a 21st century teacher must embody every single one of these characteristics in order to be considered for the lofty and esteemed title? Man, that’d be exhausting. What you do need to do, though, is be able to pull from experience and be a leader, a collaborator, a communicator at a moment’s notice. What other characteristics would you name?

How Teachers Use Technology: The Latest Research Back in 2011, I wrote a post about the "New Digital Divide." Based on Pew Research data from 2011, it was apparent that, while many previously marginalized populations now had more access to the Internet, these populations were accessing the Internet mostly through mobile devices, which are limiting, especially when trying to build and create online or access job applications or opportunities. Just this past week, Pew released a new study called How Teachers Are Using Technology at Home and in Their Classrooms. It explores how teachers use the Internet for their own professional learning, with their students and for communicating with families. Who's Connected and Who Isn't As a member of a large online community of educators through Twitter and other social media outlets, I know how much of an impact the Internet has had on educators and their classrooms across the world. Same Old Digital Divide

PowerPoint Presentations for Spanish Class!! PowerPoint Presentationsfor Spanish Class!!Click here to get out of someone else's frame... Welcome! I am a high school Spanish teacher in Massachusetts. I teach at a place called St. John's High School. 4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning 4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning by Jennifer Rita Nichols The term “21st century” has become an integral part of educational thinking and planning for the future. Educators and administrators are actively searching for ways to prepare students for the future, and the educational system has been evolving faster than ever before. Various studies have shown us that rote memorization is not an effective learning strategy, and that teacher-centered classrooms may not be the most efficiently structured ones for student engagement. However, despite learning about the skills that students will need to develop to become successful in the 21st century, as well as what beliefs about education may be worth hanging onto or throwing away, schools and teachers are left trying to figure out what their role needs to be in the education of their 21st century students. Nowadays, we don’t live in the same world. So then, what is the role of education in the 21st century? Society has changed. 1. 2. 3.

The 7 Characteristics of Teachers Who Use Technology Effectively I just came across this awesome graphic shared by our colleagues in teachthought and I found it really interesting. The graphic features 7 habits of the highly effective teachers using technology. Even though the habits mentioned are generic , they still reflect part of the digital behavior teacher should embrace when using technology in their class. What is really interesting in this graphic is that all of these 7 habits are also the same features we find in people with " growth mindset ". If you still remember the comparison we have made between growth and fixed mindsets and we said that teachers with the growth mindset are more open to embrace change, take risks, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as the path for mastery , and find lessons and inspiration in the success of others. Without any further ado, I ll let you go through these 7 habits and don't forget to let us know what you think of them. Priginal source of the graphic is always prepped

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Steve is in the back, uploading your file We're sorry, but we could not find what you are looking for. Global Digital Citizen Foundation © 2015|terms & conditions|privacy policy 27 Tips For Becoming A Digital Teacher The term ’21st century teacher’ has been met with a bit of backlash over the past year or so. I’ve seen it pop up all over the place (including Edudemic of course) as a term to describe a ‘modern’ or ‘connected’ or ‘digital’ teacher. Basically, we all seem to trying to find the best term for a teacher who uses technology to enhance learning. See Also: A Day In The Life Of A Connected Educator The terminology is not important. All of these goals are important and, more importantly, they’re detailed in Edudemic posts every day. So if you’re looking for tips, activities, or simply want to quickly know what it takes to become a modern / connected / 21st century / digital teacher, then use this visual as a jumping-off point to get you on your way.

3 Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student Thinking in the 21st century is just different. That doesn’t mean we’re all suddenly omnipotent cyborgs, nor does it mean we’ve all become mindless social media addicts that spend our cognitive might tapping, swiping, and drooling on our smartphone and tablet screens. But just as the 19th century presented unique challenges to information processing than the 18th or 20th, the 21st century is different than the one before, or that the one that will come after. recently released the following graphic that I thought was interesting, mainly in that it identified knowledge types for modern learning, settling on Foundational, Humanistic, and Meta Knowledge. 3 Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student 1. Digital/ICT Literacy, Core Content Knowledge, Cross-disciplinary Knowledge 2. Life/Job Skills, Ethical/Emotional Awareness, Cultural Competence 3. Creativity and Innovation, Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration Using This Model In Your Classroom

What Will It Take to Close the Adult Digital Literacy Gap? As new technology continues to emerge and evolve, the need for digital literacy in the American workforce becomes increasingly important. While employers’ expectations for technology proficiency were once reserved for professionals trained in information technology, many industries now require prospective employees to demonstrate basic computer skills, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and effective web search, just to get in the door. While this shift has created new opportunities for hundreds of thousands of workers, those who lack sufficient training and experience in these areas are overlooked. Almost eight in ten middle-skill jobs, which are defined as those that require less than a college degree but more than a high school degree, now require basic digital literacy skills. These jobs represent 39% of the overall U.S. job market, and can often serve as a vehicle for upward economic mobility.

The Basics of Self-Directed Learning for Teachers What is self-directed learning all about ? There are a variety of definitions as to what SDL is all about and going through all of them I found that Knowles has been very articulate in the way he defined SDL. “In its broadest meaning, ’self-directed learning’ describes a process by which individuals take the initiative, with our without the assistance of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identify human and material resources for learning, choosing and implement appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes.” (Knowles, 1975, p. 18
