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jQuery PowerTip

jQuery PowerTip
PowerTip features a very flexible design that is easy to customize, gives you a number of different ways to use the tooltips, has APIs for developers, and supports adding complex data to tooltips. It is being actively developed and maintained, and provides a very fluid user experience. Download v1.2.0Zip file with examples, CSS, and script. Here are some basic examples of PowerTip in actions. Placement examples Mouse follow example The PowerTip for this box will follow the mouse. Mouse on to popup example The PowerTip for this box will appear on the right and you will be able to interact with its content. Unique Features Checks for hover intent Testing for hover intent makes it so that tooltips don’t open the moment your mouse happens to cross an element with a tooltip. Features Requirements jQuery 1.7 or later Design Goals Tooltips that behave like they would in desktop applications Tooltips should not flicker or be difficult to interact with. Usage $('.tooltips').powerTip(options); Title attribute

Trumbowyg : a lightweight WYSIWYG editor Introducing Trumbowyg Why you should love it? HTML5 ready Editor and generated code are optimized for HTML5 support. Compatible with all recents browsers like IE8+, Chrome, Opera and Firefox. Fast & lightweight All existing WYSIWYG editors are larger than 45kB. Customizable Options and design are entirely configurable ot suit your needs. Demonstration See for yourself This is a demo of Trumbowyg A simple paragraph, strong and emphasis funny test. “Trumbowyg is awesome!” Getting Started As straightforward as it gets Installation First, if you don't already do it, load jQuery at bottom of <body> like so: <script src="//"></script><script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/vendor/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> Trumbowyg needs jQuery >= 1.7, because it uses .on() a new function appeared in version 1.7. After this lines, you have to load Trumbowyg. You can install Trumbowyg using Bower which makes easier updates. Basics

qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips Easy to use tabs plugin for jQuery/Zepto | jQuery/Zepto lightweight tabs plugin TabbedContent is a lightweight* tabs plugin that uses the HTML5 history API to add your tab navigation to your browser’s history. * 2.6 KB packed, 1.5 KB gzipped It is compatible with both jQuery and Zepto.js libraries. It also has an API that will let you switch between tabs externally. Online Demos Installing using npm npm install tabbedcontent Usage Basic layout: <ul><li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a></li><li><a href="#tab-2">Tab 2</a></li><li><a href="#tab-3">Tab 3</a></li><li><a href="#tab-n">Tab N</a></li></ul><div class="tabscontent"><div id="tab-1"><! The links of the tabs should point to each tab id. Basic javascript initialization: $('.tabscontent').tabbedContent(); By default the plugin will take the links inside the previous wrapper related to the tabs layer; but you can specify your links selector, so you can put your links everywhere: Using with Zepto.js You’ll need the data plugin if you want to use the tabbedcontent api. Error Detector Simply specify the errorSelector selector: Callbacks

Opentip | The free tooltip Hemi Intro DEMO Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet. Get started today Safari bug warning! As of v8.0, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. View details » Heading Donec sed odio dui.

Responsive Navigation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor accumsan enim, id finibus sapien imperdiet a. Ut laoreet imperdiet diam quis tincidunt. Fusce risus est, suscipit ut turpis id, vehicula sodales libero. Sed volutpat viverra diam pellentesque dictum. Sed suscipit orci neque, luctus auctor metus dictum eget. Pellentesque convallis mollis ex, ac suscipit nibh porttitor eget. Suspendisse quis porttitor odio. Proin malesuada ultricies velit, eu molestie magna fringilla non. Sed neque tortor, fermentum vitae velit non, tincidunt lacinia tellus. Integer bibendum volutpat lectus at consectetur. Quisque a quam pulvinar, placerat ipsum id, accumsan sem. Mauris tempus tincidunt leo, eu tempus leo.

nohtcoltd/turnbox_js jQuery responsive mousehover zoom About AJAX-ZOOM: what makes the difference exactly? On default only the high resolution "master images" (source images) need to be defined, see "images" object / array in the example code below. This "images" object is basically the only thing which needs to be replaced dynamically by your application. All thumbnails and flyout view images are instantly generated by AJAX-ZOOM "image server" which is located at your place (server). Alternatively to AJAX-ZOOM PHP based "image server" the paths to these flyout "preview" images can be hardset (see "images" option below) to point to some static (already scaled) images. Same as with thumbnails all image tiles can be generated instantly on-the-fly or pregenerated with AJAX-ZOOM special batch tool... Details about responsiveness The width of the container in the left column of this responsive page layout is set to 32% of the window width. But what about the height of this mouseover zoom?

