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I'm j0hnny. I hack stuff.

I'm j0hnny. I hack stuff.

Vos traces sur le Net Voici quelques informations qu'il est possible de collecter sur vous lorsque vous surfez sur Internet... Vous êtes connecté à Internet avec l'adresse IP : Via le serveur de votre fournisseur d'accès (ou le proxy) : Votre navigateur et votre système d'exploitation sont : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 En clair, votre navigateur est : Mozilla Firefox JavaScript est activé Java est désactivé Adresse de la page web visitée avant cette page : inconnue Nombre de pages visitées durant cette session de navigation : En clair, le système d'exploitation de votre ordinateur est : Linux L'horloge de votre ordinateur indique : Vous utilisez actuellement la résolution d'écran : 1600×1200 pixels en 16777216 couleurs (24 bits) IMPORTANT : Cette page vous est présentée à titre d'information et de démonstration. Si un test ne donne pas le résultat attendu, n'hésitez pas à contacter le webmestre.

Cryptome Phrack - Hacker Magazine TagCloud 100 Useful Niche Search Engines You’ve Never Heard Of | College@Home Though the general Google site is often touted as the number one search engines online, college students sometimes need more specific tools to help them uncover quality information on the Web that they can use for class projects, research papers, and even job and apartment searches. This list features a huge variety of search engines that can be useful to students, including tools that find photos, sound effects, summer internships, health and medical information, reference guides, and a lot more. Extracurricular Search blogs, games and even forum postings for non school-related information and fun. Bloglines: The search engine on Bloglines can find "billions of articles" and posts going back to 2003 from blogs, comics and more. Quick Answer Guides Head to these search engines when you have a specific question that needs to be answered quickly. City Guides and Travel Get to know your college town a little better, or plan a vacation or study abroad trip with these search engines. Business

Welcome! (VX heavens) Top 5 Source Code Search Engines If you are a new or an experienced programmer, looking and understanding the source code of others will always help you out in many situations. Source Code search engines help you a lot when you are looking for some specific code. Here I am going to list my 5 favorite source code search engines. 1) Google Code Search When it comes to search engines, the first name that comes to your mind is Google and they do have a search engine for source codes. 2) Koders Koders is another popular choice when it comes to source codes. 3) Krugle Krugle is one of the largest source code search engines. 4) Codase Codase is another choice when it comes to source code search engines. 5) Code Fetch Code Fetch is a good choice when you are looking for source code examples which are given in programming books. If you know any more, do mention them in comments, I will update the list.

RainbowCrack Project - Crack Hashes with Rainbow Tables FeedBlendr - blending RSS, Atom and RDF feeds into a single river of news!
