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GTDTiddlyWiki - your simple client side wiki

GTDTiddlyWiki - your simple client side wiki

Introducing the Hipster PDA This article was originally posted during the first week of 43 Folders' existence, and, pound for pound, it remains one of the most popular page on the site. Please be sure to also visit related pages, browse our Hipster PDA topic area, plus, of course you can search on the Hipster PDA across our family of sites. Recently, I got sick of lugging my Palm V around, so I developed a vastly superior, greatly simplified device for capturing and sharing information. Beauty & Simplicity The Hipster PDA (Parietal Disgorgement Aid) is a fully extensible system for coordinating incoming and outgoing data for any aspect of your life and work. Building your first Hipster PDA get a bunch of 3"x5" file cards (here’s 500 for around 3 bucks)clip them together with a binder clipthere is no step 3 Settings & Preferences For you hotrods who like to tweak your equipment, I’ll note a few mods you might make to the basic configuration. “Getting Things Done” with your Hipster PDA Hipster PDA: Related 43F Links

DokuWiki] DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Get started: Why DokuWiki? DokuWiki is a popular choice when choosing a Wiki software and has many advantages over similar software. Easy to install and use Low system requirements Built-in Access Control Lists Large variety of extensions Over 50 languages supported Device independent Open Source Learn more about DokuWiki features Use Cases Wikis are quick to update and new pages are easily added. Corporate Knowledge Base Private notebook Software manual Project workspace Customizing DokuWiki We support customization on all levels of expertise. Read the development manual Our Community A part of OpenSource is giving back to the community by getting involved. Share your experience Do some wiki gardening Help plugin authors with documentation

Dossiers technopédagogiques This article endeavours to denote and promote pedagogical experimentations concerning a Free/Open technology called a "Wiki". An intensely simple, accessible and collaborative hypertext tool Wiki software challenges and complexifies traditional notions of - as well as access to - authorship, editing, and publishing. Usurping official authorizing practices in the public domain poses fundamental - if not radical - questions for both academic theory and pedagogical practice. The particular pedagogical challenge is one of control: wikis work most effectively when students can assert meaningful autonomy over the process. This involves not just adjusting the technical configuration and delivery; it involves challenging the social norms and practices of the course as well (Lamb, 2004). Enacting such horizontal knowledge assemblages in higher education practices could evoke a return towards and an instance upon the making of impossible public goods” (Ciffolilli, 2003).

You can do anything - but not everything. Procrastination hack: '(10+2)*5' Following on the idea of the procrastination dash and Jeff’s progressive dash, I’ve been experimenting with a squirelly new system to pound through my procrastinated to-do list. Brace yourself, because it is a bit more byzantine than is Merlin 2005’s newly stripped-down habit. It’s called (10+2)*5, and today it will save your ass. Who it’s for procrastinatorsthe easily distractedcompulsive web-surferspeople with a long list of very short tasks (a/k/a “mosquitos”) people having trouble chipping away at very large tasks What you’ll need a timermust be easy to resetelectronic kitchen timer is particularly good (pref. with multiple alarm memories), oran app like Minuteur (get the newest version—several cool new features)a reduced subset of your to-do list tasks that can be worked on (not necessarily completed) in blocks of 10 minutes or lessGTD people: next actions only, pleasean hour of your time (less is potentially okay, but it’s non-canonical)your sorry, procrastinating ass How it works

MonkeyGTD - MonkeyGTD asdf config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false;\n <!--{{{-->\n<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar +saveTiddler -cancelTiddler deleteTiddler'></div>\n<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>\n<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>\n<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>\n<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser'></span></div>\n<!--}}}--> <<tiddler MainMenu>>\n\nAuthorMainMenu\nMainMenu\nDefaultTiddlers\nPluginManager\nPresentationIndex\n /***\nPlace your custom CSS here\n***/\n/*{{{*/\n\n\n[[StyleSheetCommon]]\n/*}}}*/\n ! Story.prototype.refreshTiddler_activelink = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler;\nStory.prototype.refreshTiddler = function (title,template,force)\n{\n var theTiddler = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler_activelink.apply(this,arguments);\n if (! config.options.chkAnimate = false;\nconfig.options.chkSinglePageMode = true;\nconfig.options.chkTopOfPageMode = false; ! ! ! <!

Gollum, Navegador de la wikipedia Micro Persuasion: Turn Gmail Into Your Personal Nerve Center The Clip Report: An eBook on the Future of Media In the early 1990s when I began my career in PR there were clip reports. These were physical books that contained press clips. It seems downright archaic now but that’s how I learned about the press - by cutting, pasting up and photocopying clippings. My fascination with the media never abated. Today my role is to form insights into how the entire overlapped media landscape - the pros, social channels, and corporate content - is rapidly evolving and to help Edelman clients turn these learnings into actionable strategies. Today I am re-launching my Tumblr site with a new name, a new focus and a new format. It all kicks off today with a 15-page installment of The Clip Report.

43 Folders | Time, Attention, and Creative Work About Comparativa de wiki The Focused 50 Since my last post about the power of 48 minutes, I’ve been testing different combinations of focused work time. I’ve tried 40, 45, 48, and 50 minute intervals and they all work well for long projects. The main consideration is having a good work area, some kind of timer, and a beverage warmer for coffee or tea. A large project is pretty easy to focus on. I took a look at some of the outlining and organizing strategies that I’ve used before. I set aside a time period of 50 minutes as it was easily dividable. I started working on the task (sending an e-mail) and I noticed right away the urgency to get the task done. I pulled out the next card which was another 15 minute card. The next task was to change the text on a computer graphic in 10 minutes. This one involved burning a CD for work. This was fun and I can say that any one of the individual tasks could have easily eaten up 50 minutes. I would like to share these with you. Here is how you can use them…
