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Online graphing and data analysis

simtronyx - Das Elektronik Blog | Visualize your projects. Realize your dreams. Sites pour faire diagrammes Je profite de mettre à jour ce billet car google vient d’annoncer une mise à jour de la partie « drawing » qui permet de collaborer en ligne avec d’autres collaborateurs ce qui est un must pour le télétravail. Google par cette annonce vient donc concurrencer de plus en plus les versions bureautiques connus. Si les fonctions de la suite bureautique en ligne de google n’ont pas encore la puissance d’un Microsoft office, on peut quand même satisfaire 95% des besoins normaux. Nous sommes toujours amené à faire des diagrammes de temps en temps pour le travail, les études, personnellement et pour bloguer. D’une manière générale tous ses sites sont excellents et ils s’améliorent d’année en année. Cet article est mis à jour régulièrement Pas de compte à créer et la sauvegarde se fait avec une extension . grapheml théoriquement compatible avec les autres services du même type. l’aspect est soigné ici , un peu moderne des boutons avec du relief plutôt web2.0. n’est plus gratuit

Motion Graphics Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was […] View the interactive example → Glencore Glencore Commodities speculation has a very human cost. View the interactive example → Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable Title sequence for the show from ABC1 Produced by Patrick Clair View the animated infographic View the interactive example →

Pixy (CMUcam5): a fast, easy-to-use vision sensor by Charmed Labs and Carnegie Mellon "This is the single most important robotics product since the Arduino." Ted Macy, Contributing Editor, Robot Magazine "Charmed Labs is bringing the eventual robot uprising one step closer with their camera sensor." Chris-Rachael Oseland, Austin Post "This vision sensor could be the future eyes of robots." "The sheer power, flexibility and ease of use of Pixy could kick-start a whole new generation of robotics." "It’s revolutionary because of its speed and simplicity." Update: we recently made another video! Image sensors are useful because they are so flexible. Pixy addresses these problems by pairing a powerful dedicated processor with the image sensor. It's possible to hook up multiple Pixys to your microcontroller -- for example, a robot with 4 Pixys and 360 degrees of sensing. Pixy uses a hue-based color filtering algorithm to detect objects. Pixy can find literally hundreds of objects at a time. What does “50 frames per second” mean?

Appli en ligne Diagrammes et partage sur les réseaux sociaux Si vous devez élaborer des diagrammes en ligne, vous devriez consulter ma liste des services gratuits qu’il va falloir mettre à jour avec le site . Ce service offre une grande gamme de template pour élaborer des diagrammes en tous genres, (diagramme de Venn, organigrammes, diagramme de flux, BPMN, Chaîne de valeur, Organigramme de programmation. Ce site est aussi un site collaboratif ce qui est tout de même le must pour ce genre d’outil. On peut voir dans l’animation qui suit les options de diagramme disponibles Il est possible de faire un diagramme sans être inscrit. Côté mise en oeuvre d’un diagramme, si vous êtes déjà un habitué à l’élaboration des diagrammes avec des logiciels comme visio (de microsoft), vous ne serez pas dépaysé. Qui dit réseau social, dit site collaboratif, donc il est possible de réaliser des diagrammes en ligne avec une équipe. Et voilà le résultat en format png, mais qui peut être aussi téléchargeable en format jpg ou pdf. Conclusions

Predictive Analytics Q & A with Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro With this week’s Predictive Analytics World Conference (#pawcon) now in full-force, we brought in an industry expert – Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro of KDNuggets (an online portal dedicated to knowledge discovery) – to give you insights into how analytics can reveal insights to drive business value and even change the world. Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, PhD (@KDNuggets) is the president of KDnuggets, which provides consulting in the areas of business analytics, data mining, data science, and knowledge discovery. Previously, he led data mining and consulting groups at GTE Laboratories, Knowledge Stream Partners, and Xchange. He has extensive experience developing CRM, customer attrition, cross-sell, segmentation and other models for some of the leading banks, insurance companies, and telecommunications companies. Q − You recently said on Twitter that detective Sherlock Holmes would have been “a good data scientist.” For example, say Verizon’s monthly customer churn rate is 2%. Print post

LinuxTTY Interfacing... Arduino and Linux TTY Elliott Kipp/edk4971 posted in the forums on how to configure a Linux TTY with the correct parity, baud, etc to talk to Arduino. Repeating it here: stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 cs8 115200 ignbrk -brkint -icrnl -imaxbel -opost -onlcr -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke noflsh -ixon -crtscts make sure /dev/ttyUSB0 or whatever your Arduino's port is, and 115200 is the baud you did your Serial.begin(XXXX) with. You can then do: echo "Hello Arduino" > /dev/ttyUSB0 to send the string (followed by a newline) to your Arduino. Taken from this forum: You can also do: tail -f /dev/ttyUSB0 to read what your Arduino has to tell you. TODO: Is there any problem with buffering (and if so, how do we flush) if we send content with no end of line: echo -n "Hello" > /dev/ttyUSB0 Using busybox to provide an interactive session with Arduino Using 'screen' to provide an interactive session with Arduino w d 13 1 r a r d

Tableau’s Visual Analytics Brings Big Data in Google's cloud to Life Google understands how to process and manage large volumes of data – at a scale much bigger than most companies. Existing technologies didn’t cut it so Google built their own technology for fast, interactive analysis of massive data. This technology is now available for customers to leverage via the BigQuery service. The result is that customers can now leverage the same technology, infrastructure, and scale that Google uses. The Google BigQuery connector is coming with Tableau 8.0 and provides live connectivity to data stored in BigQuery. There is no need to extract the data or write complex SQL statements to interact with BigQuery. The following video provides you a quick overview of the connectivity between Tableau and Google BigQuery. In addition to supporting Google BigQuery, Tableau 8.0 also provides native integration with Google Analytics. Customers interested in the connector should contact their Tableau account manager to get access to the Tableau 8.0 beta.

Unable to use Ethernet library Report forwarded to, Scott Howard <>:Bug#684748; Package arduino. (Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:45:04 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available. Acknowledgement sent to Marco Righi <>: New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Scott Howard <>. (Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:45:04 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available. Message #5 received at (full text, mbox): Information forwarded to, Scott Howard <>:Bug#684748; Package arduino. Acknowledgement sent to Scott Howard <>: Extra info received and forwarded to list. Message #10 received at (full text, mbox): Information forwarded to, Scott Howard <>:Bug#684748; Package arduino. Acknowledgement sent to Scott Howard <>: Extra info received and forwarded to list.

Tableau Server 2014 Gartner Magic Quadrant Report 20 February 2014 G00257740Analysts: Rita L. Sallam | Joao Tapadinhas | Daniel Yuen | Bill Hostmann Gartner's highly regarded Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms report is based on detailed customer surveys, interviews, research and analysis. In Gartner's words, "The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business and Analytics Platforms presents a global view of Gartner's opinion of the main software vendors that should be considered by organizations seeking to use BI and analytics platforms to develop BI applications." While Gartner strongly suggests that buyers should evaluate vendors in all four quadrants, Tableau and other industry observers believe that many organizations will only consider software vendors that appear on the Magic Quadrant that are placed in the "leaders" quadrant. Gartner Magic Quadrant Figure 1. Innovation and Leadership are two of the hallmark principles of Tableau.
