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When Insults Had Class

When Insults Had Class
“He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” –Winston Churchill “I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.” –Clarence Darrow “He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.” –William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway) "Poor Faulkner. —Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner) “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. –Groucho Marx “I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” –Mark Twain “He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.” –Oscar Wilde “I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend... if you have one.” –George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill “Cannot possibly attend first night; will attend second, if there is one.” –Winston Churchill’s response to George Bernard Shaw “I feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here.” –Stephen Bishop “He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” –John Bright

What Mimicking One's Language Style May Mean About the Relationship Oct. 4, 2010 AUSTIN, Texas — People match each other's language styles more during happier periods of their relationship than at other times, according to new research from psychologists at The University of Texas at Austin. "When two people start a conversation, they usually begin talking alike within a matter of seconds," says James Pennebaker, psychology professor and co-author of the study. "This also happens when people read a book or watch a movie. As soon as the credits roll, they find themselves talking like the author or the central characters." This tendency is called language style matching or LSM.

¡Ayúdame! ¡Ayúdame! is a big spanish youtube meme. About Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein [Note: This list of Einstein quotes was being forwarded around the Internet in e-mail, so I decided to put it on my web page. I'm afraid I can't vouch for its authenticity, tell you where it came from, who compiled the list, who Kevin Harris is, or anything like that. Still, the quotes are interesting and enlightening.] "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

10 More Common Faults in Human Thought Humans This list is a follow up to Top 10 Common Faults in Human Thought. Thanks for everyone’s comments and feedback; you have inspired this second list! It is amazing that with all these biases, people are able to actually have a rational thought every now and then. Evil Eye The Evil Eye -- mal occhio -- truly exists, & modern western culture has so deeply repressed all knowledge of it that its effects overwhelm us -- & are mistaken for something else entirely. Thus it is free to operate unchecked, convulsing society in a paroxysm of Invidia. Invidious Envy -- the active manifestation of passive resentment -- projected outward thru the gaze (i.e. thru the whole language of gestures & physiognomy, to which most moderns are deaf, or rather which they are not aware of hearing).

TM): Great quotes by comedians Great quotes by comedians ----- Begin NetScrap(TM) ----- Great quotes by comedians "If you ever see me getting beaten by the police, put down the video camera and come help me." --Bobcat Goldthwait "I've been doing the Fonda workout: the Peter Fonda workout. That's where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint, and run to my sister's house and ask her for money." How to Read Someone’s Mind Reading someone's mind Reading someone’s mind through telepathy has a long and legendary history. But if you want to have this ability too, you may have to rethink what mind reading is.

Purchase a Lord Title, Laird Title or Lady Title Can I Buy a Title? Owners of Scottish land have the legitimate right to assume the style of Laird, Lord or Lady, but it is impossible to simply ‘buy a title’. You should be wary if you come across a website offering titles for sale. Highland Titles is a reputable company selling and we wish to distance ourselves from such websites. We sell plots of land in Scotland, and our customers are free to adopt the titles of Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe if they choose to do so.

25 new great quotes! Here’s a new collection of great quotes by some of the most inspirational men and women that ever walked this earth. If you do like them and find them inspirational or helpful in some way, check out the links below for similar posts. We have created over 20+ of these galleries, so there is lots more to be seen. Halo Effect The idea that global evaluations about a person bleed over into judgements about their specific traits. The ‘halo effect’ is a classic finding in social psychology. It is the idea that global evaluations about a person (e.g. she is likeable) bleed over into judgements about their specific traits (e.g. she is intelligent). History100pagesStripper - The Costumer's Manifesto (Lengthened version of my presentation at the UCLA Conference on Burlesque as a Social Phenomenon, 1993, highlighting the strip show portions of my dissertation Strip shows are usually fairly honestly acknowledged as a form of entertainment designed to sexually arouse men with the visual representation of suitable sex objects. 1 By showing beautiful girls in a stylized representation of the acts leading up to sexual intercourse (disrobing and caressing the body) as well as stylized "bumps" and "grinds" which evoke the sex act itself, it completely distracts the audience from the fact than no actual sex is taking place on stage. Strip shows are the idea of sex divorced from the action itself and so represent a kind of idealized sex. Fashion shows, strip shows and beauty pageants, on runway stages are all forms of theatre that attempt to glorify an ideal of womankind which has special significance to their audience.

jack handley Deep Thoughts By Jack Handey Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". List of thought processes Nature of thought[edit] Thought (or thinking) can be described as all of the following: An activity taking place in a: brain – organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals (only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain). It is the physical structure associated with the mind. mind – abstract entity with the cognitive faculties of consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory. Having a mind is a characteristic of humans, but which also may apply to other life forms.[1][2] Activities taking place in a mind are called mental processes or cognitive (see automated reasoning, below) – general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.
