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Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science

Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science

Ask a Mathematician / Ask a Physicist | Your Math and Physics Questions Answered Wave-particle duality of C60 The "Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology" is a joint initiative of the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which unites quantum physicists of Vienna's research institutions in one collaborative center. The VCQ will set new impulses for research and teaching through its unique spectrum of research topics - from fundamental quantum physics to novel quantum technologies. Wiener Wunderkammer 2014 14. Apr 2014 Der Beitrag „Laborwelten - Zugänge in die Welt der Quantenphysik“ eröffnete den über 1.000 BesucherInnen der Wiener Wunderkammer 2014 verschiedene Zugänge zu moderner physikalischer Forschung. VCQ bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung 1.370 BesucherInnen haben bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung die Stationen Fakultät für Physik sowie der Institute für Astrophysik und für Paläontologie auf der Universitätssternwarte besucht. CoQuS Summer School - registration has opened! 11.

Арт Криса Кукси Крис Кукси – мастер индустриального рококо. Он собирает различных персонажей и архитектуру в асимметричные композиции, переполненные невероятным чувством драмы. Вместо камней и каркасов он использует пластмассовых салдатиков, миниатюрные блоки, лестницы, шпили и другие предметы, которые только может найти, превращая все это в таинственные завораживающие пейзажи. (Всего 15 фото) Напоминаем, что есть в Twitter, Facebook, Вконтакте, Одноклассниках, Google +, Futubra и ЖЖ. Новые посты: Десять лучших автомобильных интерьеров 2014 года Занятия йогой стали так популярны по всему миру, что многочисленные студии уже не знают, какие еще экзотические разновидности йоги предложить своим клиентам Предлагаем вам посмотреть, как работает знаменитый крымский винодельческий завод Студенческие традиции способствуют объединению, позволяют развить дух единства, и чем дольше существуют, тем более сумасшедшими становятся, вроде этой десятки обычаев, которые вы найдете в этом выпуске

Quick and Cheap DNA Sequencing On the Horizon? The MinION device might sequence your entire genome over the course of hours and plug into your computer. Photo by Nigel Chapman Photography When the human genome was first sequenced about a decade ago, the achievement took years and cost $1 billion. The key to this remarkable rate of progress? Traditional DNA sequencing techniques involves making many copies of an individual’s genome, cutting it into millions of small fragments, and using radioactively-labelled bases to determine the exact sequence of the four bases that make up DNA—adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine, often abbreviated A, G, C and T. Threading DNA through a tiny hole called a nanopore, like a thread through a needle (above), may make DNA sequencing dramatically quicker and less expensive As reported by Science, nanopore sequencing could speed up and simplify the process dramatically. The technique is not yet a finished product.

Wolfram Blog - Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets Oscillations and Waves Acoustics Signal Processing Electricity and Magnetism: Statics Electrodynamics Quantum Mechanics Linear Algebra Vector Calculus Thermodynamics Mechanics Miscellaneous Licensing info. Links to other educational sites with math/physics-related information or java applets useful for teaching: And when you get tired of learning, here is some fun stuff: Pong Simulation Circuit-level simulation of original 1972 Pong. Tadiran This will bug you... The indestructible micro-animals that can survive the vacuum of space - and most of them are after your blood By Eddie Wrenn Published: 12:01 GMT, 24 September 2012 | Updated: 16:48 GMT, 24 September 2012 There is only one creature known to man which can survive the ravages of deep space. It is the water bear - officially known as the tardigrade - and despite being a fraction of a millimetre in length and mostly consigned to a lazy life exploring pond moss, it is almost indestructible. You can freeze it at close to absolute zero - at minus 273C - or heat it to above 151C. Or you could keep it without water for a decade, subject it to almost any kind of pressure, or send it into the radiation-filled vacuum of space where it can survive beyond ten days without any damage. It is just one of the micro-sized and extraordinary bugs living in our back gardens - or even in our own bodies. Hi! Magnified 500x: The green fronds seen here are tiny moss leaves In this set of images, under a powerful microscope, shows them in an incredible new light. Would this make you jump? Video: Velvet mite in action
