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Power Searching with Google Thanks for visiting! For a short time, the course materials for Power Searching with Google will remain accessible below. Then they will be made permanently available at the Google Search Education site. For a handy reference of all search tips from the course, check out our printable Power Searching Quick Guide. Note that only Google can post to these groups, and you will not receive messages from other users. Hope to see you in one of the upcoming classes!

Machine Learning - Download Free Content from Caltech Video Lectures | Mathematics for Computer Science | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Java Preparation for 6.170 | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Learn Code The Hard Way -- Books And Courses To Learn To Code Open Culture Computer and Network Security by Avi Kak Note for instructors using these slides/notes: It is not uncommon for the instructors who use these notes/slides to want to know how exactly I use them in class since there is much more information on a typical slide than you will usually find in a powerpoint presentation. Here is the answer: When I teach the theoretical portions of this course, I actually work out the formulas on the chalkboard and, when I do so, I follow the derivations presented in these lecture notes. Regarding homework assignments: Homework assignments typically involve writing Perl or Python scripts in order to gain a deeper understanding of the ideas through actual implementation. If you are an instructor and you'd like to see these homework assignments (along with the two best solutions submitted by the students at Purdue), send me a note at Useful resources for homework assignments: The 2013 update of the lecture notes has been completed.
