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Mind Mapping Software

Below you will find a comprehensive list of Mind Mapping software packages. Click on the Mind Map® software package you are interested in to go to a page that gives a brief overview of the product and links to other sites that provide more detailed information and purchasing facilities: If you have a Mind Mapping software package that you would like to have included on this site please contact us. As the world's leading provider of Mind Mapping training for business, we are often asked which Mind Map (MindMap) software we recommend. We have made a detailed study of the various products on the market and have come to the view that the Mind Map/Visual Mapping software market has developed so rapidly in the last few years, that a site containing details of all of the major software packages, including; Mindjet MindManager, MindGenius, iMindMap (the offering from Tony Buzan himself), NovaMind... and many others - would be of real benefit. ^ Back to top

Products - iMindMap Mobile An iMindMap Freedom subscription unchains you from your desktop computer and lets you take your ideas with you, wherever you go. Capture, share and present ideas with full access to your iMindMap on any supported device. Now that’s Freedom. Subscribe Now iMindMap Cloud Store and sync your maps in iMindMap Cloud so you can access them from all your devices Contacts & Sharing Connect with other Freedom users to share Mind Maps, work together and develop ideas. Premium Mobile & Web Log into iMindMap apps on web browsers, iOS or Android devices & get the full feature set iMindMap Cloud The glue that holds it all together – iMindMap Cloud stores your maps and allows you to access, edit and share them in iMindMap mobile and web apps and iMindMap on your desktop if you have it. Remember when you had to carry all your files around on floppy discs? Contacts & Sharing We’re better when we’re together, so in iMindMap Freedom you can connect with fellow users and share your Mind Maps. WayBack

Headspace visual mapping tool does great job of leveraging the iPhone’s interface Jan 2nd, 2009 | By Chuck Frey | Category: Mobile Mapping Tools Headspace is an intriguing new visual mapping tool for the iPhone that does an excellent job of making use of the iPhone’s touch-sensitive user interface to help you maintain basic lists and outlines. Headspace topics are arranged in vertical columns called “groups.” They may have “child” topics, which are indented from the main level of the column – something like a visual version of a hierarachical outline. To move items around the workspace, you use a single finger to drag and drop them. Headspace appears to be best suited for maintaining smaller lists of items – such as to do items and shopping lists. I hesitate to call Headspace a mind mapping program, because it doesn’t allow you to arrange radial diagrams like a conventional mind map. Tags: headspace, iphone, ipod touch, mind map, mindmap, outliner
