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Famous Quotes and Authors, Famous Quotations for all Occasions

Famous Quotes and Authors, Famous Quotations for all Occasions

Buscador de Puntos - Manual de Digitopuntura Online Introducción La Digitopuntura (también conocida como Digitopresión o Acupresión), la Acupuntura y otras técnicas afines, como la práctica del Do-in, el G-Jo, el Shiatsu o la Mioterapia, son utilizadas en Asia desde hace miles de años y han conseguido, finalmente, una amplia aceptación en occidente. En la medicina tradicional oriental se destaca la importancia de la responsabilidad personal sobre la propia salud. Esta página está diseñada para ofrecerle la oportunidad de aliviar, usted mismo, sus propios síntomas y molestias. Al aprender a estimular sus propios puntos de presión podrá aliviar síntomas menores o moderados y reducir así la necesidad de tomar medicamentos no prescritos por su médico. Advertencias No utilice la digitopuntura como sustituto de tratamientos médicos o de procedimientos de emergencia habituales. La Digitopuntura no debería utilizarse en los siguientes casos: Como único tratamiento en cualquier enfermedad; si está enfermo, acuda a su médico. ¿Cómo Funciona?

Quotes from Literature - LitQuotes La Botica Escondida | Popular Quotes by Popular Folks | 30,000 Quotes | 10,000 Authors | 2,000 Quote Genres El Blog de Centinel Vitamina E Vitamina E Es una vitamina liposoluble (se disuelven en las grasas, por lo tanto se encuentran asociadas a las grasas de la dieta, y se depositan en las grasas de nuestro organismo) que existe en ocho diferentes formas. Cada forma posee su propia actividad biológica la cual es medida por la potencia o uso funcional en el cuerpo. Alfa-tocoferol (a-tocoferol) es el nombre de la forma de Vitamina E más activa en los humanos. Los antioxidantes, tales como la vitamina E, actuan para proteger las células contra los efectos de los radicales libres, los cuales son potencialmente dañinos. ¿Qué alimentos contienen Vitamina E? Aceites vegetales, frutos secos, vegetales de hoja verde, cereales enriquecidos son algunas de las fuentes más comunes de Vitamina E, Recomendamos consultar la amplia lista del U.S. Vitamina E y enfermedades cardiovasculares Investigaciones preliminares han conducido a una amplia creencia de que la Vitamina E puede ayudar a prevenir o retrasar enfermedades coronarias (2).

Acupresión; Metodo Tecnica Relajante. Metodo o tenica facil de aprender y para poder hacer en cualquier lugar, siguiendo estas sencillas indicaciones. Comience su tratamiento relajante diez minutos reflexología de la mano pellizcando la punta de cada dedo y el pulgar de la mano derecha. Invierta y repetir este proceso en su mano izquierda. La presión aplicada a los dedos debe ser firme, pero no doloroso. Unos segundos de cada dedo es suficiente. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Este es un momento oportuno para relajarse, despejar la mente y centrarse en sus intenciones curativas. Ver y Leer en I Esencial Natura New group Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Grupo Infonatural ¡únete! <3 ¿Quieres enterarte de todos los cursos gratuitos, solidarios. Nuevo Grupo Acupuntura Natural – Natural Acupuncture Empezamos Esencial + ¡Mira!

7 Beers That You Should Stop Drinking Immediately Many of us choose what we eat very carefully, or at least dedicate our minimum attention to it. But when it comes to drinks, especially alcoholic beverages, we do little to make the best decisions for our health. Which is a HUGE mistake. Here’s some harmful ingredients that are commonly found in beer: GMO Corn SyrupGMO CornHigh Fructose Corn SyrupFish BladderPropylene GlycolMonosodium Glutamate (MSG)Natural FlavorsGMO SugarsCaramel ColoringInsect-Based DyesCarrageenanBPA& lots more! Here are the 7 beers that are commonly found in bars in United States that you should stop drinking immediately. The Newcastle beer has been found to contain caramel coloring. One of the most popular beers, or most advertised is Budweiser. I used to love Corona’s commercials. This is another very popular beer in America that contains GMOs. Less popular but still readily available Michelob beer, should be eliminated from your choices. Pabst Blue Ribbon contains GMO corn and GMO corn syrup. Other

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver You’re in a restaurant enjoying a dinner with friends, when all of a sudden you hear a woman shriek: “He’s choking!” You calmly excuse yourself from the table and dash with effortless cool towards the source of the loud yell. You find a man with a look of terror in his eyes, gripping his throat, indicating that something is lodged within. You heartily pat the man on the back and say something witty to lighten things up. At least that’s how we imagine we’d handle a situation if we saw someone choking. So today’s the day you’re finally going to commit this important and potentially lifesaving skill to memory, and not only that, learn how to do it in six different situations–on an average person, an obese person, a baby, a pregnant woman, a dog, and even yourself. First: Assess the situation and allow the person to try to dislodge the object on his or her own This is the first step for all six situations: If you see someone who might be choking, don’t bust out the Heimlich right away. 1.

Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects. Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications, including: Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants): A 2011 study published in the journal Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that curcumin compared favorably to both drugs in reducing depressive behavior in an animal model. Resources [i] P Usharani, A A Mateen, M U R Naidu, Y S N Raju, Naval Chandra. Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV.

FitLifeTV Have you ever finished a workout and as you were leaving thought, "Well that could have gone a lot better"? Maybe you weren't as focused as needed to be. Maybe you were in there for too long. Maybe you just didn't feel like pushing it that day. If you're anything like me, then you know what it is like to have the occasional off-day. I'm here to give you 5 awesome ways to improve your workout. 1. Problem: The main reason why people spend too long in the gym is because they are taking TOO MUCH rest between sets. Solution: Next time you go to workout, bring a stopwatch (If you have a smartphone, that will work too). 2. Problem: You get to the gym and you're ready to hit the weights hard. In order to grow and improve, you need to increase the work you do each time you lift. Solution: Start keeping track of your workouts in a notebook and bring it with you every time you lift. 3. Solution: Get rid of all the distractions and immerse yourself in the most motivating music ever! 4. 5.

Auto-traitement Reiki - Positions suggérées Les positions suivantes, décrivant le déroulement d'un auto-traitement de Reiki, sont un fil conducteur qui n'est pas à suivre au sens strict. Il est important d'explorer ces positions avec curiosité et de les adapter à votre morphologie, selon votre ressenti. L'auto-traitement est un moyen d'explorer et d'apprivoiser votre corps. Utilisez-le pour partir à la découverte de vous-même et de votre sensibilité. Je vous encourage vivement à ne pas chronométrer chaque position, mais à laisser vos mains posées le temps qu'il vous semble nécessaire. L'auto-traitement de Reiki peut se pratiquer les yeux ouverts. Prenez le temps de ressentir chaque position et laissez remonter d'éventuelles émotions, si cela se présente. Chaque position doit être agréable pour vous, autant pour vos bras que pour la région traitée. N'hésitez pas à explorer d'autres positions que celles mentionnées ici.
