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4 Practical Philosophies That Will Empower You

4 Practical Philosophies That Will Empower You
Philosophy is a fascinating branch of wisdom. However these esoteric ideas are sometimes difficult to translate into practical application. What are all of those thoughts, suppositions and theories actually good for? How can an understanding of philosophy ultimately help you lead a better life? Today I want to examine with you four philosophical ideas that have influenced my life in a very positive way. With the right twists I’ll be able to show you that they are indeed empowering. 1) Friedrich Nietzsche – Eternal Recurrence The Idea Several times throughout his works, Nietzsche talks about the thought experiment of eternal recurrence. Does the idea of eternal recurrence – that every moment of your life will repeat itself into eternity – leave you shivering with fear or with joy; whether you are living life fully everyday or just waiting for better times to come. Heaven or hell, you decide 2) Socrates – No One Does Wrong Willingly Learn your way to pleasure L’idée Liberté et responsabilité

Eliminando el estrés en un minuto Eliminando el estrés en un minuto / En los años cincuenta del siglo pasado, un estudiante de medicina en Praga llamado Hans Selye observó que independientemente de la enfermedad en cuestión, todos los enfermos presentaban síntomas de cansancio, pérdida del apetito, bajo peso y astenia: a este fenómeno lo llamó “Síndrome General de Adaptación”. Veinte años después publicó una investigación, “Estrés. Un estudio sobre la ansiedad” (1950) que tendría repercusiones fundamentales para la detección de este fenómeno tan popular en nuestros días –e introdujo interesantes premisas sobre la glándula pituitaria . A grandes rasgos puede afirmarse que el estrés corresponde a esa presión que recae sobre nosotros, como individuos, ante cualquier reto. A continuación describimos 8 eficientes eliminadores de tensión que puedes practicar a cualquier hora del día y en cualquier lugar: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. El estrés es considerado la enfermedad de nuestra era.

11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks Science comes up with a lot of awesome stuff, and you don't need a Ph.D, a secret lab, or government funding to get your hands on some of the coolest discoveries. We've got a list of 11 mostly affordable gifts that are guaranteed to blow your mind, whether or not you're a science geek. Click on any image to see it enlarged. 1. Aerogel Also known as frozen smoke, Aerogel is the world's lowest density solid, clocking in at 96% air. Aerogel isn't just neat, it's useful. Price: $35 2. Inside these sealed glass balls live shrimp, algae, and bacteria, all swimming around in filtered seawater. EcoSpheres came out of research looking at ways to develop self-contained ecosystems for long duration space travel. Price: $80 3. NASA has been trying to figure out how to get a sample of rock back from Mars for a while now. Every once in a while, a meteorite smashes into Mars hard enough to eject some rocks out into orbit around the sun. Price: $70+ 4. Price: $150 5. Price: $110 6. Price: $80 7. Price: $15 8.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Bob Marley Happy Birthday, Bob Marley! The reggae icon is still considered a national hero in Jamaica and was instrumental in bringing mainstream attention to reggae music. Thanks to the Marley children — most notably Ziggy, Stephen, Ky-mani, Julien and Damian — they continue to carry the musical torch and inspire a new generation of fans. On May 11, 1981, Marley passed away due to lung cancer and brain tumor. Bob Marley sang in a doo-wop group. In 1964, Bob Marley formed a ska group called the Wailin' Wailers ("Because we started out crying," quips Marley). He lived in the U.S. for a short period of time. When Marley came to America in 1966, to stay with his mother, Cedella Booker, he worked several jobs including a waiter, an assembly worker in the Chrysler plant and a forklift operator. The reggae crooner was a marijuana advocate. Marley advocated marijuana as part of his Rastafarian lifestyle but also for its importance as a natural resource. His video featured supermodel Naomi Campbell.

This Is How Much Money You'll Make Based on Your Personality If you spent a lot of time on the Internet as a teen, you’ve taken approximately a bajillion personality tests. At least one was probably the hugely popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which sorts people into 16 different groups with 4-letter names. The test, based off of Jungian psychiatry and developed by mother-daughter author duo Katharine Cooks Briggs and Isabelle Myers Briggs in 1962, is supposed to tell you if you are introverted or extraverted, intuitive or sensing, thinking or feeling and perceptive or judgmental. Each combination–INFJ or ESTP, for example–is representative of different characteristics, behaviors and preferences. The types can then be divided into four groups: artisans, guardians, idealists and rationalists. Web Talent, Career Assessment Site, maintained by Jonathan Bollag, recently published an in-depth infographic that shows exactly how much money different personality types will likely make in their lives.

Uno de los mejores descubrimientos arqueológicos del año: ciudad submarina en Egipto (FOTOS) Los arqueólogos han descubierto Herakleion, una ciudad tragada por el mar Mediterráneo que ha permanecido bajo el agua por más de 1200 años. Las ruinas fueron encontradas a 30 pies de profundidad en el Mediterráneo en la bahía de Aboukir, cerca de Alejandría. El nombre de la ciudad hundida era Thonis para los egipcios y Herakleion para los griegos. Esta ciudad era un centro internacional de comercio y posiblemente un centro religioso y un puerto de entrada para el comercio entre el Mediterráneo y el Nilo. Hasta ahora se han desenterrado más de 64 navíos y 700 anclas. También se han encontrado varios artefactos religiosos incluyendo un sarcófago de piedra y 16 esculturas que según se cree, adornaban el templo principal. La cantidad de evidencia histórica que existe de Thonis/ Herakleion, es abrumadora; y seguramente será clave en la reconstrucción del pasado histórico de Egipto. Estatua de granita del dios Hapi Estela de Thonis/Erakleion mandada a hacer por el faraón Nactanebo I

13 World Mysteries Without Explanation Chinese mosaic lines These strange lines are found at coordinates: 40°27’28.56″N, 93°23’34.42″E. There isn’t much information available on these strange, yet beautiful mosaic lines carved in the desert of the Gansu Sheng province in China. Some records indicate they were created in 2004, but nothing seems official. Unexplained stone doll The July 1889 find in Nampa, Idaho, of a small human figure during a well-drilling operation caused intense scientific interest last century. The find has never been challenged except to say that it was impossible. The first stone calendar In the Sahara Desert in Egypt lie the oldest known astronomically aligned stones in the world: Nabta. During this time, the area was a savanna and supported numerous animals such as extinct buffalo and large giraffes, varieties of antelope and gazelle. 300 million year old iron screw At that time there were not only intelligent life forms on earth, not even dinosaurs. Ancient rocket ship Pyramid power

Copiale Cipher: un incipiente rito de los masones alemanes finalmente descifrado En la historia de la cultura humana, pocas expresiones tan seductoras como las hermandades secretas, esas organizaciones fundadas en el conocimiento —en ese carácter arcano, misterioso, que este tiene siempre. Y dentro de estas logias, pocas tan significativas como la francmasonería, fundada supuestamente entre los siglos XVI y XVII en Escocia e Irlanda, extendiéndose pronto a Inglaterra, los Estados Unidos y con el tiempo a otros países de Occidente. Parte importantísima del sistema de las hermandades son esos mecanismos de defensa, instituidos desde la antigüedad griega y la tradición mistérica, que protegen el conocimiento generado al interior de la hermandad del resto del mundo, accesible solo a los iniciados que conocen las claves precisas para ser parte del secreto. Este es un fragmento de un ritual descrito en el Copiale Cipher, según fue descifrado por los investigadores: […] con una carpeta puesta en el piso. En este link, más información sobre el Copiale Cipher.

6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can't Explain We like to feel superior to the people who lived centuries ago, what with their shitty mud huts and curing colds by drilling a hole in their skulls. But we have to give them credit: They left behind some artifacts that have left the smartest of modern scientists scratching their heads. For instance, you have the following enigmas that we believe were created for no other purpose than to fuck with future generations. The Voynich Manuscript The Mystery: The Voynich manuscript is an ancient book that has thwarted all attempts at deciphering its contents. It appears to be a real language--just one that nobody has seen before. Translation: "...and when you get her to put the tennis racket in her mouth, have her stand in a fountain for a while. There is not even a consensus on who wrote it, or even when it was written. Why Can't They Solve It? Could you? Don't even try. As you can imagine, proposed solutions have been all over the board, from reasonable to completely clownshit. Our Guess:

Sobre los beneficios probados de la soledad “La soledad es el hecho más profundo de la condición humana. El hombre es el único ser que sabe que está solo.” Octavio Paz La soledad es uno de los fenómenos más interesantes al reflexionar sobre la naturaleza del ser humano. Históricamente la soledad ha sido asociada con el desarrollo espiritual: recordemos que personajes como Cristo, Buda, y Mahoma, entre otros, obtuvieron revelaciones cruciales en estas circunstancias. Otra veta cultural en torno a la soledad apunta a predisponernos para evitarla a toda costa, y nos invita enmascararla o a esconderte de ella, procurando no exponer tu psique a la naturaleza de dicho estado. Sobre el miedo a estar solos En la actualidad millones de personas le rehúyen a estar solos, y no únicamente por la probable crítica social que ello pueda implicar, sino por que simplemente han perdido la costumbre de encontrarse en un ‘cara a cara’ consigo mismos. La conectividad digital Las mieles de la soledad ¿Entonces?

Tiny human almost-brains made in lab Largely left to their own devices, human stem cells knitted themselves into tissue with a multitude of brain structures and specialized cadres of neurons in a form reminiscent of the brain of a nine-week-old fetus, scientists report August 28 in Nature. The tissue doesn’t approach the dizzying complexity of the human brain. Yet these tiny neural balls, each no bigger than a BB pellet, represent the most complex brain structure grown in a lab to date, researchers say. The new work could provide an unprecedented window into the early stages of human brain development, a simple way to test pharmaceuticals on human brain tissue and a way to study the brain defects of individual patients, the study authors suggest. “They’ve done something very remarkable,” says Flora Vaccarino of Yale University. The tissue clumps also had discrete parts of the cerebral cortex, the outer sheet of the human brain that’s responsible for advanced thought processes. Microcephaly has been difficult to study.

Paolo Soleri, founder of Arcology, dies at 93 Arcology is the term coined by visionary architect Paolo Soleri to mean a fusion of both architecture and ecology. Soleri spent his lifetime investigating how architecture, and specifically the architecture of the city, could support the endless possibilities of human aspiration. He founded Arcosanti in Arizona, an urban laboratory focused on innovative design, community, and environmental accountability. His ideas were vast and envisioned on a grand scale, and throughout his long life he used them to question our familiar ideas about what architecture could be. He passed away April 9 at the age of 93. Soleri’s Arcology seeks to create a “Lean Alternative” to hyper consumption and wastefulness through more frugal, efficient, smart and elegant city designs. See Also Visual Bits #416 > From Every Angle: Architecture Arcosanti, located 70 miles north of Phoenix, is an example of such an environment – one that promotes the arcological principles of Soleri.

Mythical Creatures List, Mythical Creatures A-Z 12 prejuicios y falacias cognitivas que te impiden ser absolutamente racional El razonamiento es quizá el mejor mecanismo para ejemplificar cómo la naturaleza y la cultura se encuentran indisociablemente ligadas, cómo una y otra se nutren entre sí formando una especie de simbiosis en la que una no puede existir sin la otra. Si bien, por un lado, el pensamiento racional fue uno de los mecanismos decisivos en el proceso de supervivencia, su posterior sofisticación determinó una manera de pensar muy señalada, una forma del raciocinio que es la única que conocemos pero no la única que adivinamos, una paradoja que nos hace imaginar lo que podría ser sin definirlo cabalmente. Nietzsche, Foucault y otros filósofos mostraron cómo el pensamiento racional tiene formas muy específicas, que no existe un pensamiento por antonomasia a pesar de que esto lo podamos expresar únicamente desde esta manera de pensar. Quizá por eso la lista que presentamos a continuación tiene un doble sentido. Falacia de confirmación Falacia de grupo Falacia del jugador Racionalización post-compra
