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ReFrame – helps you to think differently

ReFrame – helps you to think differently

Innovación Social en Colombia – Un proyecto de UPTC – Visibilizando proyectos de innovación social Psychological Benefits of Exercise When I was about to turn 40, I started working out regularly after years of inactivity. As I sweated my way through cardio, weights, and dance classes, I noticed that exercise wasn’t just changing my body. It was also profoundly transforming my brain—for the better. The immediate effects of exercise on my mood and thought process proved to be a powerful motivational tool. And as a neuroscientist and workout devotee, I’ve come to believe that these neurological benefits could have profound implications for how we live, learn and age as a society. Let’s start with one of the most practical immediate benefits of breaking a sweat: exercise combats stress. Exercise improves our ability to shift and focus attention. But my favorite neuroscience-based motivation for exercise relates to its effects on the hippocampus—a key brain structure that’s critical for long-term memory. All this should serve as a powerful motivator for regular physical activity. We welcome your comments at

Innovación social: el motor del futuro Nunca antes la tarea de encontrar una nueva manera de pensar había sido tan urgente en el mundo como lo es ahora. Desde la inestabilidad financiera que se ha vivido en los últimos años hasta la turbulencia política en naciones tan disímiles como Venezuela y Siria –por poner algunos ejemplos–, así como la crisis de recursos naturales que se avecina, los riesgos del cambio climático, las pandemias globales y la pobreza extrema; son pruebas de que las fórmulas tradicionales de abordar los problemas ya no bastan. El modelo actual, se podría decir, ha fracasado. Por ende, ha llegado el momento de buscar alternativas que permitan llevar a cabo una profunda transformación económica, social y cultural. Un cambio de paradigma. No son pocos los Gobiernos del mundo que hoy le están apostando a esto. Colombia no se ha quedado atrás. Inversionistas en todo el mundo también están viendo esta nueva realidad. Esperanza en las nuevas generaciones Con toda seguridad este movimiento se irá acrecentando.

Choice Theory - Glasser Institute The mission of The William Glasser Institute is to teach all people Choice Theory® and to use it as the basis for training in: Reality Therapy, Lead-Management, and Glasser Quality School Education. Choice Theory The 1998 book, Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom, is the primary text for all that is taught by The William Glasser Institute. all we do is behave,that almost all behavior is chosen, andthat we are driven by our genes to satisfy five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun. In practice, the most important need is love and belonging, as closeness and connectedness with the people we care about is a requisite for satisfying all of the needs. Choice theory, with the Seven Caring Habits, replaces external control psychology and the Seven Deadly Habits. Relationships and our Habits The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory

L’innovazione sociale che sta cambiando Milano [Da Effect Magazine] Milano è una città di cortili. Quello del mio nuovo condominio è spazioso, pieno di piante, bici e con due panchine per favorire la socialità. Il palazzo ha 104 anni ma si è appena meritato un premio per l’innovazione da Legambiente perché luogo esemplare di buone pratiche sostenibili e di condivisione. Negli ultimi anni gli abitanti, partendo dalla necessità di migliorare la raccolta differenziata, hanno organizzato cene e corsi di formazione sul tema e realizzato uno spazio per la libera condivisione di attrezzi ed elettrodomestici. Hanno rimesso al centro il benessere facendo leva sui vantaggi del bussare alla porta accanto. Non vale solo per casa mia: Milano la si scopre davvero buttando lo sguardo nei cortili, oltre i portoni. Vicini di casa al lavoro per realizzare un orto condiviso in via Maiocchi (fonte: Per scaricare l’infografica curata da Effect:

Reality therapy Reality therapy (RT) is an approach to psychotherapy and counseling. Developed by William Glasser in the 1960s, RT differs from conventional psychiatry, psychoanalysis and medical model schools of psychotherapy in that it focuses on what Glasser calls psychiatry's three Rs: realism, responsibility, and right-and-wrong, rather than symptoms of mental disorders.[1] Reality therapy maintains that the individual is suffering from a socially universal human condition rather than a mental illness. It is in the unsuccessful attainment of basic needs that a person's behavior moves away from the norm. Since fulfilling essential needs is part of a person's present life, reality therapy does not concern itself with a client's past. Neither does this type of therapy deal with unconscious mental processes. The reality therapy approach to counseling and problem-solving focuses on the here-and-now actions of the client and the ability to create and choose a better future. Background[edit] Action[edit]

Managing Ethics and Aesthetics - Eco-AgeEco-Age Reality Therapy - Glasser Institute Click here to listen to an interview with Kim Olver, Executive Director and Dr. David Pittle about Reality Therapy and Choice Theory Reality Therapy is the method of counseling that Dr. Glasser has been teaching since 1965. Since unsatisfactory or non-existent connections with people we need are the source of almost all human problems, the goal of reality therapy is to help people reconnect. Focus on the present and avoid discussing the past because all human problems are caused by unsatisfying present relationships.Avoid discussing symptoms and complaints as much as possible since these are the ways that counselees choose to deal with unsatisfying relationships.Understand the concept of total behavior, which means focus on what counselees can do directly - act and think.

Strategyzer | Trusted by over 5 million business practitioners Official Original Source & Definition of Superlearning Music & Technique- Articles, ebooks and guidance Differentiated Instruction - Examples & Non-Examples What Is Differentiated Instruction? by Christina Yu, Differentiated instruction, the tailoring of educational experiences to meet individual learner needs, is nothing new. Hardworking teachers have always recognized the diverse needs of students and adjusted their instruction to account for them. Differentiated instruction is difficult and time-consuming work, however, and class sizes are increasing all the time, making individualized learning harder to achieve. 5 Examples Of Differentiated Instruction 5 Non-Examples Of Differentiated Instruction Assigning ‘advanced’ students to teach ‘struggling’ students.Giving ‘advanced’ students no homework.Grouping students into different classes based on their ability.Letting advanced students out of class early or giving them more free play time.Simply allowing students to choose their own books to read off of a list. Created by Knewton and Knewton
