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Student Partners - das Förderprogramm für High-Potential-Studenten │MSDN Online

Student Partners - das Förderprogramm für High-Potential-Studenten │MSDN Online

Debating Society HPI Am 26.06. organisierte der Debattierklub Wortgefechte der Uni Potsdam zusammen mit der HPI Debating Society eine Reihe von Rhetorikseminaren. Ziel war es, den Teilnehmern zu ermöglichen, von erfahrenen Debattierern sicheres Reden und Überzeugen zu lernen und sie ein wenig für den Sport des Debattierens zu begeistern. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, gestern um die 100 Studenten aus unterschiedlichen Städten der Region in die Räumlichkeiten des HPI zum kostenlosen Redetraining einladen zu dürfen. Trotz des Schienenersatzverkehrs und unterschiedlichen “Störungen im Betriebsablauf” bei der deutschen Bahn, waren die meisten Teilnehmer und Referenten um 10:30 im HPI-Hörsaal versammelt und das Programm konnte beginnen: Vormittags ein 90-minütiger Vortragsblock, nachmittags zwei 90-Minuten Blöcke und eine “n00b”-Debatte: die Seminarteilnehmer hatten also nicht nur die Gelegenheit, zuzuhören und zu lernen, sondern auch, ihr Wissen gleich zu erproben.

USBFlashCopy: Respaldar la información de tu memoria usb Las memorias USB se están convirtiendo en uno de los objetos más cotidianos en el día a día de cualquier persona. Incluso hasta el más tecnófobo guarda con recelo su pen drive a sabiendas de las comodidades que le reportan. Pero la mayoría de nosotros comentemos un error que puede costarnos un disgusto importante. No se nos ocurre pensar que la vida de estos dispositivos es finita. Tampoco pensamos que llevarlos en el bolso o mochila, sueltos sin más, puede hacer que se caigan, se golpeen o se rompan. Una de las soluciones más sencillas para evitar dichos disgustos es realizar una copia de seguridad de lo que llevamos en esas memorias USB. Descargar

GGobi data visualization system. Make your cursor or icon online free The R Project for Statistical Computing Phixr - Editor Online de Fotos Twitter, recursos y herramientas para periodistas by Esther Vargas on Prezi - Removes passwords from viewable PDFs 50 Great Web Alternatives to Desktop Software Even without the help of the ground breaking features in HTML5, web apps have come of age. While not all web apps rival their desktop counterparts, some clearly do. One solid example being online To-do apps with invoicing and project management apps also competent enough for a neck to neck fight. We’ve compiled a list of 50 worthy web app alternatives to standalone desktop apps. Like the intro image? Panda Cloud Protection Panda Cloud Protection Panda Cloud Protection is a cloud based security solution, delivered in a SaaS model that provides complete protection services for the major threat vectors: endpoint, email and web. Replaces: Conventional AV suites like McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky etc.Requirements: An Internet ConnectionDeveloper: Panda Security LastPass LastPass LastPass is an online password manager which, with the help of your master password, remembers and stores all your passwords when you login to websites and facilitates — one click login after first use. Google Docs Google Docs

BitLet - the BitTorrent Applet In the summer of 2007, shortly after launching Novlet, Daniele and I still had time to spare and were looking for something new to build. Sure enough, within a short period, Daniele came up with the idea that would soon become BitLet: a BitTorrent client that could run in a browser without requiring users to install anything on their computer. Back then, browsers had very limited capabilities: AJAX had been recently introduced (in 2005), web applications were moving from static pages to dynamic client UIs but no browser could do things like opening sockets and writing files locally, central requirements for a peer to peer file sharing application. We found a solution in an unlikely piece of technology: Java applets. Despite Java’s success as a programming language, applets had never been that popular among casual users. While a good idea in principle (small applications that could be downloaded and launched from web pages), the concept never got traction beyond a few niches.

Free Microsoft software given to students here! by cupcakejenni May 21
