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Map your moves

Map your moves
Data This map distills more than 4000 moves from over 1700 people, collected in an informal survey by WNYC, a New York based public radio station. For generating the geo–coordinates from the entered ZIP codes, I used the free bulk geocoder at I did not check every single data row in detail, so a few of the moves might be misrepresented. Mapping As most moves occurred from, to or within the New York area, this area displayed enlarged in the white circle at the center of the graphic. Visual markers Each circle corresponds to one zip code area. Actually, it is consists of two overlaid circles: a red one for people moving out of the area, and a blue one for people moving to the area. Interaction Click one of the circles to inspect only moves to or from this area. Details On the right, you can find some statistics on why and when people moved to the selected areas.

Inspirational Quotes / Motivational Quotes / Quotes to live by This site is not suppose to look like this, it's suppose to be a little more fun. You are probably using an old browser like Internet Explorer (Shame on you). Use the latest versions of Firefox, Safari or Chrome instead. AURORA Those particles consisting mostly of protons and electrons are driven by the solar magnetic field : this is the Solar Wind. The Solar Wind travel through space at a speed of 500 km per second. next stage Earth is shielded against lethal hight energy particles from the sun by a magnetic field called the Magnetosphere

Public/Private Public/Private is a game that explores the topic of privacy in our cities by focusing on where we find it. By choosing where in your city you seek privacy most often, you produce a visual graph representing those choices. Your graph is then combined with graphs generated by the rest of the global audience, creating a live data-visualization that illustrates how our experience of privacy changes at a local and global level. As more participants play Public/Private, more of the complexities of privacy in urban settings are illuminated. This game was created to accompany two ongoing research projects undertaken by the BMW Guggenheim Lab in Mumbai in cooperation with Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action & Research (PUKAR) and the Design Cell at the Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies (KRVIA). The goal of these studies is to delve into the meaning and characteristics of privacy for city dwellers—and how that meaning might be addressed through design.

Designers checklist advices — Project by Adrien Heury 10/10Be proud of your work Anton RepponenCreative director • Fantasy interactive • NYC I know so many designers who aren't happy with their work at the end of a project. “It might have been so much cooler,” they say. "If only I'd known that this would be the final result”. Data Circle Animation - Music Interfaces - Awwwards This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn More.GOT IT! Collections / Data Circle Animation 5 Collect me Data Circle Animation

Audio Room I can't get data from your microphone. Have you enabled Web Audio Input in Credit where it's due: the look and feel of this demo is heavily inspired by the talented Robert Hodgin's EYEO demos. Go and look, they are so nice! Wind Map An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company. We've done our best to make this as accurate as possible, but can't make any guarantees about the correctness of the data or our software. Please do not use the map or its data to fly a plane, sail a boat, or fight wildfires :-)

Poetry on the Road 2004 As Poetry 03 is line-based, it was almost a logical step to think about shapes when it came to designing Poetry 04. In Poetry 04, every poem is visualised as a cluster of polygons, while every polygon represents a single word. The exact shape of each polygon is based on the statistical allocation of letters within a language.

Lostalgic Lostalgic This project is based on the entire ABC's LOST TV show scripts, 115 episodes in 7 seasons, that I managed to parse from Lostpedia. I also parsed this page with additional information about hidden characters relations. My aim for this project is not (only) to visualize some properties and patterns out of the script but actually to allow to read and enjoy the series in a different way. I plan to add new views (will inform through twitter), more aimed to reveal global patterns in the script, and I will include cliffhangers and writing teams information.
