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Learn To Code, Code To Learn

Learn To Code, Code To Learn
Is it important for all children to learn how to write? After all, very few children grow up to become journalists, novelists, or professional writers. So why should everyone learn to write? Of course, such questions seem silly. People use writing in all parts of their lives: to send birthday messages to friends, to jot down shopping lists, to record personal feelings in diaries. The act of writing also engages people in new ways of thinking. I see coding (computer programming) as an extension of writing. The recent surge of interest in learning to code, reflected in sites like and, has focused especially on job and career opportunities. But I see much deeper and broader reasons for learning to code. Six years ago, my research group at the MIT Media Lab launched the Scratch programming language and online community in an effort to make coding accessible and appealing to everyone. We’ve been amazed with the diversity and creativity of the projects. Related:  Scratch

Aprender a programar, programar para aprender Por Mitchel Resnick, PhD. ¿Es importante que todos los niños aprendan a escribir? Después de todo, muy pocos de ellos en su vida adulta serán periodistas, novelistas o escritores profesionales. Cabe entonces la pregunta ¿por qué todo el mundo debe aprender a escribir? Por supuesto, estas parecen preguntas tontas. Yo veo la programación (programar computadores), como extensión de la escritura. El reciente surgimiento del interés por aprender a programar, reflejado en sitios Web como “” y “”, se enfoca en oportunidades de carrera o de trabajo. Pero yo veo razones más profundas y generales para aprender a programar. Hace seis años, el equipo de investigación que lidero en el Laboratorio de Medios del MIT, teniendo como objetivo primordial que la programación fuera accesible y atractiva para todos, lanzó tanto el lenguaje de programación Scratch, como su comunidad en línea. Nos sorprendemos siempre con la diversidad y creatividad que se evidencia en los proyectos.

Teach Your Kids to Code: 6 Beginner's Resources for Parents Introducing computer programming to your kids can be a challenge, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the nuances of code. Fortunately, in the last few years, a number of apps, software, and guides have been produced that make the often-complex subject of computer coding easy to grasp for young learners. So where to begin? Programming Tutorials From Made With Code by Google: Google's Made With Code project has a mission of encouraging girls to pursue careers in computer science. Inspiring Articles About Kids Learning to Code Still looking for some ideas? Coding Organizations for Kids For the non-coding parents, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Programación en la Educación Escolar > Scratch > Regulación de Emociones Hoy en día se espera que los sistemas educativos preparen a los estudiantes para vivir y trabajar en armonía con los demás y para ser buenos ciudadanos en toda la extensión de la palabra. Sin embargo, volver realidad este propósito pasa necesariamente por que cada estudiante se conozca a sí mismo e identifique y aprenda a regular sus propias emociones. Según J. Es esto precisamente lo que se pretende con la propuesta de identificación, expresión y regulación de emociones, implementada en el Instituto Nuestra señora de la Asunción (INSA) de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. También han manifestado estas personas que sí se han observado, de manera experimental, cambios positivos en los estudiantes respecto al manejo de sus emociones. La propuesta de la que venimos hablando se basa en el uso, por parte de los estudiantes, de 14 emoticones en forma de objetos de Scratch que representan las siguientes emociones: Emoticones 2013 – Versión 1.2 Identificación Expresión Regulación 4.

Teaching Coding: Where Do You Start? EdSurge Newsletters Receive weekly emails on edtech products, companies, and events that matter. Soon after I wrote my last article on Edsurge “Where Does Tech-ed Belong in Edtech?,” advocating for the need for computer science education, there was a surprising amount of activity in this area--from President Obama’s interview to the much talked about video. The timing of my article was purely coincidence, though I wish I could say otherwise! Now that we are warming up to the idea that we must teach computer science or programming or “coding” in our schools, the next question is “Where do you start?” The advocacy channels and computer science organizations (CSTA, NCWIT, CSEdWeek, give a number of helpful links to curriculum guides, tools, online programming courses and much more. I decided to look for a starting point based on what I have seen work again and again in my programming classes. While searching for this answer, I realized that it was actually obvious.

Herramienta para analizar problemas Según Gary Stager (2003), la solución de problemas mediante la programación de computadores demanda de los estudiantes encontrar diversas maneras de abordar problemas y de plantear soluciones. Además, desarrollar habilidades para visualizar rutas de razonamiento divergentes, anticipar errores y evaluar rápidamente los diferentes escenarios mentales. Pero dado que el primer paso en la solución de cualquier problema consiste en su análisis, ponemos a disposición de los docentes una herramienta que pueden utilizar sistemáticamente con sus estudiantes para que ellos aprendan y se acostumbren a analizar problemas. Antes de explicar en qué consiste la herramienta para analizar problemas, es importante precisar qué entendemos por problema. Para resolver problemas, cada disciplina dispone de estrategias específicas de su ámbito de saber; por ejemplo, resolver problemas matemáticos implica utilizar estrategias propias de las matemáticas. ¿Puedo definir mejor el problema?

'Coding Nation' Chronicles 300 Ways to Pick Up Programming | EdSurge News EdSurge Newsletters Receive weekly emails on edtech products, companies, and events that matter. How many ways can you learn to code? Try more than 100101100--or, in translation, more than 300. That's according to a report, "Coding Nation," fresh from the digital press at the Kapor Center for Social Impact. New high-tech jobs are growing three times faster than the rest of the economy, notes the Kapor Center report. The report has an introductory note and shout out to Globaloria from Jennifer Arguello, tech writer for NBC and an advisor to the Kapor Center. A growing number of business leaders are urging American kids to learn to code. "Coding Nation" offers both good and teeth-gritting news, depending on your point of view: Cedric Brown, Managing Partner at Kapor and overseer of the project, shared with EdSurge that what “started as an internal purpose for internal knowledge” became a resource that the Kapor Center wanted to share more broadly.

Investigación: Scratch y el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento Descargue el informe de investigación completo en formato PDF En el 2004, ante la preocupación por la notable disminución de profesionales en Ciencias e Ingenierías en Colombia, la Fundación Gabriel Piedrahita Uribe (FGPU) decide aportar su grano de arena y comenzar a trabajar el tema de algoritmos y programación con estudiantes de 5° grado del Instituto de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (INSA) de Cali. En ese entonces el entorno disponible y el más adecuado, era “MicroMundos Pro”, basado el Logo. Al tomar esa decisión la FGPU buscaba que los estudiantes desarrollaran habilidades de pensamiento de orden superior. En el año 2010, con la disponibilidad de Scratch, desarrollado por el “Lifelong Kindergarten” del MIT Media Lab, se decidió cambiar de entorno de programación. Programación de computadores y desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento en niños escolares: fase exploratoria Descargue el informe de investigación completo en formato PDF

Teaching Kids to Code | EdSurge Guides Every era demands--and rewards--different skills. In different times and different places, we have taught our children to grow vegetables, build a house, forge a sword or blow a delicate glass, bake bread, create a soufflé, write a story or shoot hoops. Now we are teaching them to code. We are teaching them to code, however, not so much as an end in itself but because our world has morphed: so many of the things we once did with elements such as fire and iron, or tools such as pencil and paper, are now wrought in code. In this collection we share many different perspectives on coding, from a university professor's vantage point (MIT's Mitch Resnick describes why learning to code is like learning to learn) to an entrepreneur's reflections from his cross-country roadtrip to bring coding--and his stuffed dog--to classrooms across the U.S. You can learn to code on your own by dipping into one of over 50 tools for learning to code that we've compiled (check out the bottom of this page).

GUÍA DE REFERENCIA - SCRATCH versión 1 - ScratchGuiaReferencia.pdf 7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills It's hard to imagine a single career that doesn't have a need for someone who can code. Everything that "just works" has some type of code that makes it run. Coding (a.k.a. programming) is all around us. That's why all the cool kids are coding . . . or should be. If you're concerned that that a) elementary school students don't have the ability to code, b) there's no room in the curriculum, and c) you don't possess coding chops to teach programming skills, throw out those worries. In no particular order, we have listed all the coding apps that are appropriate for young learners. GameStar Mechanic Platform: WebCost: $2 per student GameStar Mechanic teaches kids, ages 7-14, to design their own video games. Scratch Platform: WebCost: Free! Tynker Platform: WebCost: Free! Move the Turtle Platform: iOS (iPad and iPod)Cost: $2.99 We love Move the Turtle, a gamified way to learn programming procedures. Hopscotch Platform: iPadCost: Free! Daisy the Dinosaur Platform: iPadCost: Free! Cargo-Bot

Programación en la Educación Escolar > Scratch > Recursos GENERAR EJECUTABLES DE PROYECTOS SCRATCH Descargue ChirpCompiler (EXE, 2.6 MB) ChirpCompiler es una aplicación que permite crear un archivo ejecutable (.exe) de cualquier proyecto elaborado en Scratch sin necesidad de tener instalado en el computador el entorno de programación o de subir el proyecto a la página Web de Scratch ( Además, ofrece la posibilidad de distribuir fácilmente un proyecto desarrollado en Scratch mediante un archivo ejecutable (.exe), evitando de esta manera que quien lo recibe vea o modifique el código del proyecto. ChirpCompiler es muy útil cuando los docentes desean mostrar a los estudiantes, a manera de ejemplo, un proyecto Scratch, sin que ellos puedan ver cómo se programó o realizarle modificaciones. Esta aplicación también es útil para crear en Scratch, por parte de docentes, proyectos que expliquen temas particulares de sus asignaturas: cadena alimentaria, movimiento planetario, sistema digestivo, erupciones volcánicas, etc.

Should every school class be a computer coding class? This spring, at St. Anne’s-Belfield School in Charlottesville, Virginia, the fifth-grade Spanish class programmed computers to produce bilingual, animated photo albums. The seventh-grade science class rejiggered the code behind climate models. The first-graders programmed robots to run mazes. And that’s just for starters. “We’d like everybody to be more comfortable with computer science, because it’s running our lives now, and because it enhances what’s possible in the classroom,” said Kim Wilkens, a technology teacher at St. They’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges for computer science advocates is that many kids simply don’t see why coding matters, in a world of preloaded software and the vast resources of the Internet. While enrollment in Advanced Placement computer science, a Java coding course, has been growing rapidly, the numbers pale in comparison to most other STEM AP courses. But are stand-alone computer science courses enough? Of course, that’s easier said than done.

Members & Content Tagged "ScratchMIT2012" Member since April 23, 2009 I am an Assistant Professor of Education at Harvard University, in the Graduate School of Education. My research is primarily concerned with the ways in which learning communities support computational creators -- and how technologies and environments can be designed for these learning communities. More concretely, my work focuses on young people's participation in the Scratch website and educators' experiences of working with Scratch in the classroom. 34 Bookmarks
