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Five-Minute Film Festival: Nine Videos on Kindness, Empathy, and Connection

Five-Minute Film Festival: Nine Videos on Kindness, Empathy, and Connection
I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. It's always a good time to practice gratitude for the relationships that sustain us all -- for the people who have taught us in a school setting and beyond, and for the young ones we are able to nurture and inspire. I was also thinking about how many of us are living out the paradox of being ever more plugged in, and ever more aware of what's happening in our community via social media platforms, while at the same time, face-to-face interactions are less frequent than ever before. We are in constant touch, but barely touching. Watching these videos made me remember the importance of re-connecting, treating people with kindness and respect, and being generous and compassionate to both loved ones and strangers. If each of us pledged to do more of that, we'd make a better world for all of us to learn and grow in. Video Playlist: Kindness, Empathy, and Connection

Microaggressions : Power, privilege and everyday life. Terminology So, which terms do I use? Terminology, particularly as it relates to Indigenous peoples, can be tricky to navigate. A term that might be acceptable to some might be offensive to others. By taking a moment to consider the history of certain terms, it is very possible to learn and be comfortable with which words to use in which contexts. Terms in this section: First Nations | Inuit | Metis | Indian | Inuit | Indigenous | Native | Peoples (plural)To capitalize or not to capitalize? Why does terminology matter? The history of relationships between the Canadian state and Aboriginal peoples is complex, and has oftentimes been paternalistic and damaging. On the other hand, terms can empower populations when the people have the power to self-identify. Aboriginal The term "Aboriginal" refers to the first inhabitants of Canada, and includes First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. First Nations Inuit Métis This term has general and specific uses, and the differences between them are often contentious.

Social interaction and the role of empathy in information and knowledge management: A literature review | Faye Miller Social Interaction and the Role of Empathy in Information and Knowledge Management messaging, email, virtual reference ser-vices) to standard practices.” The strategyof information professionals meeting usersin their online spaces (social networking,Twitter, etc.) and catering for user needswithin their contexts has become thenorm. The literature indicates that peopleare becoming less likely to meet within in-stitutional contexts and thus there is lessimportance placed on physical places suchas libraries or other organizations (Hiller,2004). However, at the same time the lit-erature suggests that libraries as physical places are becoming more important intheir communities (Harris, 2007).The second perceived shift is the tran-sition from the information age to whathas been termed the conceptual age (Pink,2005). tion with the eld of social psychologyis the growing signicance of affective Relationship Between InformationBehavior and Empathy ing elds. The common nding among key stud

Tribal Library Toolkit - home Interviews: What Protection Of Traditional Knowledge Means To Indigenous Peoples World Intellectual Property Organization member states in July concluded the biennium work of the committee tasked with finding agreement on international legal tools to prevent misappropriation and misuse of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore. Indigenous peoples and local communities are holders of a substantial part of this knowledge and are demanding that it be protected against misappropriation but also against its use without their consent. Intellectual Property Watch conducted two interviews with different indigenous groups attending the 15-24 July WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) (IPW, WIPO, 25 July 2013). The IGC is working on the protection of genetic resources (GR), traditional knowledge (TK), and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs or folklore) against misappropriation mainly by commercial interests. Colonisers Put Traditional Knowledge in the Public Domain

Why Hasn’t the Number of Multicultural Books Increased In Eighteen Years? « the open book Note: This post was originally posted in June 2013. An updated study with new statistics can be found here. The infographic below has also been updated. Since LEE & LOW BOOKS was founded in 1991 we have monitored the number of multicultural children’s books published each year through the Cooperative Children’s Book Center’s statistics. Kathleen T. Librarians and teachers will tell you that the demand is there, at least in the institutional market. Nikki Grimes, Poet/Author: I’m not sure I know the full answer to that question, but I do think the changes in the industry have affected authors of color disproportionately. Dr. On the other side, there may be factors that give the impression that the market for such books is small. Vicky Smith, Children’s and Teen Editor, Kirkus Reviews: I have heard and participated in discussion after discussion after discussion about the lack of representation of minority voices in children’s literature, so I’m not sure I have much new to offer. Dr. Dr.

Children's Books by and About People of Color Documented by the Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Questions about this information? Contact CCBC Director Kathleen T. Last updated: May 14, 2019 History In 1985, then-CCBC Director Ginny Moore Kruse was serving as a member of the Coretta Scott King Award Committee, and we were appalled to learn that, of the approximately 2,500 trade books that were published in 1985, only 18 were created by African Americans, and thus eligible for the Coretta Scott King Award. Beginning in 1994 we began also keeping track of the numbers of books we were receiving by Asian/Pacific and Asian/Pacific American, First/Native Nation and Latinx book creators as well. The charts documenting our annual statistics can be found below. What We Receive The CCBC receives most, but not all, of the trade books published annually in the United States by large corporate publishers. We do not include reprints of previously issued books in our count. What We Document

American Indian Youth Literature Award - American Indian Library Association The American Indian Youth Literature Awards are presented every two years. The awards were established as a way to identify and honor the very best writing and illustrations by and about American Indians. Books selected to receive the award will present American Indians in the fullness of their humanity in the present and past contexts. Additional information about the award and criteria used to evaluate books can be found here. The First American Indian Library Association American Indian Youth Literature Awards were presented during the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color in 2006. 2016 American Indian Youth Literature Award A color brochure of the 2016 award recipients is available to print and share. Honor Books were selected each category. 2016 Winners 2016 Honor Books 2014 American Indian Youth Literature Award A color brochure of the 2014 award recipients is available to print and share. 2014 Winners 2014 Honor Books 2012 American Indian Youth Literature Award 2012 Winners

KKK Member Walks up to Black Musician in Bar-but It’s Not a Joke, and What Happens Next Will Astound You Daryl Davis is no ordinary musician. He’s played with President Clinton and tours the country playing “burnin’ boogie woogie piano” and sharing musical stylings inspired by greats like Fats Domino, Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis. He’s a highly respected and electrifying performer who is currently an integral member of The Legendary Blues Band (formerly known as the Muddy Waters Band,) and he rocks the stage all over the nation. Davis’ travels, of course, have always afforded him the opportunity to meet a huge range of diverse people, but perhaps nothing could have prepared him for the moment that would change his life. It was 1983 and Davis was playing country western music in an (informally) all-white lounge. He was the only black musician in the place and when his set was over, a man approached him. Daryl Davis poses with his friend Jerry Lee Lewis. Most people in this day and age probably would have turned and ran right out of that good ol’ boy’s bar, but not Davis. Sources:

Cultural Skills | The Salzburg Curriculum Bringing diverse communities together is the focus of this aspect of the curriculum. It transcends the concept of global cultures and encompasses age, gender and skill levels as well. Video: R. Transcript (view as PDF): Here’s the thing: If all you do is sit in a building and maintain a collection, you have built a culture. It’s not easy. So in the Salzburg Curriculum, there are a couple of very specific skills that people need. Communication. We must understand intercultural skills, that is the ability to analyze and function in micro- and macro-cultures, including age and gender. So, for example, the Free Library of Philadelphia had an interesting problem, which was the downtown urban core central library was in the middle of a primarily African American community. This oftentimes revolves around language and terminology. And this doesn’t just apply to how we speak, it applies to how we learn, so we must support multiple types of literacy.

Income Inequality Is a Sustainability Issue - Christopher Meyer , and Julia Kirby by Christopher Meyer and Julia Kirby | 9:00 AM January 28, 2014 This evening, President Obama will deliver his State of the Union Address, and it is widely reported that it will focus on the issue of income inequality. He will be “on trend,” as they say in fashion — in recent months, leaders from the new Mayor of New York to the Pope have also been vocal on the subject. Just last week, the World Economic Forum named income inequality as “the risk that is most likely to cause serious damage globally in the coming decade,” and Oxfam International reported that the world’s 85 richest people have more wealth than the 3.5 billion in the bottom half of the scale, and that 70 percent of the world’s people live in countries where income inequality has increased in the past 30 years. How should business respond to the growing prominence of this issue? But it’s a false dichotomy to separate business issues from social issues. What does the inequality of income have to do with sustainability?
