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Permaculture Videos

Permaculture Videos
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Permaculture Plants: Oak The majestic Oak. Common Name: OakScientific Name: Quercus speciesFamily: Fagaceae (the Beech family) Ariundle Oakwood, Scotland. One of the last surviving old-growth oak forests in the Scottish Highlands. Angel Oak Tree, outside of Charleston, South Carolina, is over 1,500 years old. Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) Description: The Oaks are a large family of shrubs and trees, about 600 species, which produce acorns. English or Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) Watercolor by Ruth de Monchaux History: Native to the northern hemisphere, oaks are found from tropical to cold climates. Trivia: Oak trees can be deciduous or evergreen (a.k.a. Acorns can feed wildlife, domesticated life, and human life alike. Red Oak (Quercus rubra) Oak leaf and acorn variety. 5 oak leaves and 6 acorns found by Coniston Water by Eileen Postlethwaite USING THIS PLANTPrimary Uses: Nut - the "acorn" is typically dried and ground as "meal" or "flour".

e-Store Permaculture Field Assessment Kit - The first step in working toward a Permaculture design is to go out to a site, observe, take an inventory, and make an assessment of what is already on the ground. This requires rigorous focus and the ability to see deep into the landscape. This basic field assessment kit helps to extend your senses and affords you the opportunity to acquire the information you need in order to take the next steps in the design process. For example, the pocket site level is a quick and easy-to-use tool to help you shoot contours (dead-level topographical lines) quickly in order to develop a plan for digging swales, plotting keylines or putting in ponds. The toolkit comes in a carrying case so that there is easy transport to, from and in the field.

Introduction to Agroecology: Green Gold- "The Source of Wealth is [are] the Functional Ecosystems" "Kariegasfontein Ranch, Aberdeen, South Africa: Land on the left managed under Holistic Planned Grazing (HPG) in 200 mm [7.87 inches] rainfall, showing a contrast with advancing desertification," Photo Credit: Norman Kroon. Source. I fixed the horizon line from original image. My last diary in this series shared Allan Savory's TED talk on his system of Holistic Management. Recognizing the audacity of such a statement, I provided the following for context: Allan Savory is NOT proclaiming that Holistic Management is the only solution for climate change. In light of the acknowledgement that Holistic Management (HM in this diary) is not appropriate everywhere all the time, nor is it the only solution for climate change, I wish to present John D. Originally aired on Dutch TV by VPRO, Green Gold was made in conjunction with Liu's Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP).2 Green Gold is an extended version of "Hope in a Changing Climate," coproduced by EEMP and The Open University.3 2." 5.

Podcasts Sheri Menelli, a great friend of Tipuana Farm, joins Tall Paul to share her “Permaculture Dreams” with us, and why it is important to create and form mental images for your goals to be achieved. Sheri taught hypnosis for childbirth since 1999. She is the author of “Journey into Motherhood: Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth” and was the co-host and producer of the radio show, The Real Side of Birth. She is also the author of numerous hypnosis recordings and ebooks. Sheri is very active in our local Permaculture community and is a visionary who will help inspire all of us to want and do more for ourselves, our families and community! Dr. “Bob” is very passionate about “creating long term stable ecosystems that do not need chemical assistance.” I wish we could all have his background in science, but his enthusiasm and easy-to-understand teaching style will certainly boost your interest in these important Permaculture topics! Please visit Dr.

Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series On-Line Straw Bale Construction Straw bale construction is gaining worldwide recognition as a viable, high-performance, earth- and people-friendly building technique which utilizes a natural by-product of food production. The Straw Bale Solution is 30-minute video introduction to straw bale building. It offers viewers an excellent look at $1.50 a square foot straw-bale homes in Mexico and the custom high-end straw-bale mansions of Santa Fe... How and why they are built, why they make so much sense and cents, and how to get started are all covered." The Straw Bale Solution (#C 01) Building with bales can produce ecological, empowering and affordable housing, and NetWorks' award-winning video provides an entertaining overview of how and why. The Last Straw The Last Straw, the quarterly journal of straw-bale and natural building, began in 1992 with Judy Knox and Matts Myhrman of Out On Bale (un)Ltd at the publishing helm. Networks still sells back issues (#1-39) of TLS

What Permaculture Isn’t—and Is Permaculture is notoriously hard to define. A recent survey shows that people simultaneously believe it is a design approach, a philosophy, a movement, and a set of practices. This broad and contradiction-laden brush doesn’t just make permaculture hard to describe. It can be off-putting, too. Let’s say you first encounter permaculture as a potent method of food production and are just starting to grasp that it is more than that, when someone tells you that it also includes goddess spirituality, and anti-GMO activism, and barefoot living. Humans are a problem-solving species. Thomas Kuhn, in his masterwork, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, uses the word “paradigm” to mean the viewpoint that defines the problems to be solved in a particular field. “Paradigm” has been trivialized through overuse and I’m sure that Kuhn is spinning in his grave. So, why, then, is permaculture so confusing to define? In the 18th Century, combustion was explained by something called phlogiston.

Milkwood: permaculture farming and living What is Permaculture - Part 1: Ethics Permaculture is primarily a thinking tool for designing low carbon, highly productive systems but its influence can be very pervasive! What can start as a journey towards living a more ecologically balanced lifestyle can go far deeper, even transforming our worldview and radically altering behaviour. This is the inspirational nature of permaculture, it is a means of connecting each of us more deeply to nature’s patterns and wisdom and of practically applying that understanding in our daily lives. The discipline of permaculture design is based on observing what makes natural systems endure; establishing simple yet effective principles, and using them to mirror nature in whatever we choose to design. Permaculture is not just a green way of living or a guiding system of ethics, it is a way of designing using nature’s principles as a model; ‘bending’ them as much as possible to create fertile, self-reliant, productive landscapes and communities. Earth Care People Care Fair Shares

Introduction to Permaculture - 40 hours of Free video lectures Permaculture means 'permanent culture,' (or 'permanent agriculture') and ...'is the conscious design and maintenance of cultivated ecosystems that have the diversity, stability, and resilience of a natural ecosystem.' (Bill Mollison) This course will explore, through lectures, discussions, field trips, and required projects, a design/thinking methodology that seeks to profide for our physical needs, food, water, shelter, energy, etc., while doing so in an environmentally friendly, sustainable manner. Download all lectures for Free here: Watch online all lectures for Free here: See also: Introduction to Permaculture - 18 part webinar with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture - This is an 18 part 90 minute intro to permaculture webinar with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture in Illinois. Documentary Films - Permaculture / Organic FarmingEbooks - Permaculture & Forest Gardening Free Documentary Films ArchiveFree Full Ebooks Archive

Permaculture Research Institute of Australia » Fruit Flies in a Bottle Copyright 2010 by Ernest Partridge. Published here with permission of the author. Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings. – William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar Place a few fruit flies in a bottle with a layer of honey at the bottom, and they will quickly multiply to an enormous number, and then, just as quickly, die off to the very last, poisoned by their wastes. Similarly, add a few yeast cells to grape juice, seal the bottle, and the cells will consume the sugar and turn it into alcohol. Fruit flies and yeast in a bottle are embarked upon suicidal endeavors. Human beings, we are told, are different. Human beings have these capacities. None of the antagonists in the First World War wanted the war. Finally, consider Easter Island. In his book, Collapse, Jared Diamond poses these questions in words that strike ominously close to home: Sound familiar? The answer, I submit, is most discouraging.

Permaculture: the ethics of gardening « Pennsylvania Echoes A couple weeks ago I took a class on soil, and I learned quite a lot. One definition of soil, pertaining to growing and gardening, is a “The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the Earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants”. Did you know that plant roots “decide” the type and levels of microbial life in their symbiotic soil relationships? The form of gardening that I am becoming more interested in is called Permaculture Design. “Permaculture is a system of assembling conceptual, material and strategic components in a pattern which in a pattern which functions to benefit Life in all forms. - “Intro To Permaculture” , B. The design principles and methods of Permaculture include an eclectic range of ideas that mirror other important philosophical systems Ethics in Action Permandala Mollison states that “Everything Gardens”, I wonder if we could say everything IS a garden,metaphorically. Food for thought Food for Fact More thoughts

Permaculture Now! Permaculture Magazine - Inspiration for Sustainable Living | Permaculture Magazine Permaculture With its system of applied education, research and citizen- led design permaculture has grown a popular web of global networks and developed into a global social movement[citation needed]. The term permaculture was developed and coined by David Holmgren, then a graduate student at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education's Department of Environmental Design, and Bill Mollison, senior lecturer in Environmental Psychology at University of Tasmania, in 1978. [1] The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture",[3] but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture", as it was understood that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy. It has many branches that include, but are not limited to, ecological design, ecological engineering, regenerative design, environmental design, and construction. History[edit] Several individuals revolutionized the branch of permaculture. In Australian P.A.
