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The Japanese Slang Jiko

The Japanese Slang Jiko
undefined The Japanese Slang Jisho 最 高君の俗語の辞書HOMEPAGE ABAYO >> Informal term for "good bye", this is not considered a polite way to say goodbye. ABUNE >> Slang, this is an exclamation take from "abunai". ACHI ITTE >> Impolite phrase meaning "go over there!" ACHI KAERE >> Impolite phrase meaning "go back over there, far away". AHO >> Impolite term meaning "dumb ass". AHONDARA >> Slang, insult, related to "aho" but much stronger. AH SO >> Informal phrase which means "Oh, I see AITSU >> Impolite term meaning "that thing over there" or "that dude over there". AKUMABITO >> Informal term for "demon" or "spirit". AMAI >> Informal term meaning "gullible" or "someone who is a real sap". ANO >> Informal word which can mean "that thing over there", but the slang meaning is more commonly "Uhhh..." or "Well..." and is used a lot in colloquial speech at the start of a sentence or between sentences just like we use "Uhhh.." to slow down the conversation so we can think. ARE ! CHOTTO II ? FAITO !!! HE ?

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