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OpenupEd Acheter ? 46 choses que vous devriez commencer à faire Vous pourriez réaliser que la plupart des produits sur le marché ne sont pas issus de l’agriculture biologique et qui contiennent naturellement de nombreux produits chimiques toxiques. Plus encore, une grande partie de ces produits peuvent être nocifs pour notre environnement de plusieurs façons. Faire les choses vous-même permet non seulement de vous faire économiser de l’argent et aide l’environnement, mais ça vous permet également de savoir d’où viennent vos produits et ce qu’il y a dedans. Vous pouvez vous servir des produits alimentaires pour faire des produit de soins personnels et des produits de nettoyage de façon très simple. N’oubliez-pas : chaque fois que vous le pouvez, utilisez des aliments biologiques et des ingrédients biologiques dans les recettes. Utilisez du sel de mer à la place du sel de table. 46 choses que vous pouvez commencer à faire vous-même Au lieu d’ acheter vous pourriez faire votre ketchup maison Au lieu d’ acheter vous pourriez faire la mayonnaise maison

15 timeless observations from history's greatest dystopian novels The dystopian novel has a long, dark and intriguing history. Kicking off in 1726 with Jonathan Swift’s rip-roaring satire Gulliver’s Travels, it’s gone through numerous transformations in the last three centuries. One thing all these books share, though, is that they make us think long and hard about the societies we live in. Evolving not simply as a response to fictional utopian concerns, but also as a response to the prevalent or ominous ideals and politics of the writer’s time, the dystopian novel tends to use its make-believe guise as a front to critique the ideologies under which they’ve been forged. However, they also include enduring wisdom, which can be just as relevant to contemporary readers. To show just how relevant, we’ve unearthed 15 timeless insights from 15 of history’s greatest dystopias. “He who controls the past controls the future. 1984 — George Orwell “Stuff your eyes with wonder, he said, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. Fahrenheit 451 — Ray Bradbury

Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Diagnosis and Treatment: Basics and New Developments - Cardiac Rhythm Management: A CardioSource Clinical Community Satish R. Raj, M.D., F.A.C.C. (Disclosure) Benjamin D. Levine, M.D., F.A.C.C. February 07, 2013 Editor's Note: Please note this author will address off-label use in the following article. Diagnostic Criteria & Common Clinical Features of POTS POTS is defined as the presence of chronic symptoms of orthostatic intolerance (≥6 months) accompanied by an increased heart rate (HR) ≥30 bpm within 10 minutes of assuming an upright posture (Figure 1) and in the absence of orthostatic hypotension (blood pressure [BP] fall >20/10 mmHg).1,2 In children and adolescents, a higher threshold (≥40 bpm) should be used since they have a greater physiological orthostatic tachycardia.3 Morning postural assessments will optimize diagnostic sensitivity (at the expense of specificity) for POTS.4 Patients with POTS can often seem anxious in clinic. Investigation of POTS The evaluation of a patient with POTS starts with a detailed history and physical examination looking for common features outlined above. Exercise

get skilled, get qualified with our free online courses Fabriquez une boîte à bijoux dans une canette Récupérer les journaux pour faire du papier mâché, le carton pour créer des meubles, des cagettes pour faire des étagères... Vous pensiez tout savoir sur le recyclage intelligent de vos déchets ? Découvrez un nouveau matériau pour exprimer votre créativité : la canette en aluminium. Découvrez comment faire d'une canette une boîte à bijoux : Pour ce faire vous auriez besoin : -d'une paire de ciseaux -de ruban adhésif fort -d'une canette en aluminium -d'un poinçon ou d'une mine de stylo bille -d'une pièce de monnaie -d'un morceau de papier abrasif Voici le déroulement à suivre : -Etape 1 : -Commencer par découper la canette dans le sens de la longueur à l'aide des ciseaux. -Etape 2 : -Déroulez la surface de métal ainsi obtenue sur un plan de travail et fixez la avec le ruban adhésif, côté coloré face visible. -Etape 3 : -Avec le papier abrasif, frottez pour faire disparaître l'imprimé de la canette. -Etape 4 : -Etape 6: -Etape 6 bis : Image: 1/11 | Lancer le diaporama Crédit :

Murphy's Law Calculator Murphy's Law Calculator From a formula for * Sod's Law provided by British Gas: ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!" Find out in advance whether you will be able to successfully repair your VCR, get to a meeting on time, impress your date, or be a success at any activity whatsoever ! Score: 4.355 Risk Factor: 35286.9 You have a 43% chance of screwing this up ! You can minimize your risk by having a backup plan (redundant circuitry, alternate route etc.) British Gas commissioned Dr David Lewis, a chartered psychologist; Dr Keylan Leyser, an economist and business consultant; and Philip Obadya, a mathematician, to devise the formula. Murphy's Law Links: Note: Murphy's Law has long been known in the UK as "Sod's Law".

100 Essential Bookmarks for Open Source Enthusiasts When Whitney Houston sang about children being the future, that’s only because open source wasn’t really much of a thing back in 1986. But it is now, and it’s the future (sorry, kiddos), so teach it well and let it lead the way. The ongoing popularity of free learning resources, classes, certificates, and more has done more to democratize education than anything else since the advent of public schooling. By this point, anyone with Internet access can receive a world-class education on their own terms and, for the most part, at no cost. Thanks to the efforts of the following websites, more and more self-directed learners work independently or in groups to better their minds. Schools Textbooks and Journals Archives Wikis DIY and Collaborative

Ambulance Safety Lessons from Europe - ambulance safety - Home » ambulance safety » Ambulance Safety Lessons from Europe David J. Turner, NREMT-P, IC | Friday, July 9, 2010 European ambulances have long been known for their sleek lines, bright colors and familiar "high/low" siren, qualities deemed odd by most American observers. On May 4, 2010, the EMS Safety Foundation embarked on an educational journey to Fulda, Germany. Rettmobil has been billed as Europe's largest exhibition of rescue and mobility vehicles and equipment. Safety Standards Unlike the U.S., Europe has ambulance safety standards. Vehicle Size Despite the popular notion that bigger is better, this isn't the case when it comes to safety. Vehicle Modifications Whereas most U.S. ambulances have extensive body modifications, the exteriors of most European ambulances remain as produced by the automotive industry, maintaining their structural integrity. Most European ambulance manufacturers use the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter chassis, which offers a model with a taller roof. Sections

50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - Getting Smart by Guest Author - EdTech, elearning, IOLchat “50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses” by Julie DeNeen first appeared on informED. Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education via e learning for free. From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education. 1. UMass Boston Open Courseware The UMass courseware offers a broad range of classes in areas like psychology, biology, early education, political science, history, mathematics, and others. There are no slides, videos, or lecture notes, which makes this open courseware inferior to other universities that offer extensive resources. 2. This website has a variety of video lessons for free. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
