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Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback

Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback
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8 pistes pour concevoir une séquence d’enseignement enthousiasmante – Donnez du sens à vos études A propos Etudiant Professionnel TEST : Donnez du sens à vos difficultés scolaires Livres Skip to content Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project Two-thirds of American teachers feel that traditional evaluations don’t accurately capture the full picture of what they do in the classroom. They want information that they can trust from measures that are fair and reliable. The Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project was designed to find out how evaluation methods could best be used to tell teachers more about the skills that make them most effective and to help districts identify and develop great teaching. When it came to identifying what great teaching looks like, we knew that it was imperative to go straight to the source: teachers. Through the MET project, we sought to answer the following critical questions: Is it possible to identify and measure effective teaching? The outstanding work of our partners has proven the answer is “yes.” Based on lessons learned through the MET project, our partners identified nine guiding principles to inform the design and implementation of high-quality teacher support and evaluation systems.

7 Characteristics Of Teachers Who Effectively Use Technology 7 Characteristics Of Teachers Who Effectively Use Technology by TeachThought Staff Ed note: This post has been updated with an updated visual from Sylvia Duckworth, who took our graphic from (now getalma) post and created the above visual. It is also sporting a new title, as the “habits of” is a trademarked term. In most ways, teachers that use technology in the classroom aren’t much different than those that don’t. Any teacher worth their salt assesses and then revises planned instruction based on data from those assessments. They manage their classroom in a way that works for them, create a positive learning environment, and (great teachers especially) collaborate with a variety of stakeholders to make sure every humanly possible attempt is made to meet all students need. They care about learning more than tools, people more than curriculum, and questions more than answers. 7 Characteristics Of Teachers Who Effectively Use Technology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Bedley Bros. EdChat | Free Podcasts | PodOmatic Enseigner au lycée pro - Collège et + - Forum Bonsoir, merci de m’avoir répondu. J’ai déjà exploré le site de Meirieu et expérimenté des pédagogies ici proposées, mais elles ne correspondent pas (ou plus) à notre public, ni à la configuration architecturale d’une SEP (section d’enseignement professionnel). Par exemple, pour les gitans, nous en avons encore 2 en moyenne en seconde pro puis ils disparaissent à 16 ans.

Experience And Education - John Dewey by Jamie Keddie The eye of the bucket This video was created by John Wells from the Southwest Texas Alternative Energy and Sustainable Living Field Laboratory (website here). John created the video by placing a GoPro camera at the bottom of a bucket of water. This Videotelling activity makes use of a story which I have based on the video narrative. Language level: B1+Learner type: Young learners; Teens; AdultsTime: 45 minutesActivity: A Videotelling activityTopic: Water & thirstLanguage: Past perfect continuousMaterials: Video & text The story John lives in Southwest Texas He has a little house in middle of the desert Although he lives alone, he has many friends and visitors It was a hot day The sun was high Everything was dry John placed a bucket of cold water on the ground He thought to himself: “I wonder who will come and drink today?” After that: two thirsty birds They had been sunbathing on John’s roof They fly down and land on the side of the bucket They dip in their beaks And then they’re gone Activity outline

Site de Philippe MEIRIEU : L'EDUCATION EN QUESTIONS 26 films de 13 minutes chacun... Chaque film croise les apports d'une grande figure de la pédagogie avec les questions que se posent au quotidien les praticiens de notre temps. Repères historiques, questions philosophiques et travaux pédagogiques avec des élèves tissent ainsi un "paysage réflexif" qui permet de s'interroger sur les grandes questions de l'éducation et la manière de les affronter aujourd'hui à la lumière de l'histoire de la pédagogie... Ainsi, dans chaque film, on "entre" dans l'oeuvre d'un ou d'une grande pédagogue (sans prétendre, bien sûr, être exhaustif), on voit travailler des maîtres et des élèves sur des thématiques qui se réfèrent à leurs apports et on s'interroge sur les principaux défis éducatifs... Attention ! Cliquez sur le nom de l'auteur pour visionner le film

Reflective teaching: Exploring our own classroom practice By collecting information about what goes on in our classroom, and by analysing and evaluating this information, we identify and explore our own practices and underlying beliefs. This may then lead to changes and improvements in our teaching. Reflective teaching is therefore a means of professional development which begins in our classroom. Why it is importantBeginning the process of reflection Teacher diary Peer observation Recording lessons Student feedback What to do next Think Talk Read Ask Conclusion Why it is important Many teachers already think about their teaching and talk to colleagues about it too. However, without more time spent focussing on or discussing what has happened, we may tend to jump to conclusions about why things are happening. Beginning the process of reflection You may begin a process of reflection in response to a particular problem that has arisen with one or your classes, or simply as a way of finding out more about your teaching. What are you doing?

Sign in Sign in Sign in to your NILE account to apply for courses, complete course activities and interact with the NILE community. Forgotten password? Not registered yet? Register here Kitmap : kit méthodologique approche-programme Présentation du guide Kitmap Le guide Kitmap vise à : clarifier la compréhension de la démarche d' "approche-programme"exposer une méthodologie de mise en œuvre au sein d'une institution Le document se veut concis et illustré par des exemples concrets, issus de l'expérimentation nantaise. Le guide Kitmap s'adresse à tous les acteurs de l'Enseignement Supérieur qui souhaiteraient s'engager dans une démarche analogue, quel que soit le type d'établissement, dont : les décideurs, directions d'établissement ou de composante, coordinateurs ou responsables de formation les enseignants, enseignants-chercheurs, concepteurs et animateurs des programmes de formation les ingénieurs de formation chargés de la mise en œuvre d'un tel projet les conseillers pédagogiques qui accompagnent les équipes pédagogiques Dans tout projet de déploiement de l'approche-programme, les acteurs, tant institutionnels que de terrain, veilleront à partager une même culture et un même vocabulaire. Il a été conçu à partir :

How to become a reflective teacher - The complete guide for reflection in teaching “Self-reflection is the school of wisdom.” – Baltasar Gracian If you reflect on yourself, you’ll enter the gates of wisdom. Or the school gate… Learning is what your students do in school. “Easier said than done”, I hear you say. In this blog post I listed 10 ways that encourage reflective teaching. But first: What is reflective teaching? Reflective teaching means that you take a look at what you do in your classroom, and think about why you do it. Why is reflection important in teaching? Reflective teaching is an example of professional development, starting in your own classroom. The process of reflection comes with a cycle to follow: TeachSelf-assess the effect of your teaching on learningConsider new ways of teaching that can improve the quality of learningTry these ideas in practice And of course, repeat the process again: self-reflection never stops, even if you’re an old hand that has been on the job forever. 10 Ways to reflect on your teaching 1. 2. 3. I’ve created one for you here: 4.

Missing cookie Sign in Sign in to your NILE account to apply for courses, complete course activities and interact with the NILE community. Forgotten password? Not registered yet? Register here WAP, une méthode d'apprentissage par les pairs inventée à l'EM Lyon Qu'est-ce que WAP (We Are the Projects) ? WAP est une nouvelle forme d'apprentissage entre pairs. Nous avons commencé comme projet étudiant à l'EM Lyon et sommes depuis juin 2016 une véritable start-up. Comment vous est venue l'idée de développer une méthodologie d'apprentissage par les pairs ? À l'EM Lyon, j'étais responsable éditoriale d'une association qui organisait des conférences-débats. Pouvez-vous nous en dire plus sur votre expérience d'étudiante-professeure à l'EM Lyon ? Avant de créer mon premier cours à l'EM Lyon, j'ai visité une multitude de tiers lieux d'innovation de type maker où la notion d'apprentissage continu est fondamentale. En rentrant à l'EM Lyon après ces découvertes, j'ai été la première étudiante-professeure à créer un cours pour que les étudiants apprennent à se transmettre leurs talents. Il s'agit de faire acquérir aux étudiants une mentalité d'apprentissage et de les envoyer à la rencontre de personnes plus savantes. Oui !
