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BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative

BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative

rda@abes | Tout ce que nous pouvons vous dire sur RDA (Ressources : description & accès) ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers FRBR : de l’expression bordel ! | rda Two strange monsters, par G33G (Fabio Dellutri) sur Flickr (Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0) Le mois d’aoûtPour sortir d’une impasse il faut en prendre une autre. Monsieur SongeRobert Pinget (1919-1997). Le modèle FRBR, rappelons-le, se présentait comme une tentative de clarifier les éléments constitutifs des « notices bibliographiques » (FRBR : bibliographic records) produites selon les règles appliquées dans les années 1990. Il s’agissait d’élaborer un cadre conceptuel permettant de comprendre clairement, sous une forme précisément exprimée et dans un langage qui soit parlant pour tout le monde, l’essence même de ce sur quoi la notice bibliographique est censée renseigner, et l’essence même de ce que nous attendons de la notice en termes d’adéquation aux besoins des utilisateurs.FRBR § 1.1 Contexte Il n’avait pas pour objectif direct de servir de socle à une conception nouvelle de la description bibliographique. L’ « arborescence FRBR » Entités du groupe 1 et relations fondamentales. Aie!

Institute of Museum and Library Services Federal Library Government Resources - Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) FEDLINK has engaged the Federal Research Division (FRD) of the Library of Congress to compile a directory of all United States federal libraries and information resource centers (IRCs) worldwide. To this end, in the spring of 2011 FRD sent out surveys soliciting general information (name and government affiliation, contact information and location, collection and staff size, hours of operation, leadership, and circulation and reference services) to known federal libraries and information centers. FRD analysts then supplemented the data received from these surveys with research in order to compile as complete as possible a directory of federal libraries and IRCs. The current directory is comprised of approximately 1,111 entries. FEDLINK hopes this directory will raise the awareness of federal libraries and information resource centers and contribute to the more effective use of the resources these organizations maintain. Follow this link

EZID: EZID Home Above the Fold Journal Citation Reports Help Journal Cited Half-Life The median age of the articles that were cited in the JCR year. Half of a journal's cited articles were published more recently than the cited half-life. For example, in JCR 2001 the journal Crystal Research and Technology has a cited half-life of 7.0. That means that articles published in Crystal Research and Technology between 1995-2001 (inclusive) account for 50% of all citations to articles from that journal in 2001. Only journals cited 100 or more times in the JCR year have a cited half-life. A higher or lower cited half-life does not imply any particular value for a journal. Aggregate Cited Half-Life The aggregate cited half-life is calculated the same way as the journal cited half-life, and its significance is comparable. For example, in JCR 2003 the subject category Energy & Fuels has a cited half-life of 7.0.
