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Quantified Self: The Ultimate Beginner's Guideand List of the Best Personal Data Tools Out There)

Quantified Self: The Ultimate Beginner's Guideand List of the Best Personal Data Tools Out There)
A transformation is happening. People, like you, are taking control of something conventional wisdom has told us is not ours to understand: our health. Why are we fat? What makes us feel sluggish? What causes our disease? Watch Ari Meisel explain how he cured his Crohn’s disease by following data. This is the Quantified Self. This is not new. The only difference today is the technology. Self-trackers are pushing the limits of personal health. As self-trackers are pushing the movement forward, entrepreneurs are helping it scale. Why this matters Where there are trends, there are opportunities. Crowdfunding sites are often a good indicator of market trends, and quantified self tools are among the most successful. Making it personal Are you becoming happier over time? Unfortunately, happiness, performance, productivity, and other variables in our lives are complex, confusing, and chaotic processes. What about your startup? Our daily lives are no different. Let’s change that. How to get started

Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through NumbersQuantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers Quantified Self et Big data – Santé 3.0 : sommes-nous prêts ?, Le Cercle Accueil Le Quantified Self, qui permet au patient de collecter et d'échanger ses propres données biométriques via des capteurs connectés, ouvre l'ère de la Santé 3.0. Couplée aux réseaux sociaux, la masse de données ainsi récoltée promet une médecine plus efficace et personnalisée, au meilleur coût. Patients, autorités, professionnels de santé, industrie : sommes-nous prêts à transformer l'essai ?(...) Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, pour en profiter abonnez-vous. Et aussi sur les Echos Les articles à la une Société "Cinq attentats déjoués" en France depuis janvier Interrogé sur France Inter, le Premier ministre est revenu sur la tentative d’attentat contre des églises qui a été déjoué dimanche dernier. Ce que l'on sait de l'attentat déjoué à Paris + INFOGRAPHIE ANIMÉE Quels sont les liens entre l’attentat déjoué dimanche 19 avril, le meurtre d’Aurélie Châtelain le même jour, la Syrie et les... La France à nouveau défiée par la menace terroriste à lire également sur les echos Recommandé par

Quantifying Myself As Gary mentioned in his earlier post, I track myself – 40 things about my body, mind, and activity – every day. The fact that I do this tracking seems to interest people. Whether they are driven by curiosity about the phenomenon of personal data collection, or by the desire for a yardstick by which to measure and compare themselves, the fascination exists. To address this interest, and by way of introducing myself as a hopefully regular guest blogger at The Quantified Self, I have put together a FAQ about my personal tracking. Read on and you’ll probably know more about me than you ever wanted to know. What data do I collect? - sleep (bed time, wake time, sleep quality, naps) - morning weight- daily caloric intake (each meal, total calculated at end of day) - mealtimes - mood (average of 3 positive and 3 negative factors on 0-5 scale) - day of menstrual cycle - sex (quantity, quality) - exercise (duration, type) The mood factors I measure every day are: 1. How do I track?

MyData Labs Wired's Wolf & Kelly Talk the Quantified Self Bio Thomas Goetz Thomas Goetz is executive editor of WIRED magazine and author of the book The Decision Tree: Taking Control of Your Health in the New Era of Personalized Medicine. Since Goetz joined WIRED in 2001, the magazine has been nominated for 18 National Magazine awards and has won nine times, including the top award for General Excellence three times. His cover stories at WIRED have been selected for both the Best American Science Writing and the Best Technology Writing anthologies. Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly cofounded WIRED in 1993 and served as executive editor of the magazine from its inception until 1999. Gary Wolf Gary Wolf cofounded the Quantified Self, a global collaboration among users and makers of self-tracking tools exploring “self-knowledge through numbers.” To download this program become a Front Row member.

Quantified Self Paris #8 Design - Quantified Self Show&Tell à Paris March 31 · 6:00 PM This location is shown only to members #QSParis8 - Réservez votre soirée du lundi 31 mars pour notre 8ème meetup consacré au rôle du design dans le Quantified Self. Production et Coordination - Remy Bourganel (UX) et Christophe Ducamp Le quantified-self adresse essentiellement l'audience des 'innovators' et commence à peine à toucher les 'early adopters'. Alors que les grands industriels des gadgets se lancent à la course des wearables, l'adoption de ces prothèses-capteurs par l' 'early majority' n'est pas un franc succès et ne saurait se faire sans une rupture avec des devices et des services qui pour l'instant créent de la fatigue cognitive à l'usage et ne répondent pas aux fondamentaux d'une expérience stimulante, engageante et signifiante, qui transcende la question technologique. Nous essayerons de couvrir ces points avec : Nicolas Géraud, consultant, innovation et sociologie des usages Edouard Wautier, designer, Withings

Sara | Not patient but im-patient Quantified self Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le quantified self (fr. mesure de soi[1]) est un mouvement qui regroupe les outils, les principes et les méthodes permettant à chacun de mesurer ses données personnelles, de les analyser et de les partager[2]. Les outils du quantified self peuvent être des objets connectés, des applications mobiles ou des applications Web. Nom et traduction[modifier | modifier le code] Le nom d’usage anglais de cette pratique est le « Quantified Self », parfois simplement abrégée « QS », soit traduit mot-à-mot le « soi quantifié »[3],[4], l’individu réalisant une évaluation quantitative systématique de son propre corps[5]. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] En France, dès 2000, des équipes françaises ont créé le site automesure[16] pour exposer le thème des techniques d'automesure des paramètres de santé dans un but médicalisé, mais aussi le développer dans la pratique médicale courante et la recherche. Méthodologie[modifier | modifier le code]

Announcing the uMotif Parkinson’s Tracker | Apologies that the site has been a bit quiet. We have been busy on a new project. A smartphone app for tracking Parkinson’s disease. As it happened, the NHS were looking to invest in new technologies that help patients follow their medicine regimes. Birkbeck Announcement: New app to help people with Parkinson’s Disease manage their medication Scientists at Birkbeck will be working with software company uMotif and the Cure Parkinson’s Trust to develop a smartphone app to help people with Parkinson’s Disease to track their symptoms and general well-being; give them medication reminders; and provide cognitive testing games.The project, funded by the Department of Health, aims to reduce the personal, social and economic costs incurred when patients deviate from their prescribed treatment regime.Dr Jon Stamford, from the Cure Parkinson’s Trust said: “Non-compliance with medicine regimes can have negative impacts for patients, their families and the wider NHS. PARKINSON’S MOVEMENT webinars

Lifelogging, An Inevitability The goal of lifelogging: to record and archive all information in one’s life. This includes all text, all visual information, all audio, all media activity, as well as all biological data from sensors on one’s body. The information would be archived for the benefit of the lifelogger, and shared with others in various degrees as controlled by him/her. Some form of this total recall is inevitable, at least for some people. The extreme form of lifelogging is very radical at the moment. The technical specs of recording every moment in your life are entirely plausible right now. A lifelog would offer these benefits; * A 24/7/365 monitoring of vital measurements such as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and presence or absence of bio-chemicals. * A digital memory of people you met, conversations you had, places you visited, and events you participated in. * A complete archive of your work and play, and your work habits. * A way of organizing, shaping, and “reading” your own life.

BBC on Parkinson's Scientists at Birkbeck will be working with software company uMotif and the Cure Parkinson’s Trust to develop a smartphone app to help people with Parkinson’s Disease to track their symptoms and general well-being; give them medication reminders; and provide cognitive testing games. The project, funded by the Department of Health, aims to reduce the personal, social and economic costs incurred when patients deviate from their prescribed treatment regime. Dr Jon Stamford, from the Cure Parkinson’s Trust said: “Non-compliance with medicine regimes can have negative impacts for patients, their families and the wider NHS. Finding ways to keep people on track with their medication, as well as keeping a record of their symptoms plays a very useful role in managing the condition.” Dr Addyman said: “Birkbeck are working with uMotif to create an app that will actually be useful to patients. Partner contact details - Bruce Hellman, uMotif,, @uMotif

Biosignal Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le terme Biosignal est le terme récapitulatif pour toutes sortes de signaux électriques physiologiques qui peuvent être mesurés à partir des êtres vivants. Signaux physiologiques mesurés[modifier | modifier le code] ECG, Électrocardiogramme: battements du cœur.EMG, Électromyogramme: État de tension des muscles.EEG, Électroencéphalogramme: ondes cérébrales.ERG, Électrorétinogramme : Réponse électrique des photorécepteurs excitésGSR, Galvanic Skin-Response: résistance de la peau.EGEG, Estomac, intestins, Electrogastrogram (Wikipedia (en)).VRC, Variabilité de fréquence cardiaque, battement par battement, utilisée en cohérence cardiaque. Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Biofeedback Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Portail de la médecine

The Wearable, Implantable, Personalized Future of Medicine As a child, you could always count on it, even after--especially after--you struck out playing T-ball, forgot your only line in the grade school play, and came home with chalk in your nose because you took the schoolyard dare. No matter what, your mom would hug you and tell you that you were special. Turns out, she was right. Each of us is special and unique among the roughly 7 billion humans on this planet. Suppose you’re now middle aged and chest pains send you to a physician. Today, your physician would run diagnostic tests, compare your current health and test results to that of a typical human of your age and gender, and treat your disease accordingly. That is all about to change. Your physician will compare your current health to the best possible baseline. Continued advances in microfluidics, nanotechnology, microelectronics and robotics are rapidly reducing the cost of genome sequencing and metabolic characterization. This will be great news if you are sick.

Quantified self, m-santé : le corps est il un nouvel objet connecté Qu’est-ce que le quantified self ? Le quantified self ou le « soi quantifié » renvoie à un ensemble de pratiques variées qui ont toutes pour point commun, de mesurer et de comparer avec d’autres personnes des variables relatives à son mode de vie : nutrition, activités physiques, poids, sommeil… Que ce soit au travers d’une application mobile de santé ou d’une balance connectée ces usages se fondent sur des captures de données de plus en plus automatisées et induisent la circulation de grandes masses de données personnelles parfois intimes. Ces échanges de données se font à l’initiative des individus eux-mêmes qui souhaitent partager leurs données ; ils aliment aussi les modèles économiques de ce marché émergent. Quelles applications aujourd’hui et demain ? Aujourd’hui, il s’agit essentiellement de bracelets, de podomètres, de montres ou d’applications mobiles recourant aux capteurs du smartphone. En quoi a consisté le travail prospectif de la CNIL ? Participants : Dr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
