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8 Overlooked Useful YouTube Tools When most people think about YouTube they think sharing videos and or about all of the videos they can discover. Most people don't think about the useful editing tools that are built into YouTube. The YouTube video editor has some useful features for teachers and students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Boy (2010) edWeb: A professional online community for educators Randall's Video Snapshots: For ESL/EFL Students The movie clips called Video Snapshots are designed to provide additional learning content related to other listening activities on my site. To learn more about this project, read the Frequently Asked Questions below: Current Videos (Click the picture to watch the video - Click the link below the picture to visit a related listening activity). You can also search by title below: Why did you create this section of your Website? How do you decide on the topics? Why are the videos short, between 30-60 seconds? Do you plan on adding other speakers on the videos? Do you realize there are some grammar mistakes in the videos? There is a lot of background noise in some the video, and it's sometimes hard to hear exactly what is being said. Which video format do you use? Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah

Alternativ läslogg Läsloggar är ett utmärkt arbetsverktyg i läsundervisningen har varit min åsikt till jag läste en liten artikel med rubriken Rethinking Reading Logs. Artikelförfattaren Sarah Davis upptäckte en dag att – ja, visst läste hennes elever och skrev sina läsloggar – men det fanns ett MEN, upptäckte Sarah. Eleverna såg på läsningen som en uppgift och inte på något de gjorde för nöjes skull. Inte heller när de faktiskt uppskattade boken de läste. I stället började Sarah prova olika modeller. Det hon fastnade för var att övervaka läsningen via en klasslista. Vi vet från senare tids forskning att tyst läsning i sig inte utvecklar våra elevers läsförmåga. Prova lässtrategin vi gick igenom.Uppmärksamma hur huvudpersonen agerar och vad som gör att hen agerar just så.Föreställ dig miljön som författaren beskriver så att du i vårt boksurr kan beskriva den.Leta efter en bra början.Lägg märke till ett kapitels tema.Använd sådant du kan för att lista ut vad nya ord betyder. Referenser:

Make Animation Free | Best Tools to Create Animated Video How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter. A short video for your YouTube channel or website may cost several thousand dollars if you address to professional video studios. No doubt, there are free and low-cost alternatives which can be easily mastered by any web user. A self-made cartoon or an animated video is one of the options. Animated Video Makers: Pros & Cons Animated videos are illustrations existing in a purely fictional world. Animated cartoons are frequent on YouTube, since everyone can make them with online tools and ready design templates. So you don’t need to order a professional cartoon from a design studio or draw it yourself. animation templates look professional;you don’t need to dub videos;templates are usually done in high resolution;pricing plans are scalable;characters look engaging and funny. However, there are several disadvantages: Top 7 Cartoon Makers 1. How to make a cartoon with GoAnimate?

How can film help you teach or learn English? What can film and video add to the learning experience? Kieran Donaghy Opens in a new tab or window., who won the British Council’s Teaching English blog award Opens in a new tab or window. for his post I want to learn English because… Opens in a new tab or window., explains why film is such a good resource, and recommends some useful websites. Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable Motivation is one of the most important factors in determining successful second-language acquisition. Film provides authentic and varied language Another benefit of using film is that it provides a source of authentic and varied language. Film gives a visual context The ‘visuality’ of film makes it an invaluable language teaching tool, enabling learners to understand more by interpreting the language in a full visual context. Lesson plans

Wikispaces ESL Kids Flashcards Matching game: Spread all the cards on the floor or on a table. Students take turns flipping two cards and calling out the cards that they flip. If it's a pair then they keep it and get a point. If they don't call out the card then they can't keep it (Don't enforce this rule too strictly or the students may rebel). Go Fish: Deal four or five cards to each student. Alphabet Soup: In this memory activity, the teachers puts some cards on the board. Bear Card Charades: Students act out cards in this charades activity. Forest Animals Circle Dance: Students become an animal and do a dance when their card is called out in this circle activity. Bring me: Place a selection of cards on a table at the far end of the class. Cautionary Note:With younger kids you should remove the difficult cards before playing card games because they will get bored and frustrated easily. Search Game: Hide the cards around the room, on things, under things, and in things. 'I saw. 'I saw. To practice noun clauses:

Telling time in English Telling the time is something I have to teach every year. And to be honest I have not been very successful. Even gifted adults struggled. And this year I faced even bigger challenge. We started with the following mind map. Then I demonstrated telling the time in English using one of the PAST times. Telling time – classroom activities Of course it is nice to understand something but only practise makes masters. Telling the time – bingo cards The other activity is a pair work. Telling the time – pairwork Telling time – computer activities If you want to provide home practice for your students you can use the following activities. You can find another interesting game to practice language connected with time at British Council time. Do you like the activities?

i use this for a fun way to count to 100 or to give the kids a stretching break by pammers27 Apr 21

Glad you found something helpful. :D by kmedina Jul 16

Very helpful for helping me solve problems and giving tutorials on how to do math problems or documentaries on a past leader. The only downside of the web site is some teachers may not want a student watching videos in thier class. by jo010974 May 30

Related:  mikkojooprofspanska allmäntVideo resourcesiPadsdlmoellerVideoRessourcesInfographics, Charts, and Mind Mapsabell48educationEducationLearning Toolsweb2.0resourcesOER Tubes--Video ResourcesVideo production toolsPublicationsTeachers ToolsOutil enseignantEducational VideosVideo Lesson SitesBuone pratiche in contesto europeo ed extraeuropeoוידאוEducationמאגרי משאביםMedia ResourcesVideogreat websites