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Loituma Compilation Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. This item has been hidden

The Bravest Woman in Seattle by Eli Sanders The prosecutor wanted to know about window coverings. He asked: Which windows in the house on South Rose Street, the house where you woke up to him standing over you with a knife that night—which windows had curtains that blocked out the rest of the world and which did not? She answered the prosecutor's questions, pointing to a map of the small South Park home she used to share with her partner, Teresa Butz, a downtown Seattle property manager. When the two of them lived in this house, it was red, a bit run-down, much loved, filled with their lives together, typical of the neighborhood. Now it was a two-dimensional schematic, State's Exhibit 2, set on an easel next to the witness stand.

Really Bad Tattoos I don't have any tattoos and I don't plan on getting any in the near future or at any time for that matter. I have nothing against tattoos or people that have them I just have never heard a plausible argument as to why to get one. If I really really like a piece of art I would hang it on my wall or if I had an uncontrollable desire to show the piece of art to the world I would put it on a t-shirt that way when I inevitably get sick of looking at it I can either take it off the wall or give it to a thrift store.

6 Surprising Places It's Great To Be Gay (Dallas, Texas?) June 2, 2011 | Like this article? Join our email list: english français is a collective gallery of curious, silly and unusual images (mauvais goût mean “bad taste“ in french). Anyone can add a clip that will be automatically cropped, resized and added to the grid. The whole constitute a kind of digital living poster glorifying the deviance of the visual world around us. est une galerie collective d'images curieuses, ridicules et insolites.

'What Were You Guys Thinking? Why Did You Kill Him?' by William Norman Grigg by William Norman Grigg Recently by William Norman Grigg: Death Squad Damage Control in Tucson "Why, why did you kill him?" Your Access to Free Credit Reports Visit to get your free credit report. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide credit reporting companies — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. The FCRA promotes the accuracy and privacy of information in the files of the nation’s credit reporting companies.

Expertise and Selected Work The Times & The Sunday Times Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation A selection of IDEO's work from the past five years. 100 of Amazon's best, highest-rated products We did the research for you. (How?) We went page by page through hundreds of Amazon categories, carefully collecting the very highest-rated products of each type and across the board. As an example, if you search for "garlic press", you'll see that we display only the single best garlic press on Amazon (4.6 stars), out of over 3,800 Amazon results of varying quality. We own it ourselves and can attest to how much better it is than other garlic presses we've tried.

Why We Make - Code and Theory Why we make Our philosophy. The things we make Body of work and case studies. Says a lot Media and mentions. About us Everything else you need to know. Brand 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know... (Updated, Revised and Extended) After reading the article released by, I decided to update and revise their work. The article gave me a chuckle because it lacked many famous and much larger conspiracy theories that became known. Their article had only listed seven. I can name 33 and I am about to release a revised list soon with 75.

janvier 2010 In 1864, John William Sterling (1844-1918) graduated from Yale College. About 1870, in his mid-twenties, [he] met James Orville Bloss (1847-1918), who was three years younger. The two formed a relationship of almost 50 years, and lived together in New York City for most of that time. Ota Benga Ota Benga in 1904 Ota Benga (circa 1883[1] – March 20, 1916) was a Congolese man, an Mbuti pygmy known for being featured in an anthropology exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904, and in a controversial human zoo exhibit in 1906 at the Bronx Zoo. Benga had been freed from African slave traders by the missionary Samuel Phillips Verner, a businessman recruiting Africans for the Exposition.

Diplomacy (game) Diplomacy is a strategic board game created by Allan B. Calhamer in 1954 and released commercially in 1959.[1] Its main distinctions from most board wargames are its negotiation phases (players spend much of their time forming and betraying alliances with other players and forming beneficial strategies)[2] and the absence of dice or other game elements that produce random effects. Set in Europe before the beginning of World War I, Diplomacy is played by two to seven players,[3] each controlling the armed forces of a major European Power (or, with few players, multiple powers). Each player aims to move his or her few starting units—and defeat those of others—to win possession of a majority of strategic cities and provinces marked as "supply centers" on the map; these supply centers allow players who control them to produce more units.
