En blogg av IKT-pedagogerna i Kalmarsunds Gymnasieförbund

itfroken | Min blogg om it i skolan.
Björn – om skola och utbildning | Teaching is learning
Digital kompetens och lärande
I Klockhuset...
Mrs Tigerte(a)ch
Skolöverstyrelsen.se | En forskarblogg om skola, utbildning och utbildningsvetenskap
Skollyftet | En samlingsplats för alla som vill lyfta den svenska skolan
Ewan McIntosh | Digital Media & Learning
This Tuesday, I want you to join me in the pub. It’s your homework. There will be a test. My old tutor from teacher training college, David Muir, giggles as he types up some gems being shared over a beer between two other men: John Johnston, a primary teacher from Glasgow, and Will Richardson, an international keynoter whose formal talk earlier in the day had left us asking what they did in New Jersey that was, actually, any different from what we did in Scotland. Bob Hill from Dundee and Andrew Brown, a local authority (or school district) geek-in-residence listen in, priming the anecdotes they’ll respond with shortly. Behind me, at a different table, are a few others, snuggled around a table listening to the gems coming from an old uni pal who’s just started teaching, Grant Fraser. It doesn’t seem like much, but this informal gathering, arranged in fewer than 24 hours, was the first unconference for teachers, anywhere in the world. TeachMeet was born.