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8 Steps to Create Engaging Google Forms ( for Teachers )

8 Steps to Create Engaging Google Forms ( for Teachers )
Today's tutorial is on the use of Google forms. By the end of this guide you will be able to : Create a Google form with different questionsCustomize your Google Forms using a plethora of templatesShare your Google forms Embed your Forms in your Blog or websiteStep 1 Head over to your Google Docs and click on Create then on Form Step 2 Give your form a title and a description Step 3 Choose a background for your form to make it look cute. Step 4 Now you start filling up you form. and then choose which type of questions you want to use. Here is how each form looks like. Multiple choice questions Grid Scale Choose from a list Check-boxes Paragraph text Or just text Step 5 Click on " Add Other " to add the option other to your questions. Step 6 If you want to add page break to your form so that students answer a set of questions on one page and then click on continue to answer the others here is how to do it : Click on " add items " located at the bottom of the page and add the forms you want . Related:  explore

Quickly Add Speech Bubbles and Effects to Images is a simple service that anyone can use to add speech bubbles and some basic Instagram-like effects to your pictures. To use the service just upload a picture and choose a speech bubble. Drag your speech bubble into place then type your text. Applications for does not require any kind of registration to use which means that students don't have to have email addresses to use it. H/T to Larry Ferlazzo. Quest to learn : l’école où l’on joue à apprendre Malgré les multiples de tentatives de réformer l’éducation en France et ailleurs, le rapport entre l’élève, le professeur et la connaissance n’a guère changé : l’enseignant reste l’unique diffuseur du savoir. Quant à l’intégration des technologies, elle se limite souvent à la salle d’informatique où l’on apprend péniblement quelques fonctionnalités de Word. Ne parlons même pas des jeux vidéos, qui restent le grand Satan. Image : Katie Salen lors de la conférence Hacking Education organisée par l’Union Square Ventures en 2009. Autant d’attitudes dont Katie Salen prend le contrepied. Dans le cadre des rencontres organisées par le CRI (Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire), autour des nouveaux modèles d’apprentissage à l’école et de la place de l’enfant, elle a défendu le rôle de la technologie dans l’élaboration de projets communs dans lesquels l’expertise des élèves est reconnue au même titre que celle du professeur. Image : La home page de présentation de Quest to lean.

Quickly Add Speech Bubbles and Effects to Images is a simple service that anyone can use to add speech bubbles and some basic Instagram-like effects to your pictures. To use the service just upload a picture and choose a speech bubble. Drag your speech bubble into place then type your text. You can change the font style in your speech bubbles. Click the "add more drama" button to add one of four image shading effects. Applications for does not require any kind of registration to use which means that students don't have to have email addresses to use it. H/T to Larry Ferlazzo. La pédagogie active, selon Marcel Lebrun, doit… Prezi in PowerPoint? It's called pptPlex! - PowerPoint Tips Blog Did you know that Microsoft has a product that is similar to Prezi — sort of? It’s more structured, but still lets you give an overview of the entire presentation and then zoom into specific slides. (I wrote about Prezi here. Install pptPlex pptPlex is part of Microsoft Labs, a place for experimental software. Because pptPlex is experimental, you need to agree to send usage data to Microsoft, then click Next. Accept the agreement and click Install. Create a presentation for pptPlex You need to start by creating some slides using PowerPoint’s regular tools. Then, you need to organize those slides into sections. In PowerPoint 2007, there is no section feature, so it’s part of pptPlex. Configure pptPlex When your slides and sections are done, you insert a canvas background. (PowerPoint 2013 has a Slide Show view feature that lists the sections and lets you see all of the slides. Click the Canvas Background button on the pptPlex tab of the ribbon to select a background for the canvas.

Le maître a-t-il perdu le monopole du savoir ? « Quelle est la probabilité pour que mes étudiants aient déjà tapé sur Wikipédia le sujet de mon cours ? » se demande Michel Serres avant chaque amphi. Cette question, confiée lors d’un entretien à Libération en juin 2013, résume le bouleversement introduit par le numérique dans la relation entre le professeur et l’étudiant : le maître a perdu le monopole du savoir. À l’ère du numérique, l’étudiant ne dépend plus de son professeur pour trouver des informations et accéder au savoir. Il bénéficie de sources très diverses, accessibles en quelques clics, quel que soit le sujet : encyclopédies en ligne, blogs de spécialistes, vidéos explicatives, etc. Autant de ressources qui lui permettent aussi d’être plus actif : il accède à des points de vue contraires et peut discuter l’enseignement qu’il reçoit. Les savoirs et les compétences De la classe inversée... …à l’inversion des rôles

Beautiful web-based timeline software Easyclass - A Free Multilingual Online Course Management System Easyclass is a newer entry into the online course management market. When it comes to user interface, Easyclass lives up to its name by being quite easy to use. I was able to create a course in Easyclass in less than five minutes and at no point in that time was I wondering what to do next. On Easyclass you can host classroom discussions, post assignments, post resources for students, and deliver online quizzes to your students. Easyclass discussions and assignments allow you to post notes to the whole class. Through the quizzes option in Easyclass, you can create multiple choice, true/ false, or essay quizzes. Applications for Education If you don't currently have your course materials online and or don't have an online discussion component to your courses, give Easyclass a try. Easyclass is available in six languages; English, French, Turkish, Italian, Romanian, and Arabic. The video below provides an overview of some of the best features for teachers and students.
