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The 5As of Actualization

The 5As of Actualization
First we make our habits, then our habits make us. – Charles C. Noble One of the most effective ways to actualize your own potential and goals is to form habits and routines that make the actualization (almost) automatic. We see reflections of this observation in the works of Aristotle and Lao Tzu from millennia ago on through the works of contemporary thinkers such as Stephen Covey and the Dalai Lama. The lead quote sums up things nicely, though, in that habit-building can be an active process, too. Since we can choose, do, track, and evaluate the habits and routines that help us actualize ourselves and our goals, there’s a process with discrete but related steps. AimAwarenessActionAccountabilityAssessment Let’s take a look at these a little more in depth. Aim The saying “if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there” fits in nicely here. Our bodies and minds are automatic habit-building systems – whether or not you actively try to build habits or not, you will.

To Start or Not To Start a Business with Your Spouse - VerticalResponse Column by Janine Popick, "Women in Business" December 2006 Starting a business with the one you love might sound dreamy, but you should give it careful consideration before making the business commitment. I'll start off with this. Flashback, Burgundy, France, January 2001. So there we were in France, discussing John's role as CEO, and mine as COO. Reality set in quickly. All of our "eggs" would be in one basket. Luckily, a friend who had just started his own business needed someone with our skills to work at his company. What type of personality do you each have? Working with your spouse isn't impossible, and it can work for the right people. Albert is technical; he manages the company's website. Albert yields to Shannon as the president because of the nature of the business. Their business is successful as a partnership because they each bring something complementary to the business. In my case, my husband does lend a lot to my business.

Walk Time Calculator How far can I walk today? One of the most important points to consider when planning a walk is assessing the time it will take to complete the walk. If you are using public transport this is even more important as you will have to plan your walk to correspond with Bus or Train times. Also, particularly in these hectic times you may have to finish the walk at a certain time in order to get to your accommodation for dinner, or to make a restaurant reservation, or even just to meet friends for a social gathering. How to use the Calculator Simply enter the details of your planned walk into the relevant boxes. How the Calculations are made The calculator is based on Naismiths Rule. Walking time = 3 miles per hour Climbing Time = 1 minute for every 10 metres ascent Descent Time = 1 minute for every 20 metre descent This method is fine for the average regular walker but it does not apply to walking in difficult conditions (e.g. boggy ground, dense undergrowth).

Sheep Sculptures Made Out of Rotary Phones Jean-Luc Cornec’s Sheep Sculptures from the Museum of Telecommunication in Frankfurt. (via ThisBlogRules) meeting great people I’ve had the neat opportunity so far this summer to meet a few of my “online friends” in real life. If I had to use one word to describe it: Energizing. Living in an area where lots of people still do not even have internet access, and if they do it’s prehistoric dial-up, many of my friends and family don’t really understand it. Anyhow, the reason I’m writing this post is to tell you about what I have found to be the best way to get extremely excited about life and your goals. This shockingly effective method to get yourself pumped up and rearing to go is to simply spend some time, in person, with people who are living your dream lifestyle. Getting together with the Way Below Status Quo crew, Colin , Andi and Ash (and meeting the awesome Elisa ) was incredible. I ended up staying awake until just about 5 a.m. that night (or morning) working on my business. It’s because I saw that they were actually DOING IT.

Jealousy has an ugly face and it's MINE. You see -- through my school we have this fantastic opportunity to go to Mexico for a practicum tour. It costs a God awful amount - but you get to see amazing places and help needy children. I. Alas -- money is tight, and I've sketched this Mexico Practicum into my plans for my diploma year -- it will be a "graduation gift" to myself. She's blogging about it. Now...I know what I'm missing. 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It | zen habits “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin, famously “Put no trust in the benefits to accrue from early rising, as set forth by the infatuated Franklin …” – Mark Twain By Leo Babauta Recently, reader Rob asked me about my habit of waking at 4:30 a.m. each day, and asked me to write about the health benefits of rising early, which I thought was an excellent question. However, there are a ton of other great benefits. Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s great. Greet the day. How to Become an Early Riser Don’t make drastic changes.

amazon Family Health - Check-Ups are Important It's time to take charge of your health! Schedule an appointment with your health care provider to discuss what screenings and exams you need and when you need them. Below are resources to help you and your health care provider determine what health services and screenings are best for you. Why are Check-Ups Important? Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. Where Can I Go for Health Services? The best place to go for health services is your regular health care provider. CDC's National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) offers free or low-cost mammograms and Pap tests. What Health Services are Recommended? The links below provide information about important exams, screenings, and vaccinations. How Can I Prepare for My Appointment? The links below provide tools to help you prepare for your next appointment. Encouraging Others (the day after Mother's Day each year) or National Men's Health Week (the week before Father's Day each year).

amazon How to Create a Budget: Tracking Expenses Since you are here, you probably discovered that you need to start tracking your expenses, and learn to spend less, and save more. That’s great! Creating a personal budget is an important first step to building sound money management skills. What is a Budget? Tracking your Expenses The first step to create a budget is to determine how much money you spend, and to whom you are paying that money. Expenses Expenses are anything you spend your money on. Keep your receipts, and write on your budget tracking worksheet all your expenses. Also, at the end of the week, you should try to estimate any payments with cash that you made, that you did not write down that week. Types of Expenses As you start to track your expenses, it is helpful to break your spending into different categories. Essential Expenses – Fixed and Variable Fixed Expenses Fixed expenses are expenses that are the same each month. Variable Expenses Variable expenses are expenses that vary each month.

Family In most societies, the family is the principal institution for the socialization of children. As the basic unit for raising children, anthropologists generally classify most family organization as matrifocal (a mother and her children); conjugal (a husband, his wife, and children, also called the nuclear family); avuncular (for example, a grandparent, a brother, his sister, and her children); or extended (parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family). Sexual relations among the members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo. The field of genealogy aims to trace family lineages through history. Family is also an important economic unit studied in family economics. Social reproduction[edit] A group portrait of a mother, son and daughter on glass, Roman Empire, c. 250 AD One of the primary functions of the family involves providing a framework for the production and reproduction of persons, biologically and/or socially. Polygyny[edit]

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (9780142000281): David Allen Nerd Paradise : How to Write a 20 Page Research Paper in Under a Day Posted on: 10 Cado 7:0 - 5.27.29 So you've procrastinated again. You told yourself you wouldn't do this 2 months ago when your professor assigned you this. But you procrastinated anyway. Shame on you. It's due in a few hours. Pick a Topic The more "legally-oriented" your topic is, the better. Make a list ...of every possible outcome that this issue could cause in...the near future...the far future...of every person that this topic affects....of any instances where this topic has come in the news....what you would do about this topic if you had the chance/power/enough-sugar...any little detail you can think ofThe important thing about this is to think of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, no matter how silly or far-fetched. Reorder everything Put your most obvious argument first. Then put weird off the wall stuff, regardless of importance. Put the strongest argument for your case next. Now list the incidents that will help argue for your point. It's best to keep all this in the form of an outline. Spaces
